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Challenges to Human Rights in Puerto Rico: A Socioeconomic Analysis

Explore the impact of poverty and crime on Puerto Rico’s liberal consensus, including housing projects, governmental policies, and social challenges like prejudice and gender discrimination. Learn about anti-crime strategies and the controversial issue of capital punishment in this complex societal landscape.

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Challenges to Human Rights in Puerto Rico: A Socioeconomic Analysis

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  1. Chapter 5:The Liberal Consensus Under Attack Poverty:-Socioeconomic marginality is one of the main factors causing a rapid and general decrease in the equality of life and preventing the achievement of a true modern political context Crime Rate:-Constant insecurity and fear in social interaction- Puerto Rico has been designated a region of heavy drug abuse and drug trafficking-Most offenses committed are not murder, but “property damage” Housing projects: (originally built to provide decent homes for the urban poor)

  2. Contradictory policies of the government • Economically “Laissez-faire” freest hand possible so that economic forces in the private sector can rule the market • “Heavy hand” applied to poor communities was a forced closure of residences, stronger jail sentences and little chance for parole, constant searches of motorists, efforts to restrict the right to bail, drug tests in schools and the workplace. Neighbors encouraged to spy on each other, ect. • Tomade caserios(invasion of the public housing projects)

  3. However, not all challenges to human and civil rights originate from governmental actions • Prejudice: high levels of intolerance toward gays, lesbians, and Dominicans, ect. • Race: job discrimination/ police authoritarianism, differential judicial treatment, limited access to judicial redress • Gender discrimination: Every15 days a woman dies as a result of the so called “crimes of passion” inflicted by husbands/boyfriends/partners.

  4. Anti-crime strategies: Capital punishment • U.S government has overridden Puerto Rico’s active civil society with respect to death penalty • Vast majority of Puerto Rico continue to firmly oppose it • 1996 the U.S congress passed legislation imposing this punishment for over 60 different federal crimes and made it applicable to all states and territories except native American reservation in the United states

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