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Leucorrhea is defined as is a vaginal discharge which is whitish, yellowish, or greenish in color resulting from inflammation or congestion of the mucous membrane. It may originate from the vagina, fallopian tubes, ovaries, or most commonly from the cervix. For more information kindly visit our blog https://www.chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/blog/home-remedies-for-leucorrhoea/<br>
BEST AND NATURAL HOME REMEDIES FOR LEUCORRHOEA chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/blog/home-remedies-for-leucorrhoea/ By Dr. KaranvirSingh What isLeucorrhea? Leucorrhea is defined as is a vaginal discharge which is whitish, yellowish, or greenish in color resulting from inflammation or congestion of the mucous membrane. It may originate from the vagina, fallopian tubes, ovaries, or most commonly from the cervix. The color of the discharge may vary and depends upon the menstrual cycle. The bloody discharge makes an unpleasant smell or increases a lot and that can be a symptom of infections. It may not lead to any particular complaint like pain, itching, irritation, or burning sensation. Due to any infection, malignancy, and change in hormones, it can result in abnormal discharge from thevagina. Itsprevalence: In India, vaginal discharge is one of the most common symptoms reported by females. Leucorrhea does not cause mortality or morbidity in susceptible women, but it can lead to a great extent of mental stress, or sometimes the fear of failure to conceive. It may vary from
the age group of 19 to 47 years. The vaginal discharge was noted in 61% of women who belong to low socio-economic and 24% belong to high-socioeconomy. What are the Types ofLeucorrhea? Leucorrhea is of twotypes: Physiological leucorrhea: In physiological leucorrhea, there is an excessive discharge or secretion from a vagina. It mainly occurs in teenage girls due to the imbalance of hormones at the time of the ovulation period. In adults, it occurs in the early days of pregnancy and during sexualexcitement. Pathological leucorrhea: It occurs due to the malfunctioning or disease in the female reproductive system. This abnormal discharge can be slimy or may contain blood as well as having a foul smell. It is mostly seen in females who are suffering from cervicitis or vaginitis. What is an Ayurvedic View ofLeucorrhea? According to Ayurveda, we can correlate leucorrhea with ‘Shweta Pradara’. In many books, Acharyas had described that Shweta pradara is not a disease but it is a symptom of various diseases. As per the symptoms, it seems to be a Kaphaja disorder because in the body the Kapha Dosha is the main causative factor for any discharge. This aggravation of the kapha dosha produces white and painless vaginal discharge due to the dominance of its liquid property. It also vitiates the Rasadhatu of the reproductive system. Causative factors responsible for it are excessive coitus, improper mode of life, abortion, and ritukala along with non-cleanliness of thevagina. The main causes as per Ayurvedaare- Viruddhahara- Unhealthy food Madyapana- Alcoholintake Adhyashana- Intake of repeated food which leads to indigestion Ajeerna- Undigestedfood Garbhapata- Too many of abortions Shoka- Grief and stress Bharavahana- Weight lifting Abhighata-Injury
Ashuchi- Unhygienic activities andinfection What are the Causes ofLeucorrhea? Most of the researches have believed that estrogen imbalance is one of the main causes of leucorrhea. The discharge can be a few drops in some of the women but in others, it may be continuous. Some of the common causesare: Poor hygiene: Improper and poor hygienic conditions, especially during days of the menstrual cycle, may lead toleucorrhea. Injury: Any injury or infections in the vagina causes leucorrhea. These may occur due to frequent abortions, excessive indulgence in sex, and during or afterchildbirth. Infections: Bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections in the vagina can also be the cause. Parasites which are responsible for causing infection in women like Trichomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia trachomatis,etc. Diseases: Various diseases that weaken the immunity and make the body susceptible to infections can cause subsequent discharge like Syphilis, gonorrhoea, AIDSetc. Intrauterine contraceptive devices: Use of IUCD in excess causes irritation and discharge infemales. Wearing of moist synthetic undergarments and clothes, combined with poor hygiene can also cause infections that may lead to vaginaldischarge. Other certain causes which are considered to be responsible for abnormal discharge are: Improper diet andlifestyle Intake of imbalanced foods like fried, heavy, cold, sweet,etc Fungal Infection in thebody Generalweakness Imbalancedhormones Not maintaining proper vaginalhygiene What are the symptoms ofleucorrhea? Here are some of the common symptoms ofleucorrhea: The vaginal discharge may be greenish, yellowish, thick or cheesy Strong and foul vaginalodour The urethra (vulva) and vagina is red and there will be itching, burning or irritation Bleeding or spotting unrelated to theperiod Pain in the lower abdomen and lower limbs Irritation and intense itching in the genital tract Excessive painfulintercourse General fatigue andweakness The urgency to passurine
Lack of concentration on work due to being conscious of the discharge Mood changes ordisturbances Rashes on the genitalarea Mildconstipation The patient may have black patches beneath theeyes. If you are facing these symptoms then without wasting time should consult the doctor. As the vaginal discharge is more common but it should also be brought into notice if it is abnormal. What is the Ayurvedic Treatment forLeucorrhea? In Ayurveda, Leucorrhea treatment consists of natural herbs and medicines that can help in restoring the digestive fire of the body in order to cleanse the accumulated toxins and balance the aggravated Kapha. Ayurvedic medicines also support and help in increasing the digestive fire in the body. It also eliminates the toxins from the body and balances the vitiated doshas. This balancing of doshas provides strength to the female reproductive system. It keeps the female’s organs healthy andinfection-free. Chandigarh Ayurved Centre is providing you 100 % natural ways to cure the condition of Leucorrhea through ‘Leucorrhea Go Kit’. The kit comprises specialized herbs that mainly work on the reproductive system. There are a total of 4 products named as – Detox Premium Powder, Shvet capsules, Kikkar tablets, and Striposhak syrup. These formulations are free from fillers, additives, chemicals, preservatives and have no side effects. Description of all the products indetail: Detox PremiumPowder Detox premium powder is prepared from ingredients like parwal pishti, shukta pishti, jahar mohra pishti, akik pishti, giloy satv, & tal sindoor. These all ingredients in combination reduce excessive white discharge from the vagina, pain during micturition, abdominal cramps, itching, & fatigue, etc. It also vitiates the kapha dosha and eliminates the toxins (ama) from thebody. Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normalwater. Detox PremiumPowder Leuco CareTablets
Leuco care tablets mainly treat vaginal discharge, foul smell, painful conditions, fatigue, etc associated with leucorrhea. The main ingredients present in it are Kukkutandwaka bhasma, Mochras, Supari, Nagkesar, Ashok, Gond katira, etc that is good for leucorrhea patients. It is specially formulated to treatleucorrhea. Recommended Dosage: Take 2 tablets twice daily with normalwater. Leuco CareTablet Raja PravartiniVati Raja Pravartini Vati is one of the wonderful classical herbal medicines that has been used in Ayurveda since many ages for the treatment of amenorrhea (primary & secondary) and scanty bleeding. It treats all types of women’s health issues. It works mainly on the uterus and ovaries that helps to stimulate the ovulation and corrects the ovarian functions. The uses of these tablets are beneficial in treating signs and symptoms related toLeucorrhea. Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normalwater. Raja Pravartinitablet Stri PoshakCapsules Stri Poshak Capsule is a special Ayurvedic preparation for women. These capsules play a vital role in bringing harmony in your body functioning from within. These capsules are herbal and are very effective for treating various health issues related to women. These provide strength to the female reproductiveorgans. Recommended Dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily with normalwater. Women ChampionSyrup: Woman Champion is a pure herbal and ayurvedic formulation that is an effective tonic for women and helps to maintain their health. It balances all the doshas of the body and it also maintains the hormonal levels. It has Lodhra, Manjishta, Ashok chaal Punarnava, Shatavar, Bala, Daruharidra, Nagarmotha present in it that help the women in symptoms like mood changes, stress, headache andpain. Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonfuls twicedaily. Women ChampionSyrup What are the home remedies forleucorrhea? As per Ayurveda, here are some of the natural herbs and home remedies for Leucorrhoea that are very helpful to get rid of the symptoms and manage thecondition.
CAC is one of the best Ayurveda Centres which has made its place value by helping people in the treatment ofLeucorrhoea. Other than medicines CAC advices to follow a healthy diet andlifestyle Natural home remedies are: Diet- Avoid fried and spicy foods. Those who are suffering with leucorrhea are suggested not to stay empty stomach for a long time. Sour things, especially pickle and curd, are prohibited. Supari has the properties which are helpful in prevention and treatment therefore should be taken after ameal. One suffering with leucorrhea should lead a healthy lifestyle and should avoid tensions and worries and also avoid waking latenights. Sexual intercourse during the attack of this disease is totallyprohibited. A brisk walk in the early morning is helpful in the early cure of disease. Sanitary and hygienic measures should be followedcarefully. Yogasana and Pranayamas that are useful inleucorrhea: Yoga: Sarbangasana Mathsyasana and or Supta Bajrasana Pabanmuktasana Salabhasana Padahesthasana Garbhasana Pranayamas: Anulom Bhiloom ShivaPranayame Bhastrika Dhouti ArdhaBhujangaSana Janusirasana Uddyan BhandaMudra Shetalec Pranayama BandhakaneAsana Other than home remedies for leucorrhoea, one should follow the advised Diet & Lifestyle for preventing theinfection:
Avoid the intake of heavy, oily, fried, spicy, and sourfoods Don’t take tea, coffee, alcohol, aerated drinks, and also avoid non-vegetarianfood. Chewing betel nuts after meals also shows goodsresults. Increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, and salads indiet. Increase intake of liquids such as water, soup, milk, and juice which helps in flushing out thetoxins. Maintain proper hygiene and wash undergarments with an antibiotic solution, you need to dry the undergarments under thesun. Avoid watching or reading the stuff which stimulates sexualfeelings. If there is an excessive discharge, you should avoid sugar or any sweet items like pastry, custard, ice cream, and all other sweetdishes. Avoid hot and spicyfoods Chandigarh Ayurved Centre is providing home remedies for treating leucorrhoea. Here are some the homeremedies: Neem Neem is the best medicinal herb that has antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, anti- inflammatory, & antiseptic properties. It has been used in Ayurveda for many ages to treat leucorrhoea. It kills the bacteria and eliminates toxins from thebody. How touse: Prepare a fresh juice from fresh neem leaves 20 ml twice daily with an equal amount of water. Take fresh neem leaves and boil them. Let the water cool down and strain this mixture. Wash your vagina with thiswater. The application of neem oil over the affected area of the vagina is also verybeneficial. Amla Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry and it shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and immuno-modulator properties. It is the most wonderful herb that has so many medicinalproperties. How touse: Take one tsp of Amla powder with a glass of water oncedaily.
You can also apply a paste that should be applied to the affected area of the vaginal tract. Apply it twice daily for wonderfulresults. Eating fresh fruit of Amla maintains the overall health of anindividual. AloeVera Aloe vera has various amazing benefits for leucorrhoea because it helps in managing excessive discharge, itching, and burning sensation. It also helps to tone up the uterine tissues and provides strength to theuterus. How touse: Prepare a fresh juice of Aloe vera and drink it twicedaily. You can also apply a fresh pulp of Aloe vera over the affected area of thevagina. Mix Aloe vera and water in equal quantity and wash your vagina with this water to get relief from itching, and irritation associated withleucorrhoea. Fenugreek Fenugreek has various medicinal properties which provide good results in dealing with the pain, swelling, and vaginal irritation related to leucorrhoeapatients. How touse: Soak a teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight. Strain this mixture and drink it in the morning on an emptystomach. The use of fresh leaves of fenugreek daily is verybeneficial. Take a teaspoonful of fenugreek powder with a glass of water once or twice daily for better leaves. Coriander Coriander is the most useful herb because it has antioxidant properties that removes all toxins out from the body. It kills the microbes which are the main cause of leucorrhoea. How touse: Take a teaspoonful of coriander seeds and boil them in a cup of water. Let it boil until it remains to a half cup. Then strain it and drink it oncedaily. Use fresh coriander leaves for cooking purposes that also helps in treatingleucorrhea.
Decoction of its seeds can also be used for washing thevagina. Walnut The leaves of walnut have astringent properties that have the fastest healing process. It is one of the best effective home remedies forleucorrhoea. How touse: Take fresh leaves of walnut and boil them in water for 15 to 20 minutes. Let it cool down. Remove the water and use this water for cleaning thevagina. Prepare a powder of walnut dry leaves and mix them in water and then boil this for half an hour. After that strain it and then let it cool down. Use this for washing thevagina. Soak the walnut overnight in a glass of water and eat it early in the morning on an empty stomach. Coconut Coconut shows various medicinal properties like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti- bacterial, and anti-viral properties. It eliminates toxins from the body. It kills the microbes and hence treats the symptoms associated withleucorrhea. How touse: Drink green coconut waterdaily. You can also apply coconut oil directly applied to the affected part of thevagina. Mix coconut oil with a few drops of neem oil in it. Apply this mixture over the affected area for getting relief from pain, itching, and burning sensation in leucorrheapatients. Share on: WhatsApp