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Explore the dynamics of aging families through topics such as bereavement, kin-upgrading, and filial responsibility. Learn about the challenges faced by the sandwich generation and the support provided by elder care teams.
Chapter 17, Aging Families Key Terms
demographersSocial scientists who focus on a population's fertility, mortality and migration. • population pyramidA figure that shows the proportion of the population in each age group.
active life expectancyThe period of life free of disability in activities of daily living, after which may follow a period of being at least somewhat disabled. • bereavement A period of mourning.
custodial grandparentParent of the custodial parent. • Non-custodial grandparentParent of the noncustodial parent.
gerontologistsSocial scientists who study aging. • informal care givingUnpaid care provided personally by a family member.
elder care team approachSome care is provided by family members while other care is managed. • kin-upgradingElevating a relative to a higher status. A niece who is “like a daughter”.
kin conversionRedefining long time friends as kin. • filial responsibilityA child’s obligation to parents.
sandwich generationMiddle-aged or older individuals who are sandwiched between the responsibilities of caring for their dependent children and their parents. • fictive kinFamily -like relationships that are not based on blood or marriage but on close friendship ties.