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Muscle and Muscle Receptors. Neuro Quiz. Identify the correct question. Click to Play!.  Michael McKeough 2008. Muscle and Muscle Receptors Neuro Quiz. Click category value to begin. Click to reveal the question. Skeletal Muscle 100. These are the 3 types of muscle fiber.

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  1. Muscle and Muscle Receptors Neuro Quiz Identify the correct question Click to Play!  Michael McKeough 2008

  2. Muscle and Muscle ReceptorsNeuro Quiz Click category value to begin.

  3. Click to reveal the question Skeletal Muscle 100 • These are the 3 types of muscle fiber. What are slow oxidative (SO), fast oxidative and glycolytic(FOG), fast glycolytic (FG)? Return to Game Board

  4. Click to reveal the question Skeletal Muscle 200 • This is the functional unit of muscle where length changes occur. What is a sarcomere? Return to Game Board

  5. Click to reveal the question Skeletal Muscle 300 • These are the functional unit of muscle. • Their recruitment order regulates force production in a muscle contraction. What is a motor unit? Return to Game Board

  6. Click to reveal the question Skeletal Muscle 400 • This physiological principle describing the recruitment of fibers within a motor unit. What is the all-or-none principle? Return to Game Board

  7. Click to reveal the question Skeletal Muscle 500 • This theory describes the mechanism by which length changes occur within a sarcomere. What is the sliding filament theory? Return to Game Board

  8. Click to reveal the question Receptors 100 • The adequate stimulus for these muscle receptors is change in muscle length. What is a muscle spindle? Return to Game Board

  9. Click to reveal the question Receptors 200 • The adequate stimulus for these muscle receptors is change in muscle tension. What is a Golgi tendon organ? Return to Game Board

  10. Click to reveal the question Receptors 300 • The adequate stimulus for these receptors is change in joint angle. What is a joint receptor? Return to Game Board

  11. Click to reveal the question Receptors 400 • This class of receptors, located in skeletal muscle and joint connective tissue, provides the CNS with feedback about movement. What are proprioceptors? Return to Game Board

  12. Click to reveal the question Receptors 500 • This type of intrafusal muscle fiber provides feedback about absolute muscle length. What is a chain fiber? Return to Game Board

  13. Click to reveal the question Muscle Spindle 100 • This is the arrangement of muscle spindles within skeletal muscles. What is in parallel with skeletal muscle fibers? Return to Game Board

  14. Click to reveal the question Muscle Spindle 200 • Muscle spindles are most sensitive to this type of stimulus. What is the rate of change of length of skeletal muscles? Return to Game Board

  15. Click to reveal the question Muscle Spindle 300 • These are the types of intrafusal muscle fibers. What are nuclear bag and nuclear chain fibers? Return to Game Board

  16. Click to reveal the question Muscle Spindle 400 • These types of afferent neurons arise from muscle spindles. What are muscle spindle primary (Ia) and secondary (II) afferents? Return to Game Board

  17. Click to reveal the question Muscle Spindle 500 • This type of efferent neuron increases muscle spindle sensitivity to the rate of change of muscle length. What is a dynamic gamma motor neuron? Return to Game Board

  18. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous 100 • These are the three types of muscle fiber. What are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscle fibers? Return to Game Board

  19. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous200 • This is the region where skeletal muscle produces the force used to move bones. What is the contractile region? Return to Game Board

  20. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous300 • These strands of protein molecules form the connections between actin and myosin. What are cross-bridges? Return to Game Board

  21. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous400 • This determines the percentage of fast and slow twitch fibers in each skeletal muscle. What is genetics? Return to Game Board

  22. Click to reveal the question Miscellaneous500 • Muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs provide the CNS with feedback about this muscle. What is the muscle from which they originated (the homonymous muscle)? Return to Game Board

  23. Click to reveal the question Golgi Tendon Organ 100 • Golgi tendon organs are located here. What is at the musculotendonous junction? Return to Game Board

  24. Click to reveal the question Golgi Tendon Organ 200 • The GTO is innervated by this type of afferent neuron. What is a Ib fiber? Return to Game Board

  25. Click to reveal the question Golgi Tendon Organ 300 • This type of efferent (motor) neuron innervates the GTO. There is no efferent (motor) innervation of the GTO. Return to Game Board

  26. Click to reveal the question Golgi Tendon Organ 400 • The GTO performs this role in the motor control system. What is provide the CNS with feedback about the current contractile state of the muscle or inform the CNS which motor units are currently contracting? Return to Game Board

  27. Click to reveal the question Golgi Tendon Organ 500 • The Ib fiber established this type of reflex connections. What are weak, inhibitory, polysynaptic connections with alpha LMN of the homonymous muscle? Return to Game Board

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