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Cherrydale Fundraiser

Cherrydale Fundraiser. CHS and CJH CHOIRS. Why Fundraise?. EVERYTHING COST $. Important information. Fill out form completely. If you need extra forms see Mrs. Pitts or Ms. Cathcart You must turn in all $ by Sept 11 th

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Cherrydale Fundraiser

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cherrydale Fundraiser CHS and CJH CHOIRS

  2. Why Fundraise?


  4. Important information Fill out form completely. If you need extra forms see Mrs. Pitts or Ms. Cathcart You must turn in all $ by Sept 11th Make Checks out to C.C.B.C. (that stands for “Clarksville Choir Booster Club” You are responsible for delivering the items you sell to your customers. Only sell to people you KNOW Please PRINT CLEARLY the Item #’s and information whenever you sell an item.

  5. Prize Information • Prize Information:Mystery Card Drawing!!!One Mystery Card for every TEN items sold.

  6. DOUBLE WINNINGS after 40 items sold!

  7. That’s a big bag… • Everyone selling 15 items will be given a 5lb bag of Gummi Bears!

  8. Top Seller at the Jr. High: $100 Cash Prize

  9. GRAND FINALE: Everyone selling 40 items will be entered in a drawing for $1,000 ! (Winner be from one of several schools participating in this contest.)

  10. Prize Information • Prize Information:Mystery Card Drawing!!!One Mystery Card for every TEN items sold.DOUBLE WINNINGS after 40 items sold!Everyone selling 15 items will be given a 5lb bag of Gummi Bears!Top Seller at the Jr. High: $100 Top Seller at the Sr. High: $100GRAND FINALE: Everyone selling 40 items will be entered in a drawing for $1,000 ! (Winner be from one of several schools participating in this contest.)

  11. Thank you for supporting your choir!  Remember to smile and say thank you!!! If someone does not want to buy, don’t badger them. If someone bought from someone else, smile and say thanks for supporting the choir!!!

  12. Important information Fill out form completely. If you need extra forms see Mrs. Pitts or Ms. Cathcart You must turn in all $ by Sept 11th Make Checks out to C.C.B.C. (that stands for “Clarksville Choir Booster Club” You are responsible for delivering the items you sell to your customers. Only sell to people you KNOW Please PRINT CLEARLY the Item #’s and information whenever you sell an item.

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