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Implementation of safety alarms in LHC machine status report

Implementation of safety alarms in LHC machine status report. LHC machine Al3 status report. Safety alarm : corresponding to an accident or serious abnormal situation, specially if people’s lives are or may be in danger . in LHC Smoke (fire) detectors Flamable gas detectors (serious leak)

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Implementation of safety alarms in LHC machine status report

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  1. Implementation of safety alarms in LHC machinestatus report CERN safety alarm system supervisory board André FAUGIER, AC, 24th jan. 2002

  2. LHC machine Al3 status report • Safety alarm: corresponding to an accident or serious abnormal situation, specially if people’s lives are or may be in danger .in LHC • Smoke (fire) detectors • Flamable gas detectors (serious leak) • Emergency voice communication (red telephones) • Emergency stop • Oxygen deficiency detectors • Flooding • Local evacuation signals • Blocked lifts (with persons inside) • « deadman » devices CERN safety alarm system supervisory board André FAUGIER, AC, 24th jan. 2002

  3. LHC machine Al3 status report • Smoke/fire & gas detection (TCC 19-05-2000, TCC 23-03-2001) • TunnelNo fire detection in standard tunnel • all chassis have lateral panels • all chassis have appropriate electrical protection • all chassis should have thermal protection if P>500WSmoke/fire detection in : • UJ : 14, 16, 33, 56 • UA : 23, 27, 43, 47, 63, 67, 83, 87 • RR : 13, 17, 53, 57, 73, 77 • RE : all • RA : 43, 47 (RF zones) CERN safety alarm system supervisory board André FAUGIER, AC, 24th jan. 2002

  4. LHC machine Al3 status report • Surface bdgs : (R. Nunes , TIS, users ) • Fire detection and evacuation managed by the same equipment • Protection of people and property protection • 2000 : 1st round with main users and TIS ; work document issued (TIS & ST-AA-AS) • 2001 : 2nd round ongoing • flamable gas detection only in SG and SGX bdgs • ODH monitoring in galleries connecting SD and SH/SHM bdgs • Infrastructure installed in 2001 (Pt 1, 1.8, 5) • Renovation of other Pts according to needs • Completion of all points by 2004 • Open issues : • Compressor bdgs from ECR and ACR • Galleries responsible CERN safety alarm system supervisory board André FAUGIER, AC, 24th jan. 2002

  5. LHC machine Al3 status report • ODH • Preliminary risk analysis of the LHC cryo system(LHC Project note 177, 1999, M. Chorowski et al)3 worst case failure modes identified for underground, 2 of them with probability « not likely to occur in life cycle, but possible »  • Studies to estimate fluid flow rate as a function of time and propagation in confined space (TCC, may 2000, M. Chorowski)recommendation : ODH monitors in tunnel ; tunnel enlargements and alveoles to treat separately • Basic recommendations for ODH monitoring in LHC( TCC, oct. 2001, W. Erdt et al) ; recommendation : ODH monitoring in tunnel and alcoves • Safety analysis, cost estimates and recommendations(TIS et al, to be published) • Meeting with different parties involved (15 jan. 2002) CERN safety alarm system supervisory board André FAUGIER, AC, 24th jan. 2002

  6. LHC machine Al3 status report • 4 options considered, discussed in terms of technical installation, reliability, cost • No compensatory measures found to minimize the installation (ex : suppression/minimization of the tunnel monitoring) except one (portable ODH monitoring) • Proposed solution with reliable ODH system in enlargements/alcoves and tunnel, according to rules for AL3. • Back up solution in case of radiation problems in the tunnel with NO ODH fixed monitoring in tunnel but portable ODH monitor where and when needed (cost estimate to be done) CERN safety alarm system supervisory board André FAUGIER, AC, 24th jan. 2002

  7. LHC machine Al3 status report • Retained option (4) : • 2 ODH detectors in each enlargement and alcove • 1 « working » ODH detector every 300m in tunnel • Ctrl and cabling infrastructure, 2 local flashing panels per loc./alcove • No flashing light in tunnel • Back up option (2) : • same as retained option, main tunnel not equipped, but compensatory measures to be taken (portable ODH monitoring) CERN safety alarm system supervisory board André FAUGIER, AC, 24th jan. 2002

  8. LHC machine Al3 status report • Emergency voice communication • « red tph » suppressed • out of date technology • very little and decreasing use (lift stops) • expensive maintenance • GSM all around machine • second voice system to complement the GSM (firemen, under investigation) • evacuation button every 100m • sirens for immediate evacuationinvestigations on public address which could include beam iminent warning, evacuation signal) through emergency button system CERN safety alarm system supervisory board André FAUGIER, AC, 24th jan. 2002

  9. LHC machine Al3 status report • AUG • Will be reviewed soon • Flood • As for LEP, detectors for new pits in 1 & 5 AL3 report to be published CERN safety alarm system supervisory board André FAUGIER, AC, 24th jan. 2002

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