Dear, Mary I’m here at the Parthenon. I wish you were here. You should see it, it is so old. It was built it 447 B.C. did you no that it was built in honor of Athena. And it was built in the time that Pericles. So cool right? The Parthenon was built on top of the acropolis.it is so pretty here like the stanch of Athena inside. Well I have to go and see more fun stuff.bye! from, Haley
Dear Mary, Hay girl hay. I love it here at the marble work shop. Here they had all kinds of art, like: sculptors, paints, and nudes. Their were only nudes of men and they were called kourai. cloth girls are also called kourai. Some of remarkable artists, made these statues and put them everywhere. from, Haley
Dear Mary I miss you and your silliness. I'm having so much fun. I'm here at the theater of Dionysus. It was built in honor of Dionysus him self. It was staged in out door marble. Comical plays made fun of things. Tracie plays were played with respect. And extreme plays were played for the gods. Well the play is over so I must leave behind my greatness. from, Haley
Haley's s.s. project Ancient Greek