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HSDSL Lab PCR CORDIC implementation on FPGA one semester project winter 2013/14

HSDSL Lab PCR CORDIC implementation on FPGA one semester project winter 2013/14. Supervisor: Moni Orbach. Students: Or Rotem Malachi Levi. Project goals. Implementing cordic algorithm in VHDL environment Investigating different acceleration methods

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HSDSL Lab PCR CORDIC implementation on FPGA one semester project winter 2013/14

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HSDSL LabPCRCORDIC implementation on FPGAone semester projectwinter 2013/14 Supervisor: MoniOrbach Students: Or Rotem Malachi Levi

  2. Project goals • Implementing cordic algorithm in VHDL environment • Investigating different acceleration methods • Testing performance and tradeoffs

  3. What is Cordic?

  4. The architecture – pipeline chosentop level Compare calculation block Compare calculation block Result calculation block Result calculation block

  5. The Blocks

  6. Work environment • C golden model – Code Blocks • VHDL – Quartus, Model Sim • DE2 board

  7. Test environment – model sim Generator real2bin DUT CORDIC Monitor- compare Output txt Cos(bin, txt) Sin(bin, txt) Angles (TXT) Golden model

  8. performance test environment • Throughput – timing analysis after synthesis in model sim • Latency – timing analysis after synthesis in model sim • Resources – quartos compilation plot

  9. Grant timeline synthesis Post syn simulation debugging Performers improvement Book writing

  10. end

  11. Appendix – cordic proof 1

  12. Appendix – cordic proof

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