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Roman Society, Culture, and Religion

Roman Society, Culture, and Religion. Wealthy vs Poor. Rich- city homes and villas Running water and baths Politicians Practiced public-speaking. Crowded apartment buildings Frequent fires. Bread and Circuses. Circuses Chariot races Free food and entertainment

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Roman Society, Culture, and Religion

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  1. Roman Society, Culture, and Religion

  2. Wealthy vs Poor • Rich- city homes and villas • Running water and baths • Politicians • Practiced public-speaking • Crowded apartment buildings • Frequent fires

  3. Bread and Circuses • Circuses • Chariot races • Free food and entertainment • Circus Maximus or Coliseum • Mimes, jugglers, theater dancers, acrobats, etc. • Fights b/w animals and/ or humans • Gladiator fights

  4. Public Baths • Bathing and hygiene for health • Hot pools and cold pools • Cleaning and socializing • Steam rooms, exercise facilities, and meeting rooms

  5. Roman Families • Patriarchal • Paterfamilias • Adoption- sons to carry family name • More freedom for lower class women

  6. Education and Religion • Mostly home schooled • Schools- Latin, Greek, law, math, public speaking • Polytheistic • Worshipped gods from many cultures • penates • Augurs

  7. Cultural Legacy • Galen • Ptolemy • Applied knowledge • Aqueducts, grid system, concrete, etc. • Round arch, vault, domes, etc. • Civil law • Romance languages • Came from Latin

  8. Judaism and Christianity Based on beliefs and customs of Jesus of Nazareth and Judaism

  9. Judaism • 63 BC Romans conquered Judea • Monotheistic • The deal • Jews to practice their religion • Paid tribute to Rome

  10. Jews and Romans • Zealots • Armed resistance • Others waited for the Messiah • Spiritual leader • Would restore Jewish leadership in Jerusalem • Bring peace

  11. Jesus of Nazareth • Four Gospels • First four books in New Testament • New Testament + Hebrew Bible= Christian Bible today • Carpenter • Studied writings of Jewish prophets • Redemption and warning • Disciples • Performed miracles • Repent • Humility, mercy and charity

  12. Death of Jesus

  13. Christianity Spreads • Disciples (apostles) spread Jesus’s teachings • Paul • spread Christianity to non-Jews • Changed food restrictions • People liked message of love and eternal life • No social restrictions • Eventual Roman religious toleration

  14. Christian Church • Eucharist • Baptism • Priests- authority from Jesus through Apostles • Bishop • Pope- bishop of Rome

  15. Constantine • Converted in early 300s • “In this sign, conquer” • Edict of Milan • Made Christianity legal • Christianity spread • Polytheism disappeared

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