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The Plasma Membrane – a Phospholipid Bilayer

Explore the composition and roles of the plasma membrane, including lipids, proteins, and transportation mechanisms. Learn about diffusion, active transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis. Understand the distribution of water and solutes in the body compartments and the dynamics of transcapillary fluid movement.

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The Plasma Membrane – a Phospholipid Bilayer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Plasma Membrane – a Phospholipid Bilayer

  2. Components of Plasma Membrane Lipids Proteins ~50% ~50% 1) Peripheral (Associated) 1) Phospholipids (75%) 2) Cholesterol 2) Integral (Membrane Spanning) (20%) 3) Glycolipds 3) Glycoproteins (5%)

  3. Roles of the Plasma Membrane

  4. Protein Transporters 2) Carriers 1) Channels a) open b) gated* * triggered to open

  5. Cell Transport Mechanisms Passive Active 1) Primary (Direct) 1) Diffusion 2) Facilitated Diffusion 2) Secondary (Indirect) 3) Vesicular 3) Filtration

  6. Diffusion

  7. Rate of Diffusion

  8. Primary Active Transport: The Na+/K+ Pump Antiport

  9. The Na+/K+ Pump

  10. Secondary Active (Indirect): e.g., Na+/Glucose transporter Symport

  11. The Na+/glucose Symport

  12. Transportation of the usual suspects

  13. Endocytosis and Exocytosis

  14. Transcytosis – e.g., inside Vesicle.

  15. Tissue Compartment Volumes

  16. Distribution of Water and Solutes in the Body Compartments Inside cells • About 60-70% of body weight is water • 67% is intracellular • 33% is extracellular • 8% plasma • 25% interstitial

  17. Transcapillary Fluid Dynamics ↑HP (plasma in capillary) ↓HP venous end arterial end ↑↑ COP ↑↑ COP Filtration Reabsorption ↓↓ COP ↓HP (interstitium) (ICF) = fluid movement Cells HP = Hydrostatic Pressure (force of a fluid on walls of its container) COP = Colloid Osmotic Pressure (force generated by proteins in solution)

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