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RHLF’s Vision Statement RHLF is a world class rural social venture capital fund that creates new financial arrangements and opportunities for rural families to improve their housing, economic and living environments.
RHLF set-up • Established in September 1996 as a Section 21 company • Helps address the housing needs of rural poor > 2MLL currently R 4 670 • Assists with financial sector development in rural areas advocated by ISRD Programme • Independent board appointed by the Minister of Housing • Capitalised with DM50 million grant from German Development Bank,KfW
Core Principles • Social venture capital fund • Targets working poor households • Supports incremental housing construction, extensions & improvements • Targets Rural Areas—Non-metropolitan and enhance urban-rural linkages • Promotes non-use of asbestos products
Achievements of RHLF Board approved Business Strategy • Continue to fund profitable and adequately capitalised established entities • R 37 m new commitments • RHLF will use its venture capital investments to leverage additional debt funding from banks • Leveraged R 9.3 m (25%) • Financial sustainability and access to financial services • No clients in distress
Commitment to BEE • Four distinct strategic thrusts • Demand driven developmental needs of end-users • Funding black owned and managed companies • Warehouse RHLF shares for future acquisition • Employment equity
Warehouse RHLF shares • RHLF owns shares in the following number of clients: • Protea Financial Services Group • Norufin Housing • Lendcor • Indlu Finance • Bayport Financial Services • Izwe Loans
RHLF Development Impact: Some key findings • Loan usage: 69% (vs 70% RHLF target for 2002/03 FY) of the loans are used for developmental purposes • 54% housing • 14% education • 1% working capital for in micro/survivalist enterprises • Satisfaction: 61% of the end-users said they were satisfied with the outcome of the loan use, and • 68% said they would recommend their retail lender to friends and relatives. • 55% of the end-users are females
RHLF Development Impact: Some key findings (cont…) • Direct correlation between end-users receiving consumer education and those who are up-to-date with payments; • But only 19% report having received consumer education • 11% of end-users live in RDP housing, and 3% used the loan to top up subsidy at acquisition • End-users live in the RDP house an average of 24 months before borrowing to improve or extend the RDP house
RHLF Development Impact: Some key findings (cont…) • On average end-users who built new space on the RDP house or existing dwelling, added 22 m2 to the house at cost effective amount of R617 per square metre • 7% of the end-users are informally employed • RHLF currently has small exposure in 3 ISRDP nodes in Eastern Cape and Limpopo/Mpumalanga-
This house has three bedrooms, a kitchen, lounge, inside toilet and has a tiled roof. Initially, the house was a simple 2 room house and has now improved beyond recognition. Standing at the foreground of the house is Mrs Mthethwa, proud mother of Philile who took small successive loans (amounting to R12, 000) to buy building materials and to pay a local builder who built the house. Philile also used R10, 000 of her own saving. The family resides in Thulasi Reserve, a deep rural area of Mandeni, KZN.
This house belongs to Nyalunga family in Lydenburg Extension 6. Towards the back, with greyer bricks, is an original RDP house that the family got in 1996 and that has been extended into a big house. Nyalungas started by stockpiling building material and built foundation. Later they took four successive loans amounting to R22, 000 to buy bricks, tiles, door and window frames and pay for labour.
The front elevation of the Nyalungas’ house with Mrs Sophie Nyalunga in the foreground. She states that they will go back to the RHLF retailer lender for another loan for fencing.
Martha Mthimunye of Mashishing Township (Lydenburg) borrowed R9, 000 from one of RHLF retail lenders (Indlu) and added that to her own saving of R2, 000. She added a verandah and an extra room which she uses for business purposes—productive housing. She runs a home based business of dressmaking and selling clothes and curtains. The house also shows consciousness about security which is important as she runs her business from home.
Martha shows her sewing machines and garments which she sells from her house. She is very happy with the working space which she now has after obtaining a loan from RHLF retail lender. She makes cash payments to repay the loan and is very aware of dangers of defaulting.
Ella Nkosi is a single mother of four and works as a domestic worker for a doctor in Lydenburg, where she earns R700 per month—working 3 days a week. She is as entrepreneurial as you can get. To augment her income, she sells sweets, snacks and hand-made brooms from home and at a nearby school. She also has a pay phone in her house. Her entrepreneurial drive plus her meagre regular income have enabled her to afford 5 successive loans ranging between R2, 000 and R4, 000 to build a four bedroom house for her family. She lived in a tin shack for 10 years before building the house in the background. She says she is a strong believer in Vukuzenzele.
Ella with materials she uses to make brooms which sell like hot cake in the community. Members of the community us these brooms mainly to sweep the grounds of the yard. She says finding this niche market was a blessing as she has used income from this economic activity to help improve the living condition of life of her family.
Critical Success Factors • Government remains committed to policy of sustainable development • Inflation remains below 10% • National Payment System does not introduce discriminatory practices • Implementation of new consumer credit regulation • Shrinking formal sector
Positive Impact of DoH Funding • Concretize government’s ongoing support in eyes of external institutions wanting to develop partnerships with RHLF • Continue to support New Housing Agenda with cutting edge new financial products and arrangements • Lower RHLF’s borrowing costs to “incentivise” intermediaries to make “higher risk, higher transaction cost” rural housing loans • Enable RHLF to mitigate credit risk associated with new shocks similar to small banking crisis • Make new commitments to at least 3 new pipeline clients