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Type Systems and Structures. Programming Language Principles Lecture 22. Prepared by Manuel E. Bermúdez, Ph.D. Associate Professor University of Florida. Data Types. Most PLs have them. Two purposes: Provide context for operations, e.g. a+b (ints or floats). In Java,
Type Systems and Structures Programming Language Principles Lecture 22 Prepared by Manuel E. Bermúdez, Ph.D. Associate Professor University of Florida
Data Types • Most PLs have them. • Two purposes: • Provide context for operations, e.g.a+b(ints or floats). In Java, • Widget x=new(Widget), allocatesmemory for an object of type Widget, and invokes a constructor. • Limits semantically legal operations, e.g. n + "x".
Type equivalence and compatibility. • At hardware level, bits have no type. • In a PL, need types • to associate with values, • to resolve contextual issues and • to check for illegal operations.
Type System • Mechanism for defining types and associating them with PL constructs. • Rules for determining type equivalence, compatibility. Type inferencing rules are used to determine the type of an expression from its parts, and from its context.
Type Systems • Distinction between "type of expression" and "type of object" important only in PLs with polymorphism. • Subroutines have a type in some languages (RPAL: lambda-closure), if they need to be passed as parameters, stored or returned from function.
Type Systems (cont’d) • Type checking: process of enforcing type compatibility rules. A "type clash" occurs if not. • Strongly typed language: enforcement of operations only applied to objects of types intended. Example: C is not very strongly typed: "while(*p++) { ... }"used to traverse an array.
Type Systems (cont’d) • Statically typed language: strongly typed, with enforcement occurring at compile time. Examples: ANSI C (more so than classic C), Pascal (almost, untagged variant records) • Some (few) languages are completely untyped: Bliss, assembly language.
Type Systems (cont’d) • Dynamic (run-time) type checking: RPAL, Lisp, Scheme, Smalltalk. • Other languages (ML, Miranda, Haskell) are polymorphic, but use significant type inference at compile time.
Type Definitions • Early on (Fortran, Algol, BASIC) available types were few and non-extensible. • Many languages distinguish: • type declaration (introduce name and scope) • type definition (describe the object or type itself).
Type Definitions (cont’d) • Three approaches to describe types: • Denotational. • A type is a set of values (domain). • An object has a type if its value is in the set. • Constructive: • A type is either atomic (int, float, bool, etc.) or is built (constructed) from atomic types, i.e. arrays, records, sets, etc. • Abstraction: • A type is an interface: a set of operations upon certain objects.
Classification of Types • Scalar (a.k.a. discrete, ordinal) types: • The terminology varies (bool, logical, truthvalue). • Scalars sometimes come in several widths (short, int, long in C, float and double, too). • Integers sometimes come "signed" and "unsigned."
Classification of Types (cont’d) • Characters sometimes come in different sizes (char and "wide" in C, accommodating Unicode) • Sometimes "complex" and "rational" are provided. • COBOL and PL/1 provide "decimal" type. Example(PL/1): FOR I=0 TO 32/2 ...
Classification of Types (cont’d) Enumerations: • Pascal:type day = (yesterday, today, tomorrow) • A newly defined type, so: var d: day; for d := today to tomorrow do ... • Can also use to index arrays: var profits: array[day] of real; In Pascal, enumeration is a full-fledged type.
Classification of Types (cont’d) • C: enum day {yesterday,today,tomorrow }; equivalent to: typedef int day; const day yesterday=0; today=1; tomorrow=2;
Classification of Types (cont’d) • Subrange types. • Values are a contiguous subset of the base type values. The range imposes a type constraint. Pascal: type water_temp = 32 .. 212;
Classification of Types (cont’d) • Composite Types. • Records. A heterogeneous collection of fields. • Variant records. Only one of the fields is valid at any given time. Union of the fields, vs. Cartesian product. • Arrays. Mapping from indices to data fields.
Classification of Types (cont’d) • Sets. Collections of distinct elements, from a base type. • Pointers. l-values. Used to implement recursive data types: an object of type T contains references to other objects of type T. • Lists. Length varies at run-time, unlike (most) arrays. • Files. Hold a current position.
Orthogonality • Pascal: variant fields required to follow non-variant ones. • Most PL's provide limited ability to specify literal values of composite types. • Example:In C, int [] x = {3,2,1} Initializer, only allowed for declarations, not assignments. • In Ada, use aggregates to assign composite values.
Type Equivalence • Structural equivalence: Two types are equivalent if they contain the same components. • Varies from one language to another.
Type Equivalence (cont’d) Example: type r1 = record a,b: integer; end; type r2 = record b: integer; a: integer; end; var v1: r1; v2: r2; v1 := v2; • Are these types compatible ? • What if a and b are reversed ? • In most languages, no. In ML, yes.
Type Equivalence (cont’d) • Name equivalence: based on type definitions: usually same name. • Assumption: named types are intended to be different. • Alias types: definition of one type is the name of another. • Question: Should aliased types be the same type?
Type Equivalence (cont’d) • In Modula-2: TYPE stack_element = INTEGER; MODULE stack; IMPORT stack_element; EXPORT push, pop; procedure push (e:stack_element); procedure pop ( ): stack_element; • Stack module cannot be reused for other types.
Type Equivalence (cont’d) • However, TYPE celsius = REAL; fahrenh = REAL; VAR c: celsius; f: fahrenh; f := c; (* should probably be an error *)
Type Equivalence (cont’d) • Strict name equivalence: aliased types are equivalent. • type a = bconsidered both declaration and definition. • Loose name equivalence: aliased types not equivalent. • type a = bconsidered a declaration; a and b share the definition.
Type Equivalence (cont’d) In Ada: compromise, allows programmer to indicate: • alias is a subtype (compatible with base type) subtype stack_element is integer;
Type Equivalence (cont’d) • In Ada, an alias is a derived type (not compatible) subtype stack_element is integer; type celsius is new REAL; type fahrenh is new REAL; • Now the stack is reusable, and celsius is not compatible with fahrenh.
Type Conversion and Casts • Many contexts in which types are expected: • assignments, unary and binary operators, parameters. • If types are different, programmer must convert the type (conversion or casting).
Three Situations • Types are structurally equivalent, but language requires name equivalence. Conversion is trivial. • Example (in C): typedef number int; typedef quantity int; number n; quantity m; n = m;
Three Situations (cont’d) • Different sets of values, but same representation. • Example:subrange 3..7 of int. • Generate run-time code to check for appropriate values (range check).
Three Situations (cont’d) • Different representations. • Example (in C): int n; float x; n = x; • Generate code to perform conversion at run-time.
Type Conversions • Ada: name of type used as a pseudofunction: • Example:n = integer(r); • C, C++, Java:Name of type used as prefix operator, in ()s. • Example:n = (int) r;
Type Conversions (cont’d) • If conversion not supported in the language, convert to pointer, cast, and dereference (ack!): r = *((float *) &n); • Re-interpret bits in n as a float.
Type Conversions (cont’d) • OK in C, as long as • nhas an address (won't work with expressions) • nandroccupy the same amount of storage. • programmer doesn't expect run-time overflow checks !
Type Compatibility and Coercions • Coercion: implicit conversion. • Rules vary greatly fromone language to another.
Type Compatibility and Coercions (cont’d) • Ada: Types T and S are compatible (coercible) if either • T and S are equivalent. • One is a subtype of the other (or both subtypes of the same base type). • Both are arrays (same numbers, and same type of elements). • Pascal: same as Ada, but allows coercion from integer to real.
Type Compatibility and Coercions (cont’d) • C: Many coercions allowed. General idea: convert to narrowest type that will accommodate both types. • Promote char (or short int) to int, guaranteeing neither is char or short. • If one operand is a floating type, convert the narrower one: float -> double -> long double
Type Compatibility and Coercions (cont’d) • Note: this accommodates mixtures of integer and floating types. • If neither type is a floating type, convert the narrower one: int-> unsigned int-> long int-> unsigned long int
Examples char c; /* signed or unsigned -- implementation? */ short int s; unsigned int u; int i; long int l; unsigned long int ul; float f; double d; long double ld;
Examples (cont’d) i + c; /* c converted to int */ i + s; /* s converted to int */ u + i; /* i converted to unsigned int */ l + u; /* u converted to long int */ ul + l; /* l converted to unsigned long int */ f + ul; /* ul converted to float */ d + f; /* f converted to double */ ld + d; /* d converted to long double */
Type Compatibility and Coercions (cont’d) • Conversion during assignment. • usual arithmetic conversions don't apply. • simply convert from type on the right, to type on the left.
Examples s = l; /* l's low-order bits -> signed number */ s = ul; /* ditto */ l = s; /* s signed-extended to longer length */ ul = s: /* ditto, ul's high-bit affected ? */ s = c; /* c extended (signed or not) to */ /* s's length, interpreted as signed */ f = l; /* l converted to float, precision lost */ d = f: /* f converted, no precision lost. */ f = d; /* d converted, precision lost */ /* result may be undefined */
Type Inference • Usually easy. • Type of assignment is type of left-side. • Type of operation is (common) type of operands.
Type Inference (cont’d) • Not always easy. Pascal: type A: 0 .. 20; B: 10.. 20: var a: A; b: B; • What is the type ofa+b ?In Pascal, it's the base type (integer).
Type Inference (cont’d) • Ada: • The type of the result would be an anonymous type 0..40. • The compiler would generate run-time checks for values out of bounds. • Curbing unnecessary run-time checks is a major problem.
Type Inference (cont’d) • Pascal allows operations on sets: var A: set of 1..10; B: set of 10..20; C; set of 1..15; i: 1..30; C := A + B * [1..5,i]; • The type of the expression is set of integer (the base type). Range check is required when assigning toC.
Type Inference (cont’d) • Type safety in Java
Type Inference in ML • Programmer can declare types, but if not, ML infers them, using unification (more later in Prolog).
Type Inference in ML (cont’d) • ML infers the return type of "fib": • i+1 implies i is of type int. • i=n implies n is of type int. • fib_helper(0,1,0) implies f1, f2 of type int, and confirms (doesn't contradict) i is of type int. • fib_helper returning f2 implies fib_helper returns int. • fib returning fib_helper(0,1,0) implies fib returns int.
Type Inference in ML (cont’d) • ML checks type consistency: no contradictions or ambiguities. • By inferring types, ML allows polymorphism: fun compare (x,p,q) = if x = p then if x = qthen "all three match" else "first two match" else if x = q then "second two match" else "none match";
Type Inference in ML (cont’d) • The type of fun is not specified. Typeinference yields any type for which'=' is legal (many of them !). • Result is polymorphic 'compare' method. • It's possible to underspecify the type: fun square (x) = x * x; (* int or float ? *) fun square (x:int) = x * x; (* ambiguity gone *)