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Research activities within Lighthouse Ship emissions and MARPOL Annex VI . Zoi Nikopoulou, Logistics and Transport Research Group School of Business, Economics and Law University of Göteborg April 2011. Background : traffic in the Baltic Sea.
Research activitieswithinLighthouseShip emissions and MARPOL Annex VI Zoi Nikopoulou, Logistics and Transport Research Group School of Business, Economics and LawUniversity of Göteborg April 2011
Background: traffic in the Baltic Sea Main routes for shiptraffic in the Baltic Sea • At any time around 2000 ships are operating in the Baltic Sea (2008) • Trafficincreases-Both by number and size, especially tankers • Approximately 400 ktNOX/yearemitted from ships (HELCOM, 2008) • The largestcontributingcategory is passengerships 20% of NOX is emmitted by 6% of the fleet Source: HELCOM AIS
Background: Annex VI NOX-regulations • Reductionswillmaterialisegradualyunlessincentives are introduced • The projectedquantities of NOx reductions are difficult to predict:Quantity of new-builds to sail in the Baltic • Anyrerouting? • Fewabatementtechnologies to chose from; the operations of SCRs on board are still causingtechnicalchallenges as well as lackingtrainingprocedures for the crew. Complying with Tier III might not be possible 100% of the time. • Other options are LNG and possibly EGR plus wet technology
Emissions of NOX in fairway and port of Gothenburg Effects of onlyTier II and Tier III Effects of Tier II and Tier III together with effects from fuelchangedirectives and alreadyinstalledcatalysts (From manuscript in preparation, Hulda Winnes)
Emissions of NOX in fairway and port of Gothenburg A fuelshift to marine gasoils cause NOX-reductions (mainlydue to lower nitrogen content in MGO) Differentiated fairway dues and shoresideelectricitycontributed to a reduction of 335 tonnes in 2008
Mainlytwo ”ships” withinLighthouse are involved in research projectsevaluatingeconomical and environmentaleffects of the MARPOL Annex VI regulations Alsoeducationalactivitiesrelating to the subject LIGHTHOUSE MARITIME COMPETENCE CENTRE Business ship Eco ship Safeship Cargo ship Ergo ship
RESEARCH PROJECT- PhD STUDIES • Division of Sustainableshippropulsion • Hulda Winnes: PhD thesis, 2010, Air Polltion from Ships – Emission Measurements and ImpactAssessments • Mathias Magnusson: Improved SCR systems for marine applications Division of Logistics and Transport Economics Zoi Nikopoulou: Emission trading and logistics innovations facilitating reduction of ship emissions
Related PhD STUDIES Department of LawPhilip Linné: ‘RegulatingVessel-source Air Pollution – Approaches to ControllingSulphurOxides’ Division of Sustainableshippropulsion Selma Bengtsson: Environmental impact from sea transport from a life cycle perspective And current work on life cycle assessment on biofuels Erik Svensson: Development and Revision of the Global Sulphur Cap in MARPOL Annex VI
Transnational network of universities in the North Sea Region A network of universities, research institutes and maritime industry To educate and train professionals in the maritime and port industry Focus on a joint curriculum of maritime, port and short sea shipping Lighthouseparticipation: Professor Arne Jensen Senior lecturer Rickard Bergquist Hulda Winnes (IVL) EDUCATION - Northern Maritime University NMU www.nsr.nm-uni.eu
EDUCATION - Northern Maritime University NMU NMU offers a 7.5 ECTS (~5weeks) course in ”Shipping and environment” One course module is ‘Emissions to air from maritime transport and emissions cleaning ’ www.nsr.nm-uni.eu
EDUCATION –Shipping and Marine Technology Maritime Environment group offers ”environmental” courses to students in three programmes Sjöingenjör, Sjökapten and Sjöfart och logistik Othercourses with modulesreferring to NOx from marine engines: EnvironmentalAspects on Logistics (Chalmers) The Shipping industry – Maritime policy, freight markets and companybehaviour (Handelshögskola i Göteborg) Shipping production systems and logistics management (Handelshögskola i Göteborg)
EU PROJECT- SKEMA Interactiveknowledgeplatform for Maritime and Logistics Funded by the European Commission - DGTREN under the Seventh Framework Programe Sustainable Knowledge Platform for the use of stakeholders in the Maritime Transport & Logistics industry Project webpage: www.skematransport.eu SKEMA Knowledge Platform: www.eskema.eu
EU PROJECT- SKEMA Economics and Regulation – the market, practices, trends and fiscal implications Developments - logistics, intermodal, D2D design and management, performance indicators, e-freight Safety and security – operational services, information management Sustainability – externalities, market instruments Technology – navigation, environment, port, risk management, ICT, environmental technologies Latest deliverables on financing opportunities in the recovery period, challenges and MARPOL Annex VI
EU PROJECT- SKEMA Impactstudy of the future MARPOL rules for low sulphur fuel Assess the modal backshift from sea to road in the European SECA Modelling of effects for transport between Klaipeda and Harwich Suggest measures to avoid modal shift from SSS to road transport
Assessment of the impact of the application of new sulphur limits to the Mediterranean and the Atlentic European (2010) Emission impact as a result of new sulphur limits Aggregatecost and benefitprojections Shortsea shipping routes: Algericas-Antwerp, Ancona-Pireus, Valencia-Bari, Vigo-Rotterdam, Gijon-Antwerp ...
..Discussion and concusions Special circumstances, geography and infrastructure dominant SSS Increasedcosts by 25% in 2015 and by 7% in 2020 slight modal shift Small loss of SSS share, largegain in road share
RESEARCH PROJECTS AND PUBLICATIONS - OTHER LCA of SCR at Chalmers, (Andersson K. and Winnes H., 2011, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment) Sustainable Intermodal Supply Systems for biofuel and bulk freight – in cooperation with MARITERM AB, WSB Group, Royal Institute of Technology, Skogforsk, PGF Transport Sustainablelogistics – in cooperation with Chalmers University of Technology Northern Lead - in co-operation with Chalmers University of Technology and the Logistics and Transport Society LTS