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Who are we? THE AIMS OF THE FOUNDATION ARE: The Spanish Foundation for Sciencie and Technology (FECYT) is a public Institution founded in 2001, whose aim is to promote science and innovation, bringing it into closer contact with society and responding to the needs of the Spanish system of sciencie and tecnology (SECTE) To increase social participation in the sciences. To be a leading figure in Spanish science and innovation. To create an area for communication between the Spanish Community of scientists living or working abroad. To foster thescientific culture. To support research, development and scientific innovation.
Increase private participation in R&D Our main focus of action in 2013 FOUNDATIONS/INSTITUTIONS COMPANIES CITIZENS
THE ESSENCE OF PATRONAGE IS THE AIM TO BE TOTALLY ALTRUISTIC THE ESSENCE OF SPONSORSHIP IS PROMOTION AND PUBLICITY PATRONAGE VERSUS SPONSORSHIP • According to RAE patronage is: • Protection provided by a person to a writer or artist. • According to the law of patronage 49/2002: • Patronage is understood to be the private participation in the carrying out of activities deemed to be of general interest. • According to RAE tosponsor is: • Support or fund an activity, often for advertising purposes.
What motivates a patron? Improving reputation Image Emotional reasons Identification with a project Philanthropy Social corporate responsability Humanitarian Trust To feel useful Fiscal advantage PATRONAGE VERSUS SPONSORSHIP
What motivates a sponsor? Maximise a brand Increase sales Capture clients Positioning Client Loyalty To became Known Create trust Market presence Generar confianza PATRONAGE VERSUS SPONSORSHIP
Types of patronage Types of sponsorship PATRONAGE VERSUS SPONSORSHIP Contributions in kind Monetary contributions Monetary contributions Volunteering Contributions in kind
What is this? • The capture of funds and resources to finance activities in non-profit bodies or entities. • Building relationships. • Fostering values. Essentials Professional conduct Ethics FUNDRAISING…
METHODS Internal Analysis: realistic objectives, portfolio of products and procedures. Segmentation: recipients and products. • Marketing and sales strategy: campaigns, actions, messages and channels. • Gage: impact of the launched actions FUNDRAISING…
CHANNELS Telemarketing Face to face Internet and media campaigns Sporting, cultural and social events Mailing Crowdfunding Member gets other members FUNDRAISING…
MAILING FUNDRAISING… • It is necessary to use the correct DATA BASE in regard to the campaign in question. • It is necessary TO PIQUE CURIOSITY from the word go (packaging, envelope, subject matter) to want to know what is inside. • The content should IMPACT, INTEREST and CREATE EMOTION. • It is necessary to make a CLEAR REQUEST. • It needs to be attractive: REWARDS, incentives, etc. • And ALWAYS say
TELEMARKETING FUNDRAISING… • Train the telemarketer, as they are the COMPANY’S IMAGE. • THE GREETING AND START ARE VERY IMPORTANT to capture the interest of the listener. • DON’T IMPROVISE, all answers are previously prepared. • The telemarketer needs to be FRIENDLY and NATURAL (don’t just read out the spiel as you would seem robotic) • The telephone provides very VALUABLE INFORMATION (criticisms, doubts, suggestions, prase, etc.)
FACE TO FACE FUNDRAISING… • A good salesperson has to be friendly, polite, motivated, a good listener, enthusiastic, doesn’t give up easily, committed to the organization. THEY SHOULD NEVER PRESSURIZE OR BE AGGRESIVE. • A good salesperson has to have a GOOD UNDERSTANDING OF THE ORGANIZATION. • They have to be in PUBLIC PLACES, busy streets, shopping centres, markets, airports, stations, sports centres, etc. • You have TO MOTIVATE THE SALESPERSON through a competitive salary, it is a tough and sometimes frustrating profession. • BODY LENGUAGE IS VITAL (facial expression and tone of voice are more important than words).
MEDIA AND INTERNET CAMPAIGNS FUNDRAISING… • Awareness campaigns: VERY NECESSARY! • It is important to choose the correct tool, taking into account the campaign, audience and budget. • The message has to get the attention of the listener, viewer and reader. Either through its emotion, importance or necessity.
SPORTING, CULTURAL AND SOCIAL EVENTS FUNDRAISING… • Take part in already existing events or organise on “ad-hoc” • These kind of activities are an important and potent means of communication: • VERY IMPORTANT the image you are going to give. • VERY IMPORTANT the material you are going to distribute. • VERY IMPORTANT the message you are going to send.
MEMBER GETS MEMBER FUNDRAISING… Potencial donors that come through existing donors According to the Agency AMMO 8% of consumers trust what a famous person may tell them, 27% follow the expert’s advice, whilst more than 65% will be guided by their friends. • A cheap and effective means is to convert existing donors in prescribers and hence gain new clients through their contacts. • It is important to establish possible incentives: discounts, gifts, invitations, etc. • Social networking is a very useful tool for both the individual and organization, it allows the users to share instantaneously, and without cost, information amongst their friends.
CROWDFUNDING FUNDRAISING… This is a direct way to fund projects using the sum of individual contributions. This is also known as mass funding, collective financing and “micromecenazgo”. The key is to provide a pleasant experience for the donor, from the point of view of interest, reward and the donation process itself.
CROWDFUNDING Atractive: gets the interest of the user The process of donation should be simple Simple structure Intuitive Dynamic News, events, continious information Include succesful examples Send an inmediate and personal thank you Transparent: show results and be accountable Variety of products: have one stand out each week Driving forces Suggestion box FUNDRAISING… What should a crowdfunding platform be like?
CROWDFUNDING Reward, Implicate and trust Images and videos that cause an impact Specific and descriptive texts Awaken interest, emotion and need Simple language Emotional testimonials Close to home Preferable projects between 1000-10000 Euros Indicate precisely where the contribuition is going FUNDRAISING… What should the projects be like?
CROWDFUNDING http://www.indiegogo.com/ http://www.rockethub.com/ http://www.kickstarter.com/ http://www.verkami.com/ http://www.lanzanos.com/ FUNDRAISING… Examples of platforms
THE FOUNDATIONS 8000 millions Euros spent on activities financed by foundations 9.000 actives foundations Pilot or trial by segment Offer and strategy by segment Segmentation OUR EXPERIENCE… A scarcely exploited group Only 0.6% is spent on R&D
Profile of the individual donor SURVEYS CARRIED OUT COMPLETED SURVEYS 237 (12%) 156 (65,8%) SENT SURVEYS 1.900 aprox. OUR EXPERIENCE… A qualitative study carried out on citizens between 35 and 64 years old with a university education. The analysis is based on 156 completed surveys (65,8% of the total number of surveys carried out).
Results INDIVIDUAL DONOR PROFILE… • 66% of those surveyed would make a donation to scientific research and technology. • More support would be given to a specific CAUSE OR PROJECT. • HEALTH, DIET, ENVIRONMENT and ENERGY SOURCES are the areas of most interest. • The main reasons to donate are to fight against DISEASE AND ILLNESS and to improve the QUALITY OF LIFE. • It would be an OCCASIONAL DONATION and an ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION is the favoured method. • What the donor values most highly with regard to science are TRANSPARENCY, EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE.
Comments INDIVIDUAL DONOR PROFILE… With regard to donations, there are areas that already exist that are more urgent and important than those of technological research. For example the church’s work with the poor, CARITAS, campaigns against hunger within Spain and the rest of the world, charitable missions…. I really believe that it is necessary to show specific examples, to speak of specific projects, and to show what is achieved through these donations. The area of Technology is, above all, the responsibility of the State. Instead of so much corruption, if politicians spent money on this we would be singing another tune. A very good idea, citizens would probably be encouraged to donate to technology if they had the possibility to do so, knowing the importance of scientific and technological development to the prosperity of Spain.