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A Dynamic Visualization of Core-2 Duo Interrupts

Explore real-time visualization of machine workings using Linux OS utilities and root privileges. Learn about interrupts, kernel space, user space, and hardware devices.

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A Dynamic Visualization of Core-2 Duo Interrupts

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  1. A Dynamic Visualization of Core-2 Duo Interrupts Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco 17 September 2009

  2. Organization of this Talk • This talk is about “using the computer to study the computer” • The focus here will be on using a recent version of the Linux operating system on your personal computer, where you can use “free” utilities -- and can exercise a few “root” privileges Dynamic Visualization Its General Thesis Core-2 Duo Interrupts Its Specific Application

  3. ‘Dynamic Visualization’ • This refers to a type of computer program which can show us some volatile aspects of a machine’s inner workings in real time • Without the ability to “see” these activities we are left simply to try and imagine what they are like -- never quite feeling certain • Such visualizations often reveal aspects which our textbooks forgot to mention!

  4. UNIX’s ‘top’ utility This program lets a user see some volatile information from inside the kernel; however, it’s not really being displayed in real time since it only gets updated about once every 3 seconds – still it does help us to understand ‘timesharing’.

  5. The software ‘architecture’ kernel space (unrestricted privileges) user space (restricted privileges) Linux operating system syscall shared function libraries (e.g., ‘printf()’) sysret ret in out call application program (e.g., ‘top’) hardware devices

  6. The software ‘architecture’ kernel space (unrestricted privileges) user space (restricted privileges) Linux operating system syscall shared function libraries (e.g., ‘printf()’) sysret LKM ret in out call application program (e.g., ‘top’) hardware devices LKM = Linux Kernel Module

  7. Formatting screen-output • The Linux operating system is written in C -- plus some “inline” assembly language, and a large portion of the shared libraries and standard system utilities are in C/C++ • Using functions like ‘printf()’ you can very quickly write C/C++ code that will output data values in a humanly-readable form • There’s similar kernel-function: ‘printk()’

  8. The ‘teletype’ model • But the usual way C/C++ programs output text to consoles (or to desktop windows) is unsuitable for doing dynamic visualizations • It’s based on a software emulation of early teletype terminals, where a new character gets added at the end of earlier text, until the screen fills and is then scrolled upward • A cursor blinks where the next text will go

  9. Non-canonical I/O • Our ‘dynamic’ visualizations will require us to employ ‘full-screen’ terminal-output and ‘un-buffered’ terminal-input, with no ‘echo’ of keystrokes, and with no flashing cursor or upward-scrolling screen Hello, world_

  10. ANSI ‘escape’ codes • There are standard control-codes we can use in ‘printf()’ statements to achieve our ‘draw anywhere’ and ‘hide cursor’ goals: printf( “\e[H\e[J” ); // erase the entire display printf( “\e[?25l” ); // make the cursor disappear // draw a textstring at the center of the 80-by-25 screen int row = 12, column = 40; printf( “\e[%d;%dH%s”, row, column, “Hello” ); fflush( stdout ); // flush the output buffer

  11. ‘struct termios’ • We can use the ‘tcgetattr()’ and ‘tcsetattr()’ library functions to install changes to the data that controls our terminal’s behavior user space kernel space tcgetattr() struct termios struct termios tcsetattr() struct termios

  12. Our ‘visualization’ application • It consists of two ‘pieces’ of code: • a user-program, written in C++ • a kernel-module, written in C // activity.cpp #include <stdio.h> #include <termios.h> int main( void ) { } // activity.c #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h> #include <asm/uaccess.h> int init_module( void ) { } void cleanup_module( void ) { } compiled using g++ compiled using mmake

  13. What are ‘interrupts’? • Normally a CPU inside our computer is fetching and executing our sequence of program-instructions from a contiguous region of the system’s main memory • But occasionally some peripheral device undergoes a change in its state, and our system needs to take note of it promptly • An ‘interrupt’ is the signaling of that event to the CPU so it’s dealt with appropriately

  14. System-component overview Core-2 Duo CPU 0 CPU 1 Graphics MCH DRAM ICH USB Hub Ethernet Real-Time Clock Disk Drives Audio CD/DVD Camera Keyboard Printer Mouse MCH = Memory Controller Hub ICH = I/O Controller Hub

  15. Some examples • The system needs to take note promptly when: • your keyboard has a key that’s been pressed • your mouse has been moved, or ‘clicked’ • your network controller has received a packet • your internal clock’s time has been advanced • your disk controller has finished saving a file • your printer’s running low on paper or toner • your application’s ‘time-slice’ has expired • Each of these needs a different CPU response

  16. Interrupt ‘handlers’ • Your operating system includes all of the code-fragments for responding to any of the events that could ‘interrupt’ the CPU • They’re called ‘Interrupt Service Routines’, and the addresses of their entry-points are stored within an array, known as the IDT, whose location and size are held in a CPU register that’s dedicated to that purpose

  17. ISRs, IDT and the IDTR Main Memory Central Processing Unit isr_kbd: ... iret isr_prn: ... iret EFLAGS Interrupt Service Routines (aka ‘interrupt handlers’) isr_rtc: ... iret EIP isr_dvd: ... iret ESP . . . EBP EAX EBX . . . Interrupt Descriptor Table IDTR

  18. ‘Gate’ descriptors • The Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) has room for up to 256 entries (called ‘gates’): 32-bits offset[31..16] type and access attributes reserved (=0) bytes 7,6,5,4 code-segment selector offset[15..0] bytes 3,2,1,0 The peculiar arrangement of this information, in which the 32-bit offset’s value is split into a pair of non-adjacent 16-bit fields, is due to the history of Intel’s earlier processor-architecture and its commitment to ‘backward compatibility’

  19. Some questions… • A typical PC doesn’t have 256 peripherals attached to it! So, is the IDT-array larger than is really necessary? • The interruption-requests coming from the various devices will be occurring at times that application-programs cannot predict! So how often will this be happening, and how likely is it to ‘degrade’ performance?

  20. Let’s take a look • Our ‘dynamic visualization’ will let us view all the various interrupt occurrences -- asthey are happening (i.e., in ‘real time’) This is a static screenshot of our interrupt activity ‘visualization’

  21. Our source-code (6 pages) activity.c activity.cpp

  22. Our SMP version The ‘enhanced’ version of our visualization shows separate interrupt-counters for each of the two ‘logical’ processors inside our Core-2 Duo Linux platform

  23. APIC components Core-2 Duo Each CPU contains its own Local-APIC with a ‘processor-ID’ register CPU 0 CPU 1 Local-APIC Local-APIC Graphics MCH DRAM ICH USB Hub Ethernet Real-Time Clock Disk Drives Audio CD/DVD I/O-APIC Camera Keyboard Printer Mouse The I/O Controller Hub contains the so-called I/O-APIC whose registers control routing of Interrupt Request signals (IRQs) to specific interrupts (INTs) on one or more of the logical CPUs that are present in a system

  24. Linux’s interrupt assignments The kernel developers frequently make changes to their interrupt routing for uniprocessor versus multiprocessor platforms, or 32-bit versus 64-bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Reserved by Intel 0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x40 0x50 0x60 0x70 0x80 0x90 0xA0 0xB0 0xC0 0xD0 0xE0 0xF0 Not in use with SMP Legacy PIC interrupts Assigned for use by IO-APIC interrupts or ‘Message-Signaled’ interrupts (or unused) Local-APIC interrupts …but usage is usually documented in Linux’s <asm/irq_vectors.h> kernel header

  25. Writing LKM code • The first two chapters of this O’Reilly book teaches how to write Linux kernel modules • You can use kernel ‘helper’ functions -- • to allocate kernel memory: kmalloc() • to create ‘pseudo’ files: create_proc_entry() • to execute code on another CPU: smp_call_function() • to insert “inline” assembly language statements: asm()

  26. Our module’s organization . . . *oldidt *newidt Our module’s ‘global’ data n_interrupts[ 256 ] original_isr[ 256 ] several module helper-functions… includes 256 ISR “hooks” written in in assembly language my_open() Our module’s ‘payload’ of file-operation methods my_read() my_write() The pseudo-file’s struct of method-pointers my_fops{ } init_module() Our module’s two required administrative functions cleanup_module()

  27. We ‘hook’ every ISR • We build a new Interrupt Descriptor Table whose entries point to our own set of very short interrupt-handler routines: each will simply increment a counter, then transfer control to the usual Linux interrupt-handler • This is NOT a new idea! It’s been used in PCs for at least thirty years, although only one or two interrupts got ‘hooked’ typically

  28. How ‘hooking’ works Our substitute ISR will increment the count of its previous interrupts… original IDT n_interrupts[ … ] substitute IDT original ISR substitute ISR isr: ... iret isr: ... ret IDTR …then the substitute ISR puts the address of the original ISR on top of its stack, so that it can transfer control there merely by executing a ‘ret’ instruction

  29. …so, use a ‘repeat-macro’ ☻ We really didn’t want to type in the code for over two-hundred separate assembly language routines… .text .type isr_entry, @function .align 16 isr_entry: n = 0 .rept 256 pushl $n jmp ahead .align 16 n = n+1 .endr ahead: push %ebp mov %esp, %ebp push %eax push %ebx mov 4(%ebp), %ebx incl n_interrupts(, %ebx, 4) mov original_isr(, %ebx, 4), %eax mov %eax, 4(%ebp) pop %ebx pop %eax pop %ebp ret

  30. Compiling and Installing • Compiling a kernel module for Linux 2.6.x is inherently complicated, so we wrote a utility (‘mmake.cpp’) that does it easily: $ ./mmake activity.c • To install the compiled ‘kernel object’ in a running kernel is a step that normally will require ‘root’ privileges: # /sbin/insmod activity.ko

  31. Some exercises to try • Can you modify our LKMs (‘activity.c’ and ‘smpwatch.c’) to use with a 64-bit kernel? • Can you see what changes will be needed if you want a ‘dynamic visualization’ of all the interrupts on a multiprocessor platform with more than two CPUs? (Core-2 Quad) • Can you imagine other kinds of ‘dynamic visualizations’ that would be enlightening?

  32. Website resources • You can download the source-code for all the demos discussed during this talk from this website: <http://cs.usfca.edu/~cruse> • You can obtain the newest versions of the Linux kernel source-code from this site: <http://www.kernel.org>

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