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Reasoning Breakout Session. Richard Fikes Mike Dean. DAML PI Meeting Nashua, New Hampshire July 18-20, 2001. 7/20/01. Roles For Reasoning In The Semantic Web. For ontology builders Classification Inconsistency detection For Web site builders Recognition Inconsistency detection
Reasoning Breakout Session Richard Fikes Mike Dean DAML PI Meeting Nashua, New Hampshire July 18-20, 2001 7/20/01
Roles For Reasoning In The Semantic Web • For ontology builders • Classification • Inconsistency detection • For Web site builders • Recognition • Inconsistency detection • For users seeking information • Query answering • For users seeking services to take actions • Planning
Why Reasoning Services? • Ontology design • Check class consistency and (unexpected) implied relationships • Particularly important with large ontologies/multiple authors • Ontology integration • Assert inter-ontology relationships • Reasoner computes integrated class hierarchy/consistency • Ontology deployment • Determine if set of facts are consistent w.r.t. ontology • Determine if individuals are instances of ontology classes • No point in having a semantics unless exploited by “agents” • “The Semantic Web needs a logic on top” – Henry Thompson
A Reasoner For Every Web Site • Associate an information services agent with each Web site • An expert on the information contained in that site • Agent provides information services based on that expertise • Query answering using the markup on the site as its knowledge base • Some or all of the content of that knowledge base in various forms E.g., RDF statements, KIF logical theory, HTML document, … • Agent is a “knowledge server” for the site • Perhaps the *only* thing one encounters at a Web site is an agent(!) • Where one of the agent’s services is to provide the site’s pages
Query Answering Examples • Declaring an inverse of a property <Property ID = "child"> <inverseOf resource = "#parent” /> </Property> Bill is a child of Joe. Is Joe a parent of Bill? Yes. • Declaring a property to be a subproperty with a range <Property ID = "father"> <subProperty resource = "#parent” /> <range resource = "#Man” /> </Property> John is a father of Joe. Is John a parent of Joe? Yes. What is John? A Man.
Query Answering Examples • Inferences using toClass and hasValue • Content A Seafood-Course is a Meal-Course. Every drink of a Seafood-Course has white as a color. New-Course is a Seafood-Course. W1 is a drink of New-Course. • Key forward chaining rules • toClass rule 1 • (=> (and (PropertyValue onProperty ?r ?p) (PropertyValue hasValue ?r ?v) (Type ?i ?r)) (PropertyValue ?p ?i ?v)) • Query What is a color of W1? White
Inconsistency Detection Example • Incorrect portion of translated Wines KB • (Type color Property) • (PropertyValue maxCardinality color 1) • Assumed assertions • (PropertyValue subClassOf Restriction Class) • (PropertyValue subClassOf Class rdfs:Class) • (PropertyValue disjointWith Property rdfs:Class) • (PropertyValue domain maxCardinality Restriction) • Key forward chaining rules • (=> (and (PropertyValue domain ?prop ?dm) (PropertyValue ?prop ?fr ?val)) (Type ?fr ?dm)) • (=> (and (PropertyValue disjointWith ?c1 ?c2) (Type ?i ?c1) (Type ?i ?c2)) false) • Conclusion Inconsistent
Reasoning Work By DAML Contractors • Cycorp Cycorp's OpenCyc for DAML ontologies will provide taxonomic inferencesas described athttp://opencyc.sourceforge.net/daml/daml-taxonomic-inferences.html.Cycorp has provided java bindings for its ontology navigation api thatwill soon be published at http://www.opencyc.org andhttp://www.sourceforge.net/projects/opencyc. Stephen Reed • Lockheed Martin, VIS, Kestrel Within the UBOT project (Lockheed Martin, VIS and Kestrel) we are working on consistency checking of DAML ontologies. We have developed a program called ConsVISor which checks whether all axioms of DAML are satisfied by a particular ontology or annotation. Additionally, we have translated DAML KIF axioms into Slang. This allowed us to perform "deeper" consistency checking of both the DAML axiomatization and of DAML ontologies and annotations. Once an ontology is translated to Slang, we can not only check its consistency, but also perform reasoning (theorem proving).More information on our efforts can be found at http://vis.home.mindspring.com.Mitch Kokar
Reasoning Work By DAML Contractors • Stanford KSL KSL is developing technology for reasoning with knowledge expressed in DAML on distributed Web sites. We are addressing both the standard issues about how to reason effectively with knowledge expressed in an object-oriented language augmented with rules and the issues raised by the knowledge using ontologies resident on (perhaps multiple) other Web sites. The technology includes a DAML reasoner called JTP implemented in JAVA that contains a general-purpose theorem prover integrated with a collection of special-purpose reasoners designed specifically for DAML+OIL and specific task domains.http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/projects/DAML/Richard Fikes
Reasoning Work By DAML Contractors • Teknowledge While it's more the focus of other projects rather than our DAML effort, we are doing some work with extending Mark Stickel's PTTP theorem prover to support our inference needs. We can read and do first order logic inference on a version of KIF. Since we can translate KIF to DAML and back, we expect that this software will be useful for our DAML efforts in the coming year, especially as we develop more sophisticated ontology translation methods. Adam Pease
Reasoning Work By DAML Contractors • UMBC UMBC has developed an environment for reasoning with informationexpressed in DAML to support agents which do intelligent filtering oftalk announcements as part of the ITTALKS application. The ITTALKSagent sends a user's agent ACL messages notifying them of new talks orchanges to earlier talks using DAML as the "content language". Theuser's agent reasons about the new talk to decide (1) how well itmatches the user's interests, (2) if it is feasible for him to attendbased on his expected location and (3) it it fits his currentschedule. If the outcome is positive, the agent places an item forthe talk on the user's schedule. We are also doing a more limitedrange of reasoning with DAML using XSB in support of servicedescription and discovery for bluetooth agents. Our currentenvironment uses XSB as the inference engine, YAJXB as the bridgebetween XSB and Java, and the RDF API as a DAML parser. Moreinformation can be found at http://daml.umbc.edu/papers/,http://daml.umbc.edu/reasoning/ and by contacting Youyong Zou(mailto:yzou1@cs.umbc.edu).Tim Finin
Reasoning Work By DAML Contractors • University of Manchester The FaCT system (http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/FaCT) provides reasoning services for the SHIQ description logic via a CORBA client-server interface. A simple translation of DAML+OIL into SHIQ allows FaCT to be used as a reasoning service for DAML+OIL (a direct DAML+OIL interface is under development). By using a highly optimized implementation of a sound and complete tableaux algorithm, FaCT is able to provide reasoning services that are both efficient and effective. FaCT is used by both the OilEd (http://img.cs.man.ac.uk/oil) and Protégé ontology editors to provide subsumption and consistency checking support for ontology design. Ian Horrocks
Reasoning Work By DAML Contractors • Yale/BBN/Kestrel The Yale/BBN/Kestrel group is working on the problem of taking a service description from a web-based agent, and using it as the basis for planning. This raises several issues, all of which involve reasoning: (1) If the service description is in an unexpected vocabulary, how do you translate? (2) What must a service description look like in order for a planner to use it? (3) What changes to existing planners must be made for them to use these descriptions? (4) In the end, the only primitive actions you can take on the web are sending and receiving messages. How are these messages constructed and deconstructed? Drew McDermott
A DAML+OIL Reasoning Working Group • Promote interaction and collaboration among DAML contractors working on reasoning • E-mail distribution list • Web site • Design consensus DAML query language? • Design consensus DAML justification language?
DAML Query Language • Issues • Relationship to DAML rules • Is it confined to what is expressible in DAML+OIL? • Expressive as SQL? • Would then be problematic to represent in DAML+OIL Because of “operators” like max, min, average, ascending
Action Item • Design query language for DAML+OIL • Straw man proposal • Premises • Conjunction of RDF statements containing premise variables • Premise variables treated as existential E.g., (and (Type ?sc Seafood-Course) (PropertyValue drink ?sc ?d)) • Query pattern • Conjunction of RDF statements containing premise and query variables • Each answer is a binding of the query variables for which the query pattern is true E.g., (PropertyValue color ?d ?c)
A DAML+OIL Reasoning Working Group • Promote interaction and collaboration among DAML contractors working on reasoning • E-mail distribution list • Web site • Design consensus DAML query language? • Design a consensus language for querying DAML+OIL knowledge bases • Design consensus DAML justification language?
DAML Justification Language • Support both backward and forward inferencing • Conclusions, e.g., answer to query, includes link to general info about the reasoner and its service • Augment query to indicate what kind/depth of justifications are desired • Permit iteration to “investigate” • Minimal sufficient justification: • {premises including sources} + {indication of KR entailment semantics} • Crucial: attribute the multiple sources • Related: delegation, trust policies dealing with conflict • Typical rule/fact has source info for it • Issue: pass-thru of justifications from sources
A DAML+OIL Reasoning Working Group • Promote interaction and collaboration among DAML contractors working on reasoning • E-mail distribution list • Web site • Design consensus DAML query language? • Design a consensus language for querying DAML+OIL knowledge bases • Design consensus DAML justification language? • Do this in conjunction with and after design of DAML rule language.