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Exploring Multiculturalism in English Language Teaching: Enhancing Cultural Awareness

This reflection focuses on the significance of multicultural awareness in English language teaching. It discusses examples of ELT materials, methodological tensions, obstacles to multicultural pedagogy, curricular aims, and the importance of equal representation of cultural images in courseware for fostering cultural knowledge sharing.

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Exploring Multiculturalism in English Language Teaching: Enhancing Cultural Awareness

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  1. Developing Multicultural Awareness Through English: Reflections on Culture and Multiculturalism Achilleas Kostoulas, The University of Manchester

  2. Overview • Culture and the ELT Curriculum • Examples of ELT materials • Multicultural Awareness Through English (MATE)

  3. Culture & The ELT Curriculum Instances of methodological tension

  4. Multiculturalism & the curriculum “ …multiculturalism emerges naturallysince, as a language of international communication, [English]will make a significant contribution towards shaping multicultural awareness” Pedagogical Institute. (2003). Διαθεματικό Ενιαίο Πλαίσιο Προγραμμάτων Σπουδών και Αναλυτικά Προγράμματα Σπουδών.Vol. Β,p. 4086

  5. Obstacles to multicultural pedagogy • “Limited range of suggested activities [which] provide some lead for the development of a generic (?) intranational cultural awareness through English.” • Selected objectives in the National Curriculum: • “Putting together a display of foods from different English-speaking countries.” • “Collection of myths or legends from Greece and English speaking countries” • Sifakis, N., Lytra, V. and Fay, R. (2010). English as a lingua franca in an increasingly post-EFL era: The case of English in the Greek state education curriculum. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca. Vienna: 22 – 25th May 2010.

  6. Cultural images in the courseware “cultures that are considered to be low-status are systematically invisiblised” • PozoukidisN.&Balabanidou,Z.(2010) Η διαπολιτισμική διάσταση των νέων βιβλίων αγγλικής γλώσσας για το δημοτικό σχολείο: μια ανάλυση περιεχομένου. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Intercultural Education, Immigration and Conflict Management. Alexandroupolis: 7-9 May 2010.

  7. Tension Curricular aims Actuality of teaching

  8. Examples of ELT Materials How multicultural is the courseware?

  9. Multicultural awareness Through English An alternative approach to multiculturalism

  10. Requisites for MATE • Equal representation of cultural images (courseware, learners’ backgrounds) • Safe social space for sharing cultural knowledge • Rethinking of professional credentials

  11. Thank you for your attention Questions? Achilleas.Kostoulas@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk

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