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Hello, my name is Alice. This is where I live. This is the parlour. I am learning to play the piano. Mama likes to sew, or invite her friends over for afternoon tea.
This is the parlour. I am learning to play the piano. Mama likes tosew, or invite her friends over for afternoon tea.
This is where we eat our meals. We always say prayersbefore our meals. Freddy helps Jane carry the food up from the kitchen and serve it.
This is the kitchen where Cook makes our food. She cooksfood on the range which Jane makes sure is always full of coal.The servants eat here. If we wantsomething we ring a bell.
This is the scullery where Jane washes ourclothes. Jane usesa dolly peg and washboard to scrub the clothes clean. Then sheuses the mangle to squeeze out the water. She heatsthe ironon the range to iron our clothes.
This is the nursery where I sleep, play and learn. Thegoverness teaches me and my sisters French, Geography,History andArithmetic. My brothers go away to boardingschool to learn.
This is how I keep clean. Jane and Freddy carry a tin bathup to the nursery, and cans full of hot water. I have a bathin front of the fire so I don't get cold. Would you like a bath like this?
I like to play. I like to rock on the rocking horse, play withmy doll's house and readbooks. What do you like to play with?