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RNA Pseudo-Torsions

RNA Pseudo-Torsions. Kevin Keating, Leven Wadley, and Anna Marie Pyle. What are Pseudo-Torsions?. Two torsions per residue Uses P, C4’ η ≈ α + β + γ θ ≈ δ + ε + ζ. How do you use them?. Can plot residues on 2D plot Similar to Ramachandran plot. How do you use them?.

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RNA Pseudo-Torsions

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  1. RNA Pseudo-Torsions Kevin Keating, Leven Wadley, and Anna Marie Pyle

  2. What are Pseudo-Torsions? • Two torsions per residue • Uses P, C4’ • η≈α+β+γ • θ≈δ+ε+ζ

  3. How do you use them? • Can plot residues on 2D plot • Similar to Ramachandran plot

  4. How do you use them? • One pair of η-θ values corresponds to a residue • (or θ-η values to a suite) • Residues with similar η-θ values have similar structure • Based on RMSD analysis

  5. How do you use them? • Similar residues fall in similar areas of the plot

  6. What are they good for? • Find known motifs • Search for new motifs • Compare tertiary structures • Structure validation • Duarte and Pyle. JMB 284 (1998), 1465-1478 • Duarte, Wadley, and Pyle. NAR 31 (2003), 4755-4761 • Wadley and Pyle. NAR 32 (2004), 6650-6659

  7. The Worm • Trace η-θ values along the backbone

  8. Structure Comparison • Can plot the difference in η-θ values between two structures 50S ribosome with clarithromycin vs. chloramphemicol 30S ribosome with/without tRNA

  9. All-Angle Analysis • Psuedo-torsional approach complements other methods • Agrees with rotameric analysis • Examined θ-η values

  10. All-Angle Analysis • All-angle analysis nearly impossible in low resolution • At 3-5 Å, can’t accurately fit 6 bonds into density • Far easier to fit 2 bonds • Low resolution η-θ plots almost identical to higher resolution plots

  11. Low Resolution ≤ 3.0 Å 4.5 Å structure of 30S ribosome (1I95)

  12. All-Angle Analysis • Pseudo-torsions can’t directly provide precise backbone structure • Can indirectly provide information about rotamer

  13. Conclusions • Psuedo-torsions useful at both high and low resolutions • Complement all-angle methods • Should be developed in parallel with other methods • Ex: solve crystal structure by first finding pseudo-torsions • Then selecting appropriate all-angle rotamer

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