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Faculty of Economics and Business

Discover the rich history and innovative programs of the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven. Explore the mission, vision, and educational programs aimed at preparing students for successful careers. Learn about the diverse curriculum, international partnerships, and core disciplines offered by FEB.

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Faculty of Economics and Business

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  1. Faculty of Economicsand Business International Staff Training Week 2019 Ingeborg Vandenbulcke, Head of FEB International Office

  2. Agenda • Welcome • Who are we? • Programme • QuestionsandAnswers

  3. Welcome

  4. A highly ranked university #48 in theTimes HigherEducationWorld University Ranking (2019) #1 Europeanuniversity in theReuters World Ranking of Most InnovativeUniversities(2016,2017, 2018); #7 in theworld (2018) #81 in theQS World University Ranking (2018) #6 The sixthuniversity in the European CommissionHorizon 2020programme #10 The tenthuniversity in theERCgrants programme with over 110 projects

  5. 1425 KU Leuven foundedbypapal bull 1929 Start of the Economics programme 1897 Foundation of a School for Commercial and Consular Sciences (withintheLaw Faculty) 1950 Foundation of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences 1965 Foundation of KULAK campus in Kortrijk 1944 Start of the Business Engineering programme 1967 Start of the MBA programme 2002 Twelveuniversitycollges enter intoanassociationwith KU Leuven 1971 Seperate Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics 2006 Transformationfromtwoto five research departments 1999 Participation in Vlerick Business School (MBA) 2012 Successful Research Assessment ExerciseforFEB’s research departments and centres 2013 NVAO accreditationforallBachelor’s and Master’sdegrees & Intigration of Brussels and Antwerpcampuses 2014 EQUIS accreditation 2017 EQUIS accreditationrenewedfor 5-years

  6. An International Faculty 7,294 DegreeStudents 4 Campuses Antwerp, Brussels, Kortrijk, Leuven 1,675 International Students 450+ International exchange students 500+ Outbound exchange students

  7. FEB’sMission

  8. Mission statement A FEB education aims to prepare students for successful entrepreneurial endeavours and careers in the corporate world, in national and international public policy-making, or in research. To achieve this the FEB offers high-quality, research-based degree programmes in the fields of both economics and business, and from Bachelor to PhD. Secondly, the FEB wants to foster research with high academic and societal impact, and high visibility in the corporate world. The FEB’s ambition is to be the leading learning and research community in Belgium and to excel in the different research subfields the school hosts, thereby deserving its high rank among the top of European schools of Economics and Business. To achieve these twin primary objectives, the FEB wants to develop a stimulating environment for staff and students, in which they feel free to develop their innovative, ethical and entrepreneurial expertise in education, research and business, whilst emphasizing the role of economic policy and business in the greater society and keeping a global focus through international exchanges and cooperation.

  9. Vision on teaching and learning A FEB education aims to prepare students for successful entrepreneurial endeavours and careers in the corporate world, in national and international public policy-making, or in research. To achieve this the FEB offers high-quality, research-based degree programmes in the fields of both economics and business, and from bachelor to PhD. FEB … • strives towards a mutual interaction between research and education; teaching is informed by research, and research is informed by teaching • complements its study programmes with a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities intended to develop professional skills. A focus on immersion in real business, corporate or management environments completes the educational concept   • explicitly focuses on interdisciplinarity, supplementing the study of (business) economics and administration with a considerable input from other disciplines, including the sciences and engineering sciences • stimulates internationalization, as well as inward and outward mobility within an excellent network of international partners worldwide • fosters the dialogue between all stakeholders in teaching and learning.

  10. FEB’sProgramme Portfolio

  11. Coreprogrammestaught in English MASTER (1 year) Business Administration In English 1/14 tracks General management tracks • Leadershipand Change Management (B) • Sustainability Management (B) • Strategic Business Management (A) • Strategy, InnovationandEntrepreneurship (B) • International Business (A) • European and International Relations (B) • European Public Management (B) Specialisation tracks • A ccounting (B) • Business Information Management (B) • Corporate Finance (A) • International andSustainableFlinance (B) • International Marketing Management (A) • Strategic Marketing Management (B) • Global Logisticsand Port Management (A) MASTER (1 year) Business Economics In English Majors in: • Entrepreneurship • Financial Economics • International Business, StrategyandInnovation • Marketing • Accounting and Financial Management MASTER (1 year) Economics In English Specialisation in: • Resesarch in Economics • Financial Economics • General Economics BA (3 years) Economics Dutch programme, withmanycourses taught in English A solid education across the field of economics, encouraging logical thought and detailed analysis of economic issues BA (3 years) Business Economics Dutch programme, withmanycourses taught in English Economic issues and problems related to business organisation, management, strategy and entrepreneurship BA (3 years) Business Administration In English Business studies focusing on strategy, management andentrepreneurship, taughttoaninternationalgroup of students BA Brussels MA Brussels & Antwerp Leuven Leuven

  12. Coreprogrammestaught in English MASTER (2 years-120 ECTS) Business Engineering In English Majors Brussels • Quantitative Data Analytics • Technology andInnovation Management • Finance Majors Leuven • Accounting and Financial Management • Risk and Finance • Marketing • ProductionandLogistics • Data Scienceand Business Analytics • Industry, Global Value Chainsand New Technologies • Technology andEntrepreneurship MASTER (2 years-120 ECTS) Business and Information Systems Engineering In English Specialisations: • Architecture, Infrastructure and Big Data • Data Science • Information Systems and Technology/Entrepreneurship • IS and Human/Computer Communication • IS andProduction/Logistics • IS and Marketing • IS and Accountancy/Finance/Risk BA (3 years) Business and Information Systems Engineering Dutch programme, withmanycourses taught in English Business Studies with a focus on management science and information systems BA (3 years) Business Engineering Dutch programme, withmany courses taught in English Business Studies combining management scienceand business economicswithtechnologyand engineering (Brussels and)Leuven Leuven

  13. Master programmestaught in English Leuven Master of Science in Information Management 1 year - 60 ECTS Non-technical training in information management, with an emphasis on the efficient and effective application and management of information technology in various business contexts Master of Science in Financial Economics Master of Science in Actuarialand Financial Engineering 2 years- 120 ECTS Expanding students’ understanding of current and future problems and solutions in insurance and banking; focus on up-to-date, sound and advanced financial, actuarial and statistical skills (Advanced ) Master of Science in Advanced Studies in Economics 1 year- 60 ECTS Programme which takes students with an economic background closer to the research frontier in economics; advanced theoretical and empirical tools to analyseconcrete economic problems Brussels Master of Science in International Business Economics and Management 1 year- 60 ECTS (up to 27 ECTS prep. programme) Programme targeting non-economic academic graduates, offering a deep insight into all major disciplines of business economics and management. Strong international focus. Master of Science in Advanced Studies in Economics

  14. AdmissionRequirements • General admission • Bachelor’s: high school diploma thatgrants access to research-basedhighereducation in country of issue • Master’s: first degreewhich is equivalent totheFlemishdegree • Language test • IELTS 7.0 (min. Subscores 6.0) • TOEFL iBT94/PBT575/CBT233 (min. subscores 20) • CAE/CPE: overall score 180 • GMAT/GRE • Requiredforall master programmes (score varies per programme) for non-EEA students • SAT/ACT • Requiredfor bachelor programmefor non-EEA students • APS certificatefor Chinese students

  15. AcademicCalendar 2018-2019

  16. AcademicCalendar 2018-2019

  17. FEB’sResearch

  18. A highly ranked university FacultyCentres Centre for Economics and Ethics (CEE) Research Centre on Insurance and Financial Risk Management (LRISK) BehavioralEconomics and Engineering (BEE) Centre of Expertise on Labour Market Monitoring (CELM) Centrefor Research and Development Monitoring (ECOOM) LeuvenEconomics of Education Research (LEER) CentreforInstitutions and Economic Performance (LICOS) Research Centre forRegionalEconomics (VIVES) Fields of Research Accountancy, Finance and Insurance Economics Decision Sciences and Information Management Management,Strategy and Innovation Marketing Sustainability Work and Organisation Studies

  19. Top journals in which faculty published (2016-2018 – Sample) • American Economic Review • Academy of Management Annals • Accounting, Organisations and Society • Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application • American Political Science Review • Decision Support Systems • Econometrica • Enterprise Information Systems • European Journal of Operational Research • Food Policy • Global Environmental Change • Journal of Accounting & Economics • Journal of Financial Economics • Journal of Economic Geography • Journal of Informetrics • Journal of Management • Journal of Management Studies • Journal of Marketing • Journal of Statistical Software • Management Science • MIT Sloan Management Review • Nature • Operations Research • Organization Studies • Research Policy • Review of Economics and Statistics • Science • Strategic Management Journal • The Review of Economic Studies • Transportation Research Part B

  20. Research Chairs

  21. Research and ValorisationCharacteristics Rigorous research with high academic impact, while relevant to policy, business and society as a whole Commitment to a bottom-up approach for research, combined with quality assurance and evaluation A broad spectrum of disciplines that contribute to a true multidisciplinary character of the Faculty A balance between fundamental and applied research and strong cross-pollination with education, policy and government, and the corporate world Three structured doctoral programmes that guarantee a high level and quality of PhD graduates leading to impressive placement Faculty of Business and Economics - 2018

  22. FEBInternationalisation

  23. International Policy Plan 2018-2022 Provide a truly international experience to our students and staff and to connect them to global markets and opportunities, while making sure that our stakeholders know about it and value it. • Attract and fully integrate top performing international faculty • Attract excellent PhD students and support their (international) placement • Recruit well performing international degree students and create leverage for quality of education • Develop ‘globally competent’ graduates • Ensure embedding in international networks and enhance global visibility of FEB

  24. FEB Student Mobility • 140 exchange agreements in Europe • 60 exchange agreementsoutside Europe Partner criteria: • Ranking: top 200 global rankings (THE, QS or other) + subject rankings; or top in country • (International) accreditations (epas/equis, AACSB) + FT listings • International outlook, networkandactivity • Programme matches: preference to partners with multiple DD opportunities • Multi (bi) lingual campus • Attractivity to students in terms of location (and expected reciprocity) • Potential for structural collaboration Faculty of Economics and Business

  25. FEB Student Mobility • 140 exchange agreements in Europe • 60 exchange agreementsoutside Europe Partner criteria: • Ranking: top 200 global rankings (THE, QS or other) + subject rankings; or top in country • (International) accreditations (epas/equis, AACSB) + FT listings • International outlook, networkandactivity • Programme matches: preference to partners with multiple DD opportunities • Multi (bi) lingual campus • Attractivity to students in terms of location (and expected reciprocity) • Potential for structural collaboration Faculty of Economics and Business

  26. FEB’s Partner Network 2018

  27. Europe Inside Out 2019 FEB’s Short Term Programme • Time: July 1-14 2019 • Registration deadline: May 1 2019 • Place: Leuven • Focus: Europe • Modules: • Doing business with Europe(ans) • Politics and policies in Europe • Social and cultural interactions • Innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe • More info

  28. International Alumni Chapters 11 International Alumni Chapters in 4 continents ± 55,000 international alumni Characteristics of an international alumni chapter » Mission: promote, support anddevelopinitiativesthat foster links and relations between alumni, students, researchers, … » Ambassadors of KU Leuven » Led by a steering committee of local volunteers » Open network: no membership, no fee

  29. International networks Prominent position in European higher academic education One of the leading research institutions in Europe 21 Europeanresearch universities Established in 2002 Approximately 850 institutions in 47 countries Established in 2001 37 Europeanmulti-disciplinaryuniversities Established in 1985

  30. Thisweek’sprogramme

  31. More onthe Faculty of Economics and Business KU Leuven • www.feb.kuleuven.be/eng • facebook.com/feb.kuleuven • twitter.com/FEBkuleuven

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