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SOLO Literacy Suite in the Classroom

SOLO Literacy Suite in the Classroom. Shonda Golden & Gigi Whiteside Assistive Technology Specialists Fulton County Schools. SOLO Literacy Suite: Background. Writing Exercise. Topic “The Evolution of Social Media”

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SOLO Literacy Suite in the Classroom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOLO Literacy Suite in the Classroom Shonda Golden& Gigi Whiteside Assistive Technology Specialists Fulton County Schools

  2. SOLO Literacy Suite: Background

  3. Writing Exercise • Topic “The Evolution of Social Media” • Given 3 minutes, write a paragraph describing the early development of social media

  4. “The Evolution of Social Media” • Using the supports provided, now try to write a new paragraph about the early development of social media. • Graphic Organizer related to Topic (Draft:Builder) • Topic Specific Word Bank (Co:Writer w/Topic Dictionary) • Word Prediction (w/Topic Dictionary) • Auditory Feedback for editing (Write:Outloud)

  5. Four Levels of Differentiation • Hard copy print out – low tech • Write:Outloud (auditory feedback) only • Speech Off/On • Co:Writer • Built In Topic Dictionaries or Create Your Own • Co:Writer with a Word Bank

  6. Research Writing Read:Outloud reads internet and a variety of e-text aloud Includes study tools that allow students to: Highlight key information for notes Defines new vocabulary Add notes to summarize or include additional information Easily create a bibliography to cite sources

  7. Differentiation Read:Outloud • Internet Only • Text selected by grade or lexile level • www.kidsclick.org • www.readability-score.com/ • E-Text • Chosen at students independent reading level • Modified by teacher for • Content • Visual Needs/Ease • Highlighters/Notes • Reading Guide “Recent research finds that SLTR (single line text reading) on a small-screen handheld device facilitates reading by improving both speed and comprehension in a subset of high school students with dyslexia”. Schneps MH, Thomson JM, Chen C, Sonnert G, Pomplun M (2013) E-Readers Are More Effective than Paper for Some with Dyslexia. PLoS ONE 8(9): e75634. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075634

  8. Student Work Samples

  9. Curriculum Based LessonsSOLO Summer Institutes

  10. We hope you enjoyed this GaETC session. Please give your feedback at www.gaetc.org/evaluate

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