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RESPONDING TO RDD AND RELATED WMD EVENTS. NRT-RRT 2004 CO-CHAIRS MEETING March 4, 2004 Craig Conklin Department of Homeland Security. Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Explosive Manual Fixed Location Dispersed Placement Atmospheric Aerosol Burning Vaporization
RESPONDING TO RDD AND RELATED WMD EVENTS NRT-RRT 2004 CO-CHAIRS MEETING March 4, 2004 Craig Conklin Department of Homeland Security
Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Explosive Manual Fixed Location Dispersed Placement Atmospheric Aerosol Burning Vaporization Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) Nuclear Chain Reaction (Nuclear Yield) Stolen Nuclear Weapon Crude “Homemade” Device Types of Radiological/Nuclear Events
LAYERED RESPONSE STRATEGY Federal Response State Response Regional / Mutual Response Systems Capabilities and Resources
Single comprehensive national approach Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery Ensure all levels of government work together National Incident Management System Horizontal and Vertical Integration Effective Communications Integrate crisis and consequence management MANAGEMENT OF DOMESTIC INCIDENTS (HSPD-5)
Bridging document to full NRP Uses existing plans (FRP, FRERP, CONPLAN, NCP) Harmonizes existing operational procedures and protocols Requires specific modifications to existing plans Defines DHS elements Principal Federal Official Interagency Incident Management Group Assistant to the President for Homeland Security Homeland Security Operations Center Joint Field Office INITIAL NATIONAL RESPONSE PLAN (INRP)
POTENTIAL OPERATIONS DIAGRAM White House& Congress Washington, DC LFA Department DHS -------------- NEOC HSOC Principal Federal Official (PFO) Lead Federal Agency (LFA) Federal Coord. Officer (FCO) Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Senior Energy Official (SEO) State, Local, & Tribal Rep. Other Federal Agency Officers Joint Field Office Federal Advisory Team Other DHS Responders & Asset Consequence Management Official (CMO) ----------------------------------- FRMAC Director State, Local, & Tribal Responders Other Federal Agency Responders Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center
What is the relationship between the PFO and FCO? Who is responsible for clean up and site restoration? Who provides plume modeling predictions? How clean is clean (acceptable level of risk)? What do we prepare for – RDD or IND? How are the NIRT assets employed in a response? How is information communicated during a response? How will military assets be integrated into a response? Issues for Resolution
Consequence Management Subgroup Protective Action Guides Plume Modeling Scenario Development Working Group Nuclear Power Plant Security Policy Coordinating Committee National Response Plan/National Incident Management System Federal Response Subcommittee FRERP Integration Effort International Activities Code of Conduct Safe Source Tracking Current Federal Activities