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Understand Advance Care Planning and Directives across Australia, including differences by region. Learn how to express your healthcare wishes and appoint decision-makers. Follow legal and ethical principles for patient autonomy and consent.
What is Advance Care Planning? Advance care planning is a process enabling a patient to express wishes about his or her future health care in consultation with their health care providers, family members and other important people in their lives. Based on the ethical principle of patient autonomy and the legal doctrine of patient consent, advance care planning helps to ensure that the concept of consent is respected if the patient becomes incapable of participating in treatment decisions. Singer PA, Roberston G, Roy DJ. Bioethics for clinicians: 6. Advance care planning, CMAJ 1996;15(12):1689-1692.
Encouraging people to • write a will • appoint an enduring power of attorney • discuss advance care planning with • family and friends • consider writing an advance care directive
What is an Advance Care Directive ? An Advance Care Directive (sometimes called a “living will”) is a way of recording your health and personal care instructions for family members, doctors and healthcare workers. It will only be used if you are unable to communicate or if you have lost the ability to make decisions for yourself.
Austin Health’s ‘Respecting Patient Choices’ National Program www.respectingpatientchoices.org.au
Advance care planning is about autonomy and dignity; it is notabout euthanasia or suicide.
Queensland There is an ACD enshrined in law It can be purchased from the post office or newsagency and this is the only form which can be used
New South Wales • There is no official ACD but the standards are • specificity • currency • competence • witness • Under the NSW Guardianship Act 1987 you can appoint an Enduring Guardianand there is a list stating who will be your‘person responsible’
Australian Capital Territory • appoint an enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) • document your wishes in a Statement of Choices • complete a Written Direction under the Medical Treatment Act 1994
Victoria • TheRespecting Patient Choices Program supports advance care planning and the way to do this is to • appoint a Medical Enduring Power of Attorney(MEPOA) • document your wishes in a ‘Statement of Choices’ • complete a Refusal of Treatment Certificate
Tasmania • appoint an Enduring Guardian(s) • fill in the decisions you wish to make in advance
South Australia • Being promoted by Respecting Patient Choices • appoint a Medical Power of Attorney (MPA called your Medical Agent) • complete an Anticipatory Direction • appoint an Enduring Power of Guardianship • document your wishes in the Statement of Choices
Western Australia • Being promoted by Respecting Patient Choices • document your wishes in the Statement of Choices • discuss your wishes with your doctor and your family or significant others
Northern Territory Natural Death Regulations - this is a statement of not having life prolonging treatment at the time of having a terminal illness
Presented by theAdvance Care Directive Association Inc. (NSW)www.advancecaredirectives.org.au