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When The Judges Ruled Israel

…. When The Judges Ruled Israel. Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 As disappointing as the previous stories on the judges are, this story is as refreshing Its setting Ù the days of the judges v. 1

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When The Judges Ruled Israel

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  1. When The Judges Ruled Israel Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth

  2. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • As disappointing as the previous stories on the judges are, this story is as refreshing • Its setting Ù the days of the judges v. 1 • We cannot say for certain which judge was ruling at the time…it would have to be early in the period (not long after Joshua’s death) to account for Boaz’s age & parents

  3. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • As disappointing as the previous stories on the judges are, this story is as refreshing • We can most likely say it would not have been in the days of Ehud Judg 3:12-14 • It is doubtful Elimelech would have taken his family into the land of the oppressing nation [Moab]

  4. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • This short book reinforces the notion that even if everyone around you is not serving God faithfully, you still can [Boaz] • It also emphasizes the importance of having a good heart…the willingness to be taught about God and live for Him [Ruth]

  5. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • A famine was in the land v. 1a • God had earlier promised to bring famine if Israel ever served idols Deut 28:15, 22-24 • A man named Elimelech decided to take his wife Naomi & 2 sons (Mahlon & Chilion) to the land of Moab for relief vv. 1b-2

  6. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • After some time in Moab Elimelech dies, leaving Naomi only with her 2 sons v. 3 • The sons take for themselves Moabite women for wives v. 4a[Orpah & Ruth] • After 10 years, the sons also die…Naomi is bereft of her husband & 2 sons vv. 4b-5

  7. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Eventually, Naomi hears that God had “visited His people” with food v. 6 • She arose to return to Judah…her 2 daughters-in-law went with her • Naomi tries to persuade Orpah & Ruth to stay in Moab…even remarry vv. 8-9

  8. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Naomi’s attempt to persuade vv. 8-13 • She hoped the Lord would be as kind to them as they had been to her & the dead • She wished they would each find happiness and marry again • Initially, both said “No”…they wouldn’t stay

  9. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Naomi’s attempt to persuade vv. 8-13 • She was too old to remarry • She was not going to bear children again • Even if she did remarry & bear sons, would both Orpah & Ruth wait until they grew old enough to marry?

  10. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • The daughters-in-law respond vv. 14-18 • All 3 women wept openly • Orpah kissed Naomi…Ruth clung to Naomi • Orpah decided to stay in Moab…she would return to her father & to her gods • Naomi encouraged Ruth to do likewise

  11. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • The daughters-in-law respond vv. 14-18 • Ruth would not be persuaded • “Do not urge me to leave you, for where you go, I will go; where you stay, I will stay. Your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God.”

  12. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • The daughters-in-law respond vv. 14-18 • Obviously, Ruth had learned something about Naomi’s people and her God • She was not staying with Naomi just because of some emotional attachment • She had been converted to Jehovah

  13. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • The daughters-in-law respond vv. 14-18 • The seriousness of Ruth’s words are seen in that she placed herself under an oath • Nothing but death was going to separate Ruth from Naomi • Naomi stopped trying to persuade Ruth

  14. A “hard” condition “…the Lord’s hand has gone forth against me”v. 13 Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Naomi’s present outlook vv. 13, 20-21 • An important part of this story…an element where we must make application ourselves

  15. “…the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me”v. 20 Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Naomi’s present outlook vv. 13, 20-21 • An important part of this story…an element where we must make application ourselves

  16. “I went out full, but the Lord has brought me back empty.”v. 21 Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Naomi’s present outlook vv. 13, 20-21 • An important part of this story…an element where we must make application ourselves

  17. “The Lord has witnessed against me… the Almighty has afflicted me.”v. 21 Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Naomi’s present outlook vv. 13, 20-21 • An important part of this story…an element where we must make application ourselves

  18. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Naomi’s present outlook vv. 13, 20-21 • There was no truth to Naomi’s words…God had not treated her as she claimed • Many times people speak harshly about life in their grief…even towards God [Job]

  19. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Back in Bethlehem vv. 19-22 • After being gone 10+ years, the city was “stirred” when they saw Naomi & Ruth • The women asked, “Is this Naomi?” • Naomi refused her name [“Pleasant”]… she wanted to be called “Mara” [“Bitter”]

  20. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Back in Bethlehem vv. 19-22 • Naomi was consumed in her grief…in no way could she envision any future blessings coming her way 4:16-17 • N.T. saints are exhorted similarly today 2 Cor 4:17-18

  21. Naomi & Ruth Ruth 1 • Back in Bethlehem vv. 19-22 • Naomi & Ruth arrived in Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest • This is somewhere around March or April on our modern calendar

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