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Postsecondary Education Participants System Training Guide September 2013 Volume IV (Visit our webpage @ www2.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/PEPS). INDEX - Volume IV Page OPE ID Crosswalk 4 Federal School code 12
Postsecondary Education Participants System Training Guide September 2013 Volume IV (Visit our webpage @ www2.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/PEPS)
INDEX - Volume IV Page • OPE ID Crosswalk 4 • Federal School code 12 • Funding 18 • AAA Monitoring 23 • Closed Schools 31 • Default Management: • By School 43 • By Rate 48 • Perkins Rates 62 • Financial Partners: • Review Query 65 • Review Detail 76 • Review Deficiency Query 78 • Review Deficiency Detail 81
INDEX - Volume IV continued Page • Online Queries and Data Extracts: • Comparison Operators 83 • Query Words 84 • Excel Hints for File Download 85 • Location Information Queries 87 • How to convert data extracts into Excel 96
OPE ID Crosswalk - From the main menu select “School”, from the first drop down box select “OPE ID Crosswalk”.
The “Alternative Identifier” (Pepsd240) screen will display. Should the school have more numbers listed, you would view the other identifiers by using the scroll bar on the right side of the screen. Let’s change the ‘OPE-ID’ in order to view the data of another school. Select the “Enter Query/Find Last” icon.
The screen is clear; note that the cursor is now in the ‘Type’ field within the ‘Lower Block’ of the screen. Select the “Switch Blocks/Cancel Query” icon to move the cursor up into the ‘Header Block’.
Enter “003401” in the ‘OPE-ID’ field and select the “Find” icon.
The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display. Select the “OK” button to continue.
The screen displays all identifiers (i.e.numbers) associated with ‘OPE-ID 00340100’. To view any additional location’s identifiers for this main school, select the “Switch Box” (red up/down arrows) located to the right of the ‘OPE-ID’ field under the school ‘Name’ field.
The screen will display all active (i.e. approved) locations for this school. Select additional location “01” (00340101) and the “OK” button.
The screen will display all numbers associated with additional location “01”. Select the “Exit” icon.
Federal School Code - From the main menu bar select “School”, from the first drop down box select “Federal School Code” and from the second drop down box select “FSC Address Query”.
The “Federal School Code Address Query” screen will display. You may use the horizontal scroll bar to view the remainder of the screen. To view each ‘OPE- ID’ in a full screen view, place the cursor is in the ‘OPE-ID’ field that you want to view. Now, select the “Update” button located in the lower left side of the screen.
‘Federal School Code’ (FSC) data for this ‘Brown University’, ‘OPE-ID: 00340100’ will display in a full screen view. Select the “Next Record” icon to view the next ‘OPE-ID’ (i.e. 00340101).
FSC data for the second ‘OPE-ID’ will display (i.e. additional location 01). Select the “Next Record” icon again to view the ‘Federal School Code’ data for the next school.
FSC data for the third ‘OPE-ID’ (i.e. additional location 02) will display. Select the “Exit” icon.
The “Federal School Code Address Query” screen will display. Select the “Exit” icon.
Funding - From the main menu bar select “School” and from the first drop down box select “Funding”.
The “Funding Query” screen will display. Please read carefully the “Notes” listed on this screen for proper interpretation of the figures listed on this screen. Select the “Medians” button located toward the bottom center of the screen.
The “Medians” information box will display. Review the information contained within it and select the “OK” button to dismiss it.
The “Funding Query” screen will display. Select the “Next Record” icon to view prior year(s) funding data.
Prior years’ funding data will display, and continue to display until the last record is reached, by using the “Next Record” icon. At this time, select the “Exit” icon.
AAA Monitoring - From the main menu bar select “School” and from the first drop down box select “AAA Monitoring”.
The “AAA Administrative Actions Public Query” screen will display. Select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
Enter “001062” in the ‘OPE-ID’ field and select the “Find” icon.
The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box retrieves ‘Chattanooga Barber College’ as the match. Select the “OK” button to continue.
The “AAA Administrative Actions Public Query” screen will display the AAA (Administrative Action and Appeal) actions for this school. The data displays in a grid format and requires use of the scroll bar to view it in its entirety. Note that the “Grounds” button between the “Action Date” field and the “Request Hearing” check-box has a “<“ beside it. Select the “Grounds” button to view its data.
The “AAA Action Grounds” screen will display. Select the “Exit” icon to return to the “AAA Administrative Actions Public Query” screen .
The “AAA Administrative Actions Public Query” screen will redisplay. Use the “Horizontal Scroll Bar” at the bottom of the page to view the remainder of the data captured on this screen.
You have reached the end of the screen data fields at the ‘Participants’ button. Select the “Exit” icon to close out “AAA Monitoring” and return to the PEPS main menu.
Closed Schools - From the main menu bar select “More”, from the first drop down box select “Closed Schools” and from the second drop down box select “Closed Schools”.
The Closed Schools Search Page may be found at the following web site:http://bcol01.ed.gov/CFAPPS/FSA/closedschool/searchpage.cfmAdditional Program Compliance information associated with Closed Schools such Accreditation is located at:http://www2.ed.gov/admins/finaid/accred/index.htmland Closed School Loan Discharge :http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/closedschool.jsp?tab=attending#conent
The “Closed Schools” screen will display “Sheldon Jackson College” still as our featured school. One of two dialogue boxes displays with the first alert that the school is not closed. Select the “OK” button to dismiss this box and obtain one that is.
In order to retrieve a closed school for this review, select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
Enter “004057” in the ‘OPE-ID’ field within the ‘Header Block’ and select the “Find” icon.
The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display with ‘Northeast Institute of Education’ as the school retrieved from the query request. Select the “OK” button to dismiss the box and return to the “Closed Schools” screen
The “Closed Schools” screen will redisplay. Notice that the word “Revised” located to the immediate left of the “Closure Date” is displayed in red and the “History” button has a “<“ located to the immediate right of the button. The word “Revised” indicates that the original closure date entered for this school, has been modified. This revision and any other date change(s) may be reviewed via the “History” button; select it now.
The “Closure Date History” screen will display with the location number, edit date (date of the modification), closure date (original), new closure date (modified date), reason for the date change and description of the data that was changed or modified. Using the ‘Horizontal Scroll Bar’, scroll to the right to view more of the screen.
Continue to scroll to the right to view more of the screen data fields: ‘history code’, a brief description of the history code, ‘verification’ information, etc. Continue scrolling to the right.
The mid-portion of the “Closure Date History” screen captures more of the verification specifics: the ‘entity/individual that verified the modified information’ and the ‘individual’s name and contact’ information. Scroll to the right again.
The remainder of the screen displays contact information within the Department or the appropriate School Participation Team assigned to the state in which the school is located. Select the “Exit” icon.
The “Closed Schools” screen will redisplay. Select the “Exit” icon to end the review of the Closed Schools module and return to the PEPS main page.
Default Management - From the main menu bar select “More”, from the first drop down box select “Default Management”, from the second drop down box select “Basic View” and from the third drop down box select “By School”.NOTE: Default Management’s web site is:http://ifap.ed.gov/DefaultManagement/DefaultManagement.html
The “Basic View By School” screen will display. Use the Horizontal and Vertical Scroll bars to view more default data such as: ‘total borrowers in default’, ‘total borrowers in repayment’, etc.
Continue to scroll to the right to view more FSA program specific default management data that populates the mid portion of the “Basic View by School or Rate” screen. Continue scrolling to the right.
When arriving at the ‘Subst OPE ID” field and “Sub” button, the end of the “Basic View by School or Rate” screen contains only two (2) more data fields not present below.
The remainder of the “Basic View by School or Rate” screen contains ‘substitute OPE ID detail’ data and ‘update and user’ information. Select the “Exit” icon at this time.
From the main menu bar select “More”, from the first drop down box select “Default Management”, from the second drop down box select “Basic View” and from the third drop down box select “By Rate”.
The “Cohort Year Default Rates” screen will display. Use the “Horizontal” and “Vertical” scroll bars to view more data for this school.
Continue to scroll to the right to view more of the “Cohort Year Default Rates” screen.