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Buy Farm Fresh Buy Farm Fresh Seasonal fruitoyepk mad dash to get effective treatment for the novel coronavirus, doctors and scientists are testing existing antivirals, antimalarials, monoclonal antibodies, and other medications against COVID-19. Now Chinese teams are adding vitamin C to the list of potential therapies. نوروک لوان ی سرئاو ک جلاع رثوم ےک ی رد ی تفا ل ےک ےنرک ڈوک وک ںؤاود 19 ہ ےہر رک چناج فلاخ ےک ی ں چ با ۔ ی ن ی ٹ ی م ی ں ک جلاع ہنکمم ی م تسرہف ی ں س نماٹو ی ہر رک ہفاضا اک ی ہ ی ۔ں ZhiYong Peng, MD of the Department of Critical Care Medicine at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University recently registered a phase 2 clinical test on ClinicalTrials.gov to check the efficacy of vitamin C infusions for the treatment of severe acute respiratory tract infection (SARI) related to the novel coronavirus. ک ی رئ م ی ڈ ی نس ا ےک ہبعش ےک ی م ڈ ی ژ ی گنا پ ی گن ہ لاح ےن ی س نماٹو ہتسباو ےس ) ی فنا ی نژو ک ی دافا ی ت ک ی لک ےئل ےک چناج ی ن ی لک زلئارٹ.gov ی ز 2 لک ی ن ی لک ک جرد لئارٹ ی ا ئاو انوروک لوان ۔ےہ سر The study description notes that vitamin C is an antioxidant which will help prevent cytokine-induced damage to the lungs. Cytokines are small proteins released by cells, which trigger inflammation and answer infections, consistent with MedicineNet author William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR. Severe lung inflammation with COVID-19 may end in respiratory distress and even death. ی ا ی ک ا ی ٹن ی سکآ ی ڈ ی ٹن ھپ وج ےہ ی ںوڑھپ ےس نئاکوٹئاس وک نس ی ٹ لو فنصم ےک ی م س ی ش ی لئ نوج ی رئ ا ، ی م ڈ ی ا ، ی ف ےا ی زن لخ ی ںو رذ ےک ی ہع راج ی ٹورپ ےٹوھچ ی ن ہ ی ں وک شزوس وج ، ہ ےترک کرحتم ی ں فنا روا ی نشک د باوج اک ی ےت ہ ی ں ۔ COVID-19 م ی ں ک سناس ی لکت ی ف روا ی ںاہ تکسوہ عقاو توم ہک کت ی ۔ےہ The clinical test description states that vitamin C reduces the inflammatory response, and both prevents and shortens the duration of the cold . the outline further states that insufficient vitamin C is said to an increased risk and severity of influenza infections. The team aims to ascertain if vitamin C has similar effects against viral infection related to COVID-19. Seasonal Mango Fruits online at best price. Mango Fruits online at best price. ا ہدوجوم وک ںونادسنئاس روا ںورٹکاڈ ، ی ٹن ی زلرئاو د روا ، ںوڈنپئام لنولکونوم ، ی رگ a زلئ رلا ی ی م ی ا ، ی ٹن م لاتپسا نانگنوز ےک ی ں رک ی ٹک ی لک نشک راس( ی ف رپ ی ناہوو م ی ں دش ی د دش ی د ٹسرو ی نو ی فنا ےک سفنت ی س نماٹو ہک ےہ م ۔ےہ اترک مہارف ددم ی ڈ ی کوٹئاس ، قباطم ےک رآ م تحاضو م ےنکور وک ناصقن ہرثاتم ی ں ف س ےا ی ںوڑھپ ک ی دش ی د تن ےک شزوس ی ےج ی ں اتب ی ا گ ی ا ےعلاطم ک ی ی پ ی ا ، ی ھپ ھتاس ےک ی س
س نماٹو ہک ےہ ی صفت ۔ےہ اترک رصتخم روا اتکور وک تدم ی ل م ی ں زم ی د گ اہک ی ا فاکان ہک ےہ ی س نماٹو ی فنا ازنئولفنا ی نشک ٹ ۔ےہ قلعتم ےس تدش روا ہرطخ ےئوہ ےتھڑب ےک ی م دصقم اک ی ہ د ی انھک ک ہک ےہ ی ا و ی نم نومن ی ہ س نماٹو فلاخ ےک ی ۔ےہ اتڑپ رثا اک However not all experts agree. MedicineNet content reviewed by Carol DerSarkissian, MD states, “Your system does need vitamin C to figure right. But extra won’t assist you avoid a chilly . it's going to make it get away faster or not feel as bad – if you were taking it before you bought sick.” ہن قفتم رہام مامت ، ی ں ہ ی ں م ۔ ی ڈ ی لک ن ی ٹ ہزئاج اک تلاومشم ےک س نماٹو ےئل ےک ےنرک ماک ےس ی ک ی ل ۔ےہ ترورض ی نک فاضا ی پآ ےس راتفر رود اگ ےئاجوہ ی ا ہن سوسحم ارب ی ں اگوہ – رگا لہپ ےس سا ےھت ےہر ےل پآ ب پآ ہک ے ی رام ئاجوہ ی ں ۔ “ Currently, there are not any effective targeted antiviral medications for COVID-19. the most treatment consists of supportive therapy to manage symptoms. Participants within the experimental group will receive 24 grams of IV vitamin C per day for 7 days. That’s quite 260 times the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin C for adults and youngsters age 4 years old and up, which is 90 mg per day. تابرجت ی م پورگ ی ں وک دارفا لماش 7 کت ند 24 مارگ IV ڈ ےئل ےک ی ل ی و ی ل ی و ڈ( ی و ی ےس ) 260 ز ےس انگ ی ہدا وج ، ےہ ی مو ی ہ 90 لم ی ۔ےہ مارگ In a series of YouTube videos released within the last fortnight , Richard Cheng MD, PhD, Chinese Edition Editor of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service states there are a minimum of three clinical trials in China studying the consequences of high-dose IV vitamin C for the treatment of COVID-19. He mentions the Shanghai Medical Association has released an expert consensus statement on the great treatment of COVID-19 where they endorse the utilization of high-dose IV vitamin C for the illness. To the simplest of his knowledge, Dr. Cheng said the so-called “Shanghai Plan” published on March 1 is that the first and only official government guideline for using vitamin C for ماع ںونود روا ، ےہ اترک مک وک لمعدر ےک شزوس ی ں اتب ی ا گ ی ا م تحاضو شئامزآ ی لک لک ی ن ی ی ک ی درس COVID-19 ہتسباو ےس ک ی س ی نئ ی م ےنچب ےس ی ں ہن ددم ی ں د ی ات ۔ےہ ی ہ ت وک پآ ی ز مہات ا ، ی م ڈ ی حص وک ماظن ی ح رط ی ےق ےہ اھکل ےن سر ڈ ی لور ک ، ی MD تعفادم ےک پآ“ ، ی درس وک روا دارفا غلاب 4 لاس ی ا سا س نماٹو ےئل ےک ںوچب ےک رمع ی ۔اگوہ لصاح ی ہ س نماٹو ی ز ےس ی دا ہ
something as serious because the novel coronavirus. He said there's a push to urge additional Chinese hospital groups to review oral liposomal vitamin C for treatment of the virus because oral forms are often administered rapidly and widely to large numbers of affected patients. fruitoyepk states that the principle investigator of the primary high-dose IV vitamin C trial in China has told him that the preliminary results of the study are promising. The investigator said the administration of 24 grams per day to COVID-19 patients results in significant reductions in inflammation. Dr. Cheng said this is often notable because massive inflammation within the lungs and potentially other organs could also be fatal within the illness.