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Photo Recovery Software- Mediarecover digital photo recovery & image recovery software made media recovery, data recovery, digital images, music and video very simple. Recover your files and pictures with freshcrop data recovery in few steps.
Data Recovery Software Freshcrop has really done a remarkable job by making data recovery a child’s play. Few years back, when anyone would say that he lost data and wants to recover, it was next to impossible and if not than really expensive. There could be any arbitrary reason of data loss like inadvertent deletion, formatting of the system etc. There are many existing companies in the market which claim to be pioneer in the fraternity but there is only one loin of the jungle and that’s Freshcrop. Doing remarkable things in the field of data recovery, Freshcrop has established its name in the world market by not just providing first-class service but also by creating world class software to help people recover data. Freshcrop’s Photo Recovery Software is the perfect example of simplicity crafted with perfection. This Photo Recovery Software is such an easy option which is a sure shot solution of the problem related to any kind of data loss. Its easy modus operandi and GUI are its USP and it makes sure you get data recovered in ongo. The best part about this software is that you can do it yourself so it saves you lots of money and time. The kind of data which can be recovered using this marvelous software is:- - Lost or deleted data from the hard drive - Deleted e-mails from MS Outlook - supports DBX and PST files - Deleted data from the hard drives having bad sectors - All kind of audio/video files recovery. Freshcrop’s Data Recovery Software gets your data back irrespective to the reason behind the data loss but one, the lost data shouldn’t be over written. Once you download and install the free version of data recovery software from the website, run it on the preferred operating system. When the software gets commenced, it shows you options like data recovery, resume recovery, e-mail recovery, advance options and recovery options. If you be at the data recovery option, it gives you more choices like Quick recovery (it performs scan on media), Deleted file recovery (it scans media for deleted files only), Formatted/lost file and folder recovery (it performs advance scan on media) and Search lost volume (it scans media for deleted/lost volumes). To start with, select the Quick recovery option, and next step is to select the volume, here you can select the particular drive or the storage media which you want to get scanned. It starts scanning in the next step and scans all the files and folders in the selected meia. Then you can choose from the list displayed that which file/folder you want to recover. Click the recover tab to get your data recovered. The moment you hit the recover option, it takes you to the merchant’s site for you to buy the full version of the software. If the demo version has satisfied you and has shown you the file/folder you were looking for, then it’s worth buying this software. If your data is recovered by this software then make sure you buy this because there is no certainty that any other software you try would fetch you the deleted data like this in such a simple fashion. When you use Freshcrop Data Recovery Software, your data is in safe hands.