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Birmingham 3M Military Earplugs Lawsuit Attorneys

Theu00a0Birmingham 3M lawsuit attorneysu00a0of Farris, Riley & Pitt, LLP are committed to representing our brave men and women in the service regarding these claims while they were at war for our country. Contact our military earplugs lawsuit lawyer or call us today at 205-324-1212.

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Birmingham 3M Military Earplugs Lawsuit Attorneys

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  1. Birmingham 3M Military Earplugs Lawsuit Attorneys Withoveramillion veteransaffectedby tinnitusandhearing loss,the VeteransBenefitsAdministration (VBA)decisivelyconcludedthat hearingdamage isthemost commondisabilityamong themen and womenwho haveservedinthe military. 3MDual-EndedCombat Earplugswerethestandardissueearplugs from 2003 to2015 foractive duty militarypersonnel.The revelation of adefectindesign bringsaboutlawsuitsagainst 3M,who hadaduty to issuesafeand effectiveearplugsformembers inservice. The Birmingham Birmingham 3M committedtorepresenting our brave menand women intheservice regarding theseclaimswhiletheywere atwarfor ourcountry. 3Mlawsuit lawsuit attorneys attorneysofFarris,Riley &Pitt,LLPare What Are 3m Earplugs And What Damage Did They Cause? From2003 to2015,3M’sDual-EndedCombat EarplugsVersion 2 (CAEv2)werestandardissueearprotection usedbythe UnitedStates Military.Theseearplugshadaduel-endeddesignto blockallsevere ear-damaging soundswhilestillallowingthe usertohear and communicatewith theirteam. TheUnitedStatesdefenseservice allegedthat3M soldthemdefective earplugsknowing thepotentialdamagethey couldcause. Whistleblowercompanyand competitorMoldex-Metric,Inc. discoveredthat 3Mtamperedwithtestresultsandprovided inaccuratedata.To makemattersworse,3M alsofailedtoprovide adequateinstructions forusage.

  2. WHY DO I NEED A 3M EARPLUG ATTORNEY? Studieshaveshownthathearing lossand tinnitus cancontributeto anxietyanddepression, causing adeclineintheindividual’squality of life. 3Mearplug lawsuitattorneys arecurrently workingto developclaims broughtagainstthecompany andareactively looking forthebrave menand women thatworetheseearplugs andservedin: YemeniCivilWar SyrianCrisisIntervention LibyanCrisisIntervention Warin Somalia Warin Afghanistan The IraqWar Waron Terror Operations        In order to hold the company accountable for their negligence, victims should seek out the help of a trusted and compassionate product liability attorney to offer legal guidance and handle their claim with care. Our 3M lawsuit attorneys have the legal knowledge, trial experience, skills, and motivation to build a strong and successful 3M combat earplug claim for veterans and active military personnel. ------------------------------------------------------------------

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