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Re-profiling African MDIs as Centres of Excellence for Knowledge Transfer in the 21 st Century

This outline discusses the importance of knowledge in African development and the role of MDIs as knowledge institutions. It also examines the changing landscape of MDIs, problem analysis, and opportunities for progress. The AMDIN contribution is highlighted throughout the discussion.

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Re-profiling African MDIs as Centres of Excellence for Knowledge Transfer in the 21 st Century

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  1. Re-profiling African MDIs as Centres of Excellence for Knowledge Transfer in the 21st Century Kampala, Uganda 14 July 2008

  2. OUTLINE • Knowledge; African development and MDIs as Knowledge Institutions • Changing landscape of MDIs • Problem analysis and opportunity identification • Areas MDIs HAVE to address if we are to make progress • AMDIN contribution


  4. Knowledge Economies; Competitiveness & Development • Knowledge economy is “an economy that creates, acquires and uses knowledge effectively for its economic and social development” • Competitiveness fundamental for economic growth of countries and regions • Competitiveness of countries and regions hugely informed by orientation to knowledge -- even more so than traditional economic factors such as land, capital, labour, climate, etc.

  5. Knowledge and African Competitiveness • Knowledge is the foundation of development • The global knowledge revolution is leading into a post industrial society – massive opportunity for Africa which has largely missed out in the industrial era. Rather than playing catch-up, play leapfrog

  6. Knowledge & development at work Korea Difference attributed to knowledge Difference due to physical and human capital Ghana 1958 1966 1974 1982 1990

  7. African MDIs as part of international knowledge community • MDIs regarded as knowledge institutions. Therefore enormous contribution in development of a knowledge economy. • Africa undeniable part of global community • African MDIs and AMDIN therefore by extraction part of global knowledge community of public administration, management and governance. We will continue to interact within such a knowledge community. • Isolation not an option, will continue to be influenced. However, are we treated and do we behave as an equal partner in global knowledge production?? Africa has become a market for foreigners – cutting teeth on Africa; “international experts” vs. local experts; consumers or producers? • As Africans, do we have “ownership” of our own knowledge?? (others research us and writes about us; extractive vs empowering)


  9. Typology African MDIs 1995 Fully funded by government SAMDI in DPSA (100%) ECSC GIMPA KIA Burundi ASCON (90% gov. budget) UMI (80% gov budget) Quadrant I University of Dar es Salaam Quadrant II No autonomy Full autonomy ZIPAM Quadrant IV Quadrant III Financially self-sufficient

  10. Typology African MDIs 2005 Fully funded by government Quadrant I Quadrant II Mozambique (??) Burundi 75% ASCON (75% gov budget) ECSC (??) TPSC(??) KIA (??) SAMDI (55% gov budget) No autonomy Full autonomy Quadrant III Quadrant IV ZIPAM (??) GIMPA (0% gov budget) UMI 8% Financially self-sufficient

  11. Gradual changes that affected MDIs stature • Greater autonomy  but structurally weakened relationship with government • Notable shift in direction of financial self-sustainability with almost all institutions – willingly or forced (directly & indirectly) getting less guaranteed money from government • Loosing status and influence rapidly • Staffing profile changing • Notable correlation re shift in products & services and form & financial arrangement


  13. Too little human and organisational capacity to do what African governments have to do urgently…. AT SAME TIME … much of this capacity shortage points to problems in MDIs and/or their interface with governments

  14. POINT OF DEPARTURE RE PERFORMANCE Therefore, MDIs cannot be seen as entirely responsible for the capacity shortages and limited levels of performance COMPETENCE PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITY MOTIVATION

  15. Analysis of DAC Network on Governance report “The Challenges of Capacity Development: Working towards Good Practice” shows that factors influencing CD identified in report are mainly linked to overall government processes. • MDIs and their efforts at capacity development cannot thrive in a poor policy environment or poor work environments to which

  16. Windows of opportunity opening up….. & where not open, we are helping to prize them open…….. • International and regional agenda focussed on issue of capacity and capacity development and more specifically the capacity of the capacity developers; • Global recognition of importance of Knowledge Institutions • Role of state and “public” being reinstated as worthy • On African continent, MDIs high on the agenda of the All Africa Conference of Ministers of Public/ Civil Service • The African MDI Network (AMDIN) developing fast with its own specific values base, including drawing on African resources; African ownership • MDIs have weathered the worst storms and are starting to re-establish their reputation based on performance in difficult times

  17. Extracts from Communiqué post August 2007 AMDIN conference … MDIs have a responsibility to redefine their own relevance within their national, sub-regional and regional contexts, if they are to respond to the capacity deficits that exist and optimise their roles in the policy domain with respect to public administration. Conference accepted the notion that success attracts and earns respect and recognition. This is critical if MDIs are once again to be recognised as key think tanks and roleplayers in fundamental change processes that take place in the public sector across the continent.

  18. If we want to improve current performance and reputation, African MDIs MUST ….

  19. Benefit from a policy environment conducive to their performance and a medium to long term perspective on capacity development • Attain a status of “adaptive” autonomy  @ minimum must be allowed to select, place and manage its own staff, whilst being response to the needs and requirements of their governments • Be assured of their government’s support (financial; primary user of services, etc.) and regular opportunity for engagement and interaction • Function against the backdrop of a solid Public Sector HRD and Training policy framework • Work in a change management framework  whole of institution processes rather than haphazard response to profitable markets

  20. Ensure a better balance between training role and that of being trusted think tanks, policy researchers and OD experts/ consultants to their governments • Must retain a public sector focus & know our governments’ needs • Keep track with national and international developments in public administration and policy change initiatives • Must anticipate and be pro-active  not only responding in expressed needs where gap already shown up • Explore the whole spectrum of capacity development approaches  not only conventional training • Measure, monitor and evaluate in order to learn and to improve

  21. Risks • Setting up new structures are seen as the answer, rather than improving on what we have already (e.g. new round of Leadership institutes being set up, as if separate from MDIs) • Unrealistic expectations of what MDIs can and should be doing • Even worse if current problems in operational and policy environment have not been addressed • Loosing focus


  23. KEY MDIs from these countries have previously participated in AMDIN activity, ToT, but could not attend regional w/shop MDIs of these have indicated interest but logistics prevented attendance MDIs from these countries have participated in the regional workshops No contact established yet

  24. What AMDIN intends doing? AMDIN has a critical role to play in addressing the deficiencies that exists in the African MDIs – on institutional, organisational and individual levels. With the assistance of AMDIN and within a networked and constructive collective spirit, African MDIs will set out to achieve a multifaceted and durable agenda to raise their own standards and set continent-wide benchmarks to guide a process of continuous improvement. • AMDIN positioned as Capacity Developer of the Capacity Developers: dedicated to improving the environment in which MDIs functioning as well as strengthening organisational and individual capacity of member institutions • Will continue working in existing 3 Programmes • Programme 1: Knowledge exchange, peer learning and collaboration • Programme 2: Capacity Development of MDIs • Organisational capacity • Individual capacity • Programme 3: Strengthening the network

  25. AMDIN Activities over medium term will respond to MDI expressed needs through: • Phased programme of detail needs assessments of MDIs • Lobbying & advocating for improving the policy and operational environment of MDIs • Create platforms for MDI and Government interaction • Provide platform for knowledge and staff exchange between MDIs & placement programmes • Range of communities of practice • Accreditation and standard raising/ performance improvement plans • Knowledge exchange and production, including collaborative curriculum development and case study material development • On-line libraries & resource centres • Collaborative research endeavours • Capacity development initiatives, especially capacity development for research, organisational development/ assessment/ consultancy as well as curriculum design and e-learning

  26. Knowledge management; Collaboration & Peer learning Intersection: Target Groups and Programmes Target groups Individual Capacity Development/ Training Annual Heads of Institutions Forum Problem solving “fish bowls” and “showcasing” innovative solutions • Change management exposure visits • Support programme for new Heads of Institutions 1. Heads of Institution • Training CFOs/ Financial directors for resource mobilisation • Build M&E capacity, with specific emphasis on Return on Training Investment and Impact Assessment methodologies • Strengthen performance management practices 2. Institutional Managers Training CFOs/ Financial directors Placement & exchange 3. Training Managers Administrators • Customised training course re managing e/ on-line training PLUS logistics for residential courses Community of Practice Placement & exchange Communities of Practice around curriculum areas PLUS professional groupings Collaborative curriculum development Best trainer/ facilitator Award and Case/ Studies materials (with demonstration opportunities) Training of Trainers – generic & subject specialisation, e.g. e-government Curriculum Design & Materials Development (Incl. Wiki-educator) 4. Trainers & Design experts Community of Practice Facilitate consortium formation & collaborative bidding On-line toolbox and example practices Consultancy competency development through short courses & reflective practice 5. Consultants Community of Practice Make accessable on-line resource centres and info rich Dbases Joint, comparative research programmes Research methods & skills Introduction to technological support & software for researchers 6. Researchers

  27. Much work remains Thank you

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