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Study In Judges. Chapter 11v4-40. Jephthah Mighty Warrior. Tyre.
Study InJudges Presentation 012
Chapter 11v4-40 JephthahMighty Warrior Presentation 012
Tyre The inevitable crisis brought about by Israel’s declension came, in the form of invasion by the Ammonites. The response of the elders of Gilead was to call upon Jephthah in the land of Tob. Their invitation indicated a recognition of his fighting qualities, and his leadership ability which had transformed the adventurers of v3, into a well—trained fighting unit. He had obviously ‘made headline news’, and they saw he was the man for the hour. Their approach brought stinging words from Jephthah in v7. Why come now, in your distress? “I am only of interest to you because you are in desperate need”. But significantly Jephthah did not say ‘I will not come’. There was no ‘getting his own back’ here. Introduction Tob Zaphon Mizpah Gilead Minnith Gad Heshbon Dead Sea Ammon Israel Presentation 012
From his response to the elders we see something of the measure of his deliverance from bitterness and ‘hang-ups’, concerning past treatment. What is said in v8represents the turning of the tables for Jephthah. God vindicates him, and the elders of Gilead, offer to honour him as their head. [cf. 1 Sam. 2v8; Ps. 113v7,8]. God sets things to rights! What an encouragement to have such a God. Jephthah loks for confirmation of their seriousness inv9, and they in turn swear an oath v10 that it will be as they say. What took place at Mizpahv11 has been likened to a ‘coronation’ ceremony, with all the ceremonial, and the Lord’s Name involved. It was a solemn commitment on either side, and it set the scene for the confrontation with Ammon which followed. Jephthah’s Response Presentation 012
From v12-28 we learn that the charge Jephthah made against Ammon was that they had violated Israel’s territory by invading Gilead. The argument in these verses is not unlike that used today regarding the Holy Land and who has the right to stay in it, and furthermore the complexity of the argument is matched by the complexity of the present day situation. Jephthah rehearses the historical facts of Israel’s earlier experience on their journey towards the promised land, referring to the episodes with Edom and Moab, and Sihon, king of the Amorites (cfNum. 21v21 ff.; Deut. 2v5, 9,19. His Strategy Presentation 012
His Strategy The point of this historical resume was not only to show that there had been no violation of the land of the Moabites or of the Ammonites, and that since Moab had a better claim to the disputed area than the Ammonites had, yet they had remained silent and unprotesting when they had greater justification for intervening than Ammon had. It was Jephthah’s conviction that the land was Israel’s by Divine right that made him so confident to commit the whole issue to ‘the Lord the Judge’. This was doubtless an appeal to Ammon to recognise the validity of Jephthah’s reasoning, but failing that a challenge to put their own position to the test in battle. Presentation 012
The king of Ammon, not unnaturally refused to accept this reasoning, and so confrontation became inevitable. We read in v29 of the Spirit of the Lord coming upon Jephthah. This in itself is the seal that God’s man needed as he prepared for the battle. With such a seal the outcome could hardly have been in doubt, as v32 makes clear. Perhaps one of the most controversial aspects of the story of Jephthah is found in v30ff, although arguably not the most important. There are two main lines of interpretation of Jephthah’s vow . One is that a literal blood sacrifice was made of his daughter, the other that he simply confined his daughter to a perpetual virginity. His Empowering Presentation 012
The first of these views was held by the early fathers, while the second was developed in the Middle Ages. Delitzsch the renowned O.T. scholar finds insuperable difficulties in the way of a literal interpretation. It is clear, he says, that Jephthah contemplated a human sacrifice, not an animal one. Yet human sacrifices were prohibited in the law, under pain of death [Lev. 18v21, 20v2-5; Deut. 12v31, 18v10]. Is it conceivable that he could have contemplated such an unspeakable violation of the law, being a God-fearing man? Could he have been ignorant of the law? To sign up for human sacrifice would have made him a worshipper of Moloch, not of Jehovah. His Vow Presentation 012
His Vow And is it conceivable that God should have chosen a worshipper of Moloch to carry out His work, or a man who was capable of vowing and offering a human sacrifice? Also, the entreaty of his daughter to be allowed to spend two months bewailing her virginity would surely be out of keeping with the fact that she was to be put to death. Would she be likely to spend the last two months of her life away from the father she loved? Would Jephthah have been likely to allow this? The writer of Judges records the fulfilment of the vow as something laudable: could he have done this, it was against the law? Presentation 012
His Vow These are Delitzsch’s arguments against the idea of a literal interpretation. They are weighty, but not conclusive, particularly when we bear in mind that human sacrifice was a common-place at the time, and Jephthah may have expected a slave to come out to meet him. If the literal interpretation of Jephthah's vow is the correct one, the question that arises is, Could it possibly have been right for him to have kept it? The only answer to this is that, in spite of the fact that Scripture so solemnly emphasises the importance of keeping vows, he should have broken the vow! Presentation 012
It is never right to do wrong, and it is never safe to suppose that God is guiding us into any action that is contrary to his holy law. And if Jephthah did what was wrong, what he did was not an illustration of faith. Therefore the reference in Heb. 11v32 can hardly be said to apply to his vow, but to other aspects of his career. Wrong vows, then, should be renounced and ignored. Is there any place for vows in the Christian life? Christians do make vows, of a variety of kinds. It is as well that we should look into the matter from a Christian perspective. When we look up the word ‘vow’ in a concordance, we find that while it is commonplace in the O.T., it is scarcely ever used in the New [Acts 18v18, and 21v23]. Vows In the Christian Life Presentation 012
It may not be possible to draw firm conclusions from this, but it might in fact be prima facie evidence that what was needed in the O.T. economy [because of the limitations of the old covenant, which could make nothing perfect] was not in the same way needed in the new, which is the era of the Spirit. In this respect, it compares with the phenomenon of ‘lots’, which were extremely common in the O.T. as a means of discerning the Lord’s will, but virtually unknown in the New, when the leading of the indwelling Spirit superseded them. This is a fact that should weigh heavily in our thinking about either lots or vows. Vows In the Christian Life Presentation 012
Calvin has a helpful comment, the quotation is long but worth : “As timid and inexperienced consciences, even after they are dissatisfied with a vow, and convinced of its impropriety, nevertheless feel doubts respecting the obligation, and are grievously distressed, on the one hand, from a dread of violating their promise to God, and on the other, from a fear of incurring greater guilt by observing it, it is necessary here to offer them some assistance to enable them to extricate themselves from this difficulty. Now, to remove every scruple at once, I remark, that all vows, not legitimate or rightly made, as they are of no value with God, so they ought to have no force with us. Vows In the Christian Life Presentation 012
For if in human contracts no promises are obligatory upon us, but those to which the party with whom we contract wishes to bind us; it is absurd to consider ourselves constrained to the performance of those things which God never requires of us: especially as our works cannot be good unless they please God, and are accompanied with the testimony of our conscience that He accepts them... Therefore, if it be not lawful for a Christian man to attempt anything without this assurance, and if any one through ignorance has made a rash vow, and afterwards discovered his error, why should he not desist from the performance of it? Since vows inconsiderately made, not only are not binding, but ought of necessity to be cancelled... .Hence we may conclude, that vows which have originated in error and superstition, are of no value with God, and ought to be relinquished by us”. Vows In the Christian Life Presentation 012