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4-D COASTAL OCEAN DYNAMICS DETECTED BY SURFACE CURRENT RADAR AND AUVs. L. K. Shay Meteorology and Physical Oceanography University of Miami P. Edgar An Ocean Engineering Florida Atlantic University. SCIENTIFIC GOAL:

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  1. 4-D COASTAL OCEAN DYNAMICS DETECTED BY SURFACE CURRENT RADAR AND AUVs L. K. Shay Meteorology and Physical Oceanography University of Miami P. Edgar An Ocean Engineering Florida Atlantic University SCIENTIFIC GOAL: To provide a first-order description of complex oceanic flows and their relationship to surface processes in the littoral ocean subjected to tidal currents, western boundary currents, topographical changes and surface winds. RESEARCH SUPPORTED BY ONR.

  2. LITTORAL ZONE • Complex Coastal Processes. • 2-D/ 3-D Flow Fields. • Boundary Current & Topography. • Waves & Boundary Layer Winds. • Impact: Civilian and US Navy Needs. • Radar/AUV/Mooring/Ship-based Approach. • Applicable to Any Theater.

  3. Ocean Explorer AUV

  4. VHF RADAR • Phased Array 32 Elements. • Electronic Beam Forming. • 700 Cells (250 m resolution). • 60 km Square Domain. • 20 Minute Sample Cycle. • Theoretical Limit 11 km. • Spectra and Currents.

  5. ENGINEERINGOBJECTIVES: • Design/Implement Multiple ADCPs as Part of AUV Payload. • Evaluate Side-Looking Beam Orientations. • Map Currents Relate To Surface Dynamics. • Train Next Generation Graduate Students (i.e. Tactical Oceanography)

  6. SCIENCE OBJECTIVES: • Coherent Structures (Vortices, Fronts) • Isolate BC and Tidal Flows/Forcing of Iws At Shelf Break. • Expand IWs Into Baroclinic Modes. • Determine Wavenumber Spectra. • Assess Boundary Layer Processes During Storm and Quiescent Periods.

  7. Experimental Domain

  8. EXPERIMENTALDESIGN • VHF Mode of OSCR (7x9 km: 250 m Cell Spacing). • Ship-Based CTD/ADCP (2x2 km) • 4-AUV Sampling Patterns (0.5-1km). • Cyclesonde. • NOVA/USF Moorings. • NAVY ADCPs.

  9. Experimental Domain

  10. Sub-Mesoscale Vortex

  11. Vortex Propagation

  12. Surface Current Regimes Strong Florida Current Lobe Structure

  13. Mixed Layer: (Current and Turbulence) Tidal Current: Bottom Boundary: Turbulence: Planned Adverse Weather: 6 and 12-hr repeated grids : 500 m x 500 m. 15-26 hr: 1km x 1km 7 hr: 1 km x .500 km 4-6 hr: 1 km Xsects 12 hr : 500 m x 500 m (March-April 00) AUV MISSIONS

  14. AUV Section

  15. AUV Maps

  16. Ship ADCP Transect

  17. Ship ADCP/AUV and OSCR Comparison

  18. Mooring Comparison

  19. FUTURE RESEARCH • Long-Term Monitoring of Florida Current Using HiFAR (100 km range). • Develop Long-Range AUVs (24-48 hr). • Surface/Subsurface Moorings (Cross-Shelf) • Ship-Based Observations (Cross-Shelf) • Drifter-Based Deployments • Modeling/Assimilation

  20. GOAL: • To assess long-term variability of the Florida Current and its influence on Coastal Circulation and Atmospheric Weather Patterns/Events. • Important to Civilian Needs (Ship Traffic; Pollutant Dispersion; Renourishment.) • Important to Navy (Ship/Radar Signatures; Acoustics;Internal Waves)

  21. SFTF APPLICATIONS • US Navy Coastal Surveys. • METOC (JTFX) Operations. • Ship-based Operations In Differing Venues/Theaters. • Coupling With Models (i.e. LES). • Provides Environmental Data To Assess Impact on Fleet Operations.

  22. SUMMARY • Synergistic Approach: Synoptic Variability. • Fine-Scale to Submesoscale Processes. • 2-D/3-D Variability not Mean. • Real Time: JTFX (Ships,Aircraft,AUV). • Improve Predictive Capability At Navy Centers. • Train Next-Generation Students.

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