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The Spirits and Angels Present with Us

The Spirits and Angels Present with Us. By Todd Beiswenger. Spirit versus Angel. Spirit A person who has passed on, but has not made it to heaven or hell* Living in the World of Spirits. Angel A good person, who has gone through the WoS and moved to a higher level.

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The Spirits and Angels Present with Us

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  1. The Spirits and Angels Present with Us By Todd Beiswenger

  2. Spirit versus Angel Spirit A person who has passed on, but has not made it to heaven or hell* Living in the World of Spirits Angel A good person, who has gone through the WoS and moved to a higher level.

  3. There is nothing that a person thinks or wills that can originate from himself. Rather, everything flows into him... I realize that this will appear to be utter nonsense because it is contrary to the appearance, but actual experience will settle the truth of the matter. AC 5846 Hard to believe, but...

  4. Open communication “was in time closed…as [humanity] began to think about the world and little about heaven, and especially when he no longer believed that there is a heaven or a hell…” (AC 7802) Not always hard to believe

  5. Our Connection to God To enable the Lord's life to flow in and be received by people in accordance with all His law, angels and spirits are present with them constantly AC 5848

  6. Associate Spirits

  7. Actually Two of Each The two spirits adjoined to man cause him to be in communication with hell, and the two angels cause him to be in communication with heaven. Without communication with heaven and hell, man could not live even a moment. If these communications were taken away, the man would fall dead as a stock; for then would be taken away the connection with the First Esse, that is, with the Lord. AC 5849

  8. Maybe more... At least two evil spirits and two angels are present with every man. Through the evil spirits a person is in communication with hell, and through the angels with heaven. Without communication in both directions no one can survive for the smallest fraction of time. Everybody is accordingly in contact with some community of those in hell, though he is not directly conscious of it.

  9. Their torments however cannot be transmitted to him because he is still in the process of being prepared for eternal life. That community to which he has been allied is sometimes shown to him in the next life, for he goes back to it and so to the life which he led in the world. And from this point he either makes his way towards hell or is raised up into heaven. AC 697

  10. Why is it done this way? General Influx - Passes into whatever exists in a state of order - e.g., animals, they know what they need to know Particular Influx - Influx that comes via spirits and angels - Humans live outside of order

  11. Who is with us? In general what kinds of spirits are present with a person is determined by the character of the person himself. A person attracts to himself spirits from hell who match his way of life. AC 5851

  12. Who is with you? [W]hen anyone thinks affectionately about someone else, with the focused intent of seeing or talking with that other individual, there is an instantaneous presence. AC 50

  13. Our Spirits Change The same spirits do not remain with a person permanently but are changed according to how the person's states undergo change - the states of his affection, that is, of his love and the ends he has in view. AC 5851

  14. Moving Closer, Farther The angels turn aside ends that are evil and introduce ones that are good. If this is not possible they withdraw; and the less possible it is, the further they withdraw and the more remote the position is from which they inflow, with the result that the evil spirits draw closer. For the angels cannot be present within evil ends, that is, within self-love and love of the world; even so, they remain present, but remotely so. AC 5854

  15. Psychic Contact The spirits who come to a person enter into his whole memory and all the knowledge he has in his memory. AC 5853

  16. Hard to believe... Before the way was opened that enabled me to talk to spirits I had been of the opinion that no one except God alone - no spirit or any angel - could possibly know and perceive my thoughts since they were within me. Then one day something happened; I noticed that a certain spirit knew what I was thinking, for he spoke a few words to me about the things I was thinking, and he used a certain sign to indicate his presence. I was dumbfounded by this, above all by the fact that he knew my thoughts.

  17. The experience proved to me how difficult it is for a person to believe that a spirit can know what he is thinking, when in fact a spirit can know not only the thoughts of which a person himself is aware but also the smallest details of the thoughts and affections of which a person is not aware. Indeed the spirit can know things the person can never be aware of during his lifetime. AC 5855

  18. Spirits Don't Know It All Much experience has taught me that anything spirits think or say by drawing on a person's memory they regard as their own, existing within themselves. If told that their idea is not true they are highly indignant; for that kind of sensory illusion holds sway among them. AC 5858

  19. Careful Who You Listen To. When a person enters the next life he takes with him his lack of belief that any spirit at all is present with him, let alone one from hell. He is therefore shown, if he so wishes, the community of spirits with which he has been in contact and from which the spirits present with him had been sent out. Also, after several states which he must pass through first, he finally returns to the same community, because that community had acted in unison with the love in him which has gained control. AC 5861

  20. Clean Your House Spirits were with me who did not know that I could speak with spirits. It pleased them that spirits rule the man, and that they are the man; but it displeased them that the man answers back, that he explores their genius, and that he rules them. (SE 68)

  21. Head and Heart “spirits present with us who are feeling the way we are” DP 50

  22. Present, but don't know it The spirits present with a person do not know that they are present with him. Only an angel from the Lord knows that he is present, for angels are linked to a person's soul or spirit, but not to his body. AC 5862

  23. Communication “We are allowed to talk with spirits (though rarely with angels of heaven), and many people have been allowed to for centuries” (DP 135).

  24. Lies! they “indulge in the pleasures of the body” and deny any possibility of a life after death. People who are like this have spirits with them who “prompt man to indulge his natural inclination,” and the only way they can escape these spirits is to “think about eternal life” (AC 6201).

  25. Stealth Evil [T]hey were subtle spirits placed in concealment; and they gave heed to all the changes of thought and affection, and continually endeavored to pervert these into lascivious adultery, by seductively persuading. SE 4784

  26. Hell's Goal Everything he thinks and does will be in some relation to that evil, and bringing delight to the hell that they are associated with (AC 6203).

  27. Evil Spirits Flee! “The order of influx is that evil spirits first flow in, and angels disperse them” (AC 6308).

  28. Afterlife You have prayed to be instructed about heaven and hell; inquire and learn what delight is, and you will know. (TCR 570)

  29. Just more of the same! To all who have, it will be given, and they will have more abundantly" (Matthew 13:12; 25:29)

  30. Kids get it!

  31. Careful what you love! The angels asked, "What is your delight?" They said that it was delight in whoredom, revenge, fraud, and blasphemy. Again the angels asked, "What is the nature of those delights with you?"

  32. They said that they were felt by others like the fetid smells from dung, the putrid smells from dead bodies, and the pungent smells from stagnant urine. The angels then asked, "Are these things delightful to you?" They answered, "Most delightful." (TCR 570.7)

  33. Your loves will guide you

  34. Making a vibe Every spirit has his own sphere, and every community of spirits even more so, which emanates from the assumptions and the persuasions he has adopted. This sphere is that of his assumptions and persuasions. SD 1510

  35. Create your sphere It was manifestly represented according to a spiritual idea, not only that there is... a sphere of spirits round about man, and that man is one of those who are in the sphere, but it appeared to me as if man was, as it were, a certain solid point, around whom was that sphere; for while man is in the body, then are his terrestrial parts represented by such a solid point, like as terraqueous globes are surrounded by their atmospheric spheres

  36. but when his corporeal parts are laid aside, he becomes as one of the spirits, and is in that sphere like as a spirit. That such a sphere of spirits is diffused about, of greater or lesser extent; a sphere of powers acting through spirits, or one of efforts [conatus], was also manifestly shown to the spirits around me, who acknowledged and perceived such an arrangement, and said that they plainly perceive it. SD 2087

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