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Lovington High School

Lovington High School. Scholarship Workshop. What is Financial Aid?. Financial Aid Defined…. anything related to the way you are paying for school. Loans, scholarships, grants, work awards, and any other resource you use are all considered part of your financial aid. Financial Aid Elements.

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Lovington High School

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  1. Lovington High School Scholarship Workshop

  2. What is Financial Aid?

  3. Financial Aid Defined… • anything related to the way you are paying for school. Loans, scholarships, grants, work awards, and any other resource you use are all considered part of your financial aid.

  4. Financial Aid Elements • Grants – FAFSA • Loans – various lenders • Work Study – on campus • Scholarships

  5. Grant defined… • similar to scholarships in that you don't need to pay them back. Some grants may be connected to your course of study or allow you to do research while still having your financial needs taken care of.

  6. Loan defined… • money your school (or a bank, or even a relative) is giving you but that you must pay back at some point. Some loans have no interest; some loans don't collect interest until you graduate; some loans have terms that are connected to your plans after graduation

  7. Work Study Defined… • A Work-Study award is a form of financial aid. To qualify, a student must submit a current year Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form (FAFSA). It is based on need. It is not a loan. It is not a grant.

  8. Scholarship Defined… • money being given to you for your studies. You usually do not need to pay scholarship monies back. Scholarships can come from your school, an organization, or a contest.

  9. Sources • Federal/State government • Various lenders – NM student loan • Local community • Civic organizations • Colleges/University

  10. Check out These Websites: • studentaid.ed.gov • fafsa.ed.gov • college.gov • collegeanswer.com • collegeboard.com • fastweb.com • going2college.org • mappingyourfuture.org

  11. Qualifications • Need based • Non-need based • Merit (ex. National Merit Scholarship) • Community Service • Organization/club membership • Legislative Appointment Applications for Military Academies • Athletics/Music/Talent

  12. Steps to take • Take ACT/SAT • Scholarship Searches • Apply for admission to colleges (By December 1,2012) • Submit 7 Semester Transcript by February. • Apply for admission to colleges by Dec. 1of Senior Year Or at college day. • Apply for individual scholarships- Sept. to July

  13. Apply, Apply, Apply!

  14. Individual Scholarships • Personal Resume • Personal Essay • Letters of Recommendation • Transcript copies • REGULARLY check with Counseling office.

  15. Personal Resume • One page • HS activities, clubs, organizations • HS awards & recognitions • Community service activities • Work history

  16. Personal essay • One page (one-inch margins/double spaced) • Brief introduction • Future career/ college plans • Reasons for choosing college/career • Brief closing

  17. Letters of Recommendation • 3-5 references • No family members • Teachers, counselors, administrators, employer, pastor.. • School/activity sponsors/ coaches • Community sponsors • Employers • Ask no less than 2 weeks prior to deadline

  18. Transcript copies • Official (HS Office) • Unofficial (Counseling) • Keep 4-5 on hand • Copies from counselor • Counselor signature

  19. Tips and suggestions • Plan to apply for 15-30 or more scholarships • Typed • Follow directions precisely; answer all questions • Adhere to deadlines; be early • Keep copies

  20. Thanks for Attending andGood Luck!Lovington High SchoolCounseling Department

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