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Spanish Industrial Involvement in Accelerators

Learn about CDTI's involvement in promoting Spanish industrial competitiveness and collaboration in international research facilities. Discover financial instruments and R&D programs supporting projects in accelerators, fusion, and astronomy. Find out about Spanish industrial contributions to major projects like the GTC, ALMA, ITER, and EELT. Explore CDTI's role in facilitating industrial and technological studies for internationally significant scientific facilities. Consider Spanish industrial capacities and potential collaborations for the ILC project. |

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Spanish Industrial Involvement in Accelerators

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  1. ILC GDE Meeting - Madrid, Spain Spanish Industrial Involvement in Accelerators CSIC, - January 20-21 2009 M. Serrano / P. Dorado. Returns of Scientific Programs and Large Facilities Dept. Directorate of Aerospace Programs and Industrials Returns.

  2. CDTI role in Large Scientific Facilities 1/5 CDTI role at Large Scientific Facilities • The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) is a public entity which reports to the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN). • Main objectives: • To foster the Spanish industrial competitiveness by financing national R&D projects. • To encourage the Spanish participation in international technological co-operation programs. • To support technology transfer. • CDTI at Research Infrastructures: • Promotes technological opportunities from Large Scientific Facilities • Manages the participation of competitive Spanish companies in Research Facilities, in areas such as: structures, mechanisms, electrical engineering, vacuum systems, electronics, etc • Supports R&D collaboration agreements between Spanish companies and National and International Scientific Facilities CDTI HQ office

  3. CDTI role in Large Scientific Facilities 2/5 CDTI role at Large Scientific Facilities • Financial Instruments: (Funding for Industry in collaboration with Scientific Organizations) • Free Interest Loans for prototypes and industrial technological projects. • Assistance in the elaboration of Large Scientific Facilities proposal to call for tenders • R&D National Programme: Grants for applied research projects developed in Industry. Priority areas: Accelerators, Fusion and Astronomy

  4. CDTI role in Large Scientific Facilities 3/5 CDTI has been involved on major R&D projects making studies on the industrial and technological benefits for Spanish participation on Large projects. Some examples: • The Spanish 12 m telescope at La Palma GTC (now entering operational phase) • Spanish industrial participation on the ALMA (Atacama Large MM Array) now on construction phase • Report for the Spanish participation on the International fusion projects ITER, supporting the Spanish host site at Cadarache, now on construction phase • Spanish participation on EELT project (42 m optical telescope leadered by ESO, now on phase B) , supporting the candidature of Spain for hosting at Canary Island • Spanish industrial in kind contribution on FAIR, and XFEL projects ( now entering construction phase) • Other involvement on other ESFRI and ICTS (Spanish national roadmap for big scientific and technological facilities) • In space, we are involved in large projects such us ISS, Galileo, all ESA science programs, etc, and in bilateral programs with NASA in the MSL throughout an agreement with JPL-CALTECH, and other space agencies as CNES, CSA, Roscosmos CDTI industrial and technological studies has facilitated political support for the projects

  5. CDTI role in Large Scientific Facilities 4/5 CDTI has been committed from the Spanish law of Science to maximize the Spanish industrial and technological returns from the Spanish participation on Large Scientific and Tecnological Facilities and Organizations such as: • ESA, the European Space Agency • CERN • ESO • ESRF • ILL • ITER • XFEL • FAIR • EC Research Infrastructure Committee for the 7th FP • Other involvement on other ESFRI and ICTS (national roadmap for big scientific facilities) CDTI acts as full Spanish Delegation, as in ESA, or as delegate at the Finance or Procurement Committee and ILO (Industrial Liaison Officer) for those organizations

  6. CDTI role in Large Scientific Facilities 5/5 • The “European Industry Forum for Accelerators with SCRF Technology” (EIFast) was officially founded at DESY on October 27 2005. • Mission: Promote the realization of European and global SCRF projects, including ILC, bringing together research institutes and industrial partners working on SCRF technology, to perform common actions • Main Spanish companies are members of EIFast. • CDTI represents Spanish Industry in EIFast Coordination Board • After X-FEL approval for ILC is seen as the next priority for CDTI in this forum

  7. CDTI support for R&D in 2007-2008 Calls in the Space National Program. Projects approved for Scientific Facilities related to accelerators 1/2

  8. CDTI support for R&D in 2007-2008 Calls in the Space National Program. Projects approved for Scientific Facilities related to accelerators 2/2

  9. Spanish industrial capacities, experience for ILC 1/2 For ILC project we have identified components for potential collaborations in the R&D Phase, in major technical areas of the project: • Superconducting RF Technology (SCRF) Technical Area (Main LINACs) • Superconducting Magnets • Cryomodules • Power Systems • RF Cavities (*) • Conventional Facilities & Siting and Global Systems Technical Area • Civil engineering (Underground and surface) • Electrical and cooling systems • Control Systems • Accelerator Systems Technical Area • Electron/Positron Source • Damping Ring - Kicker structures: drive pulser technology (*) • Beam Delivery System - The final focus (FF) : strong compact superconducting quadrupoles (*) A R&D Program may be targeted for technologies on ILC to increase Spanish participation on items of high technological content.

  10. Spanish industrial capacities, experience for ILC 2/2 • Spanish Industry have been involved in most relevant International Scientific Facilities

  11. Spanish Industrial Partitipation example: LHC CERN - SPANISH INDUSTRIAL RETURN FOR LHC PROJECT Spain is the 5th country with greater industrial return in LHC Project (*)From 1 January 1995 to 31 March 2008. Visiting research teams and collaborations are not included

  12. Spanish Industrial Partitipation example: LHC CERN - SPANISH INDUSTRIAL RETURN FOR LHC PROJECT Payments and aoutstanding commitments for the period 1 January 1995 – 31 March 2008.

  13. Spanish Industrial Partitipation example: LHC

  14. Spanish Industrial Partitipation example: LHC More than 35 Spanish companies have participated at LHC CERN - SPANISH INDUSTRIAL RETURN FOR LHC PROJECT

  15. Main Spanish industries with accelarators experience 1/6 • Developments by Spanish companies: Mechanical structures • Vacuum vessels for LHC dipole cryomagnets • ATLAS Cryostats for superconducting toroids • CMS Hadron Calorimeter (in collaboration with Fermilab) • Cryomodules for the LHC Cryogenic distribution line (QRL) • Cryomodule prototype for the accelerator XFEL

  16. Main Spanish industries with accelarators experience 2/6 ANTEC • Developments by Spanish companies: Magnets manufacturing • 1500 Superconducting sextupoles corrector magnets for LHC • 200 Superconducting octupole corrector magnets for LHC

  17. Main Spanish industries with accelarators experience 3/6 • Developments by Spanish companies: Design & manufacturing of magnets Design & Manufacturing of Beam focusing solenoid & dipoles for new ISIS H- FETS. Septa magnets manufacturing for CTF3 (CLIC Test Facility) Superconducting Dipole Design for Fair Project. GSI. Manufacturing of Superconducting Quadrupole and Dipole prototype for XFEL Mechanical engineering service for ITER components. EFDA/ITER.

  18. Main Spanish industries with accelarators experience 4/6 • Developments by Spanish companies: Design & manufacturing ofCustom Power Supplies Power supply for the dipole and quadrupole magnets in LHC JET Tokamak NBI power supplies Power supply for the magnets of the SPS HV Power Supply for PETRA III Synchrotron Magnets

  19. Main Spanish industries with accelarators experience 5/6 Control System For LHC Cryogenics Study and design CERN Control Room (CCC) Control & Interlock System For The SPS Main Power Converters’ Access Control Surface CERN • Developments by Spanish companies: Control Systems • Emergency Make-up Circuit (CES – Circuit Eau de Secours) • Control system for the reactor isolation gates • New Cryoplant Control System • Control and Supervision Ventilation Synchrotron

  20. Main Spanish industries with accelarators experience 6/6 • Developments by Spanish companies: HV and UHV Systems • Vacuum Chambers for LHCb • Multilayer Sputtering – ESRF • Divertor Remote Handling Prototype For ITER

  21. Spanish Industrial Involvement on ILC: conclusions • Spanish Industry has gained experience and is making progress on accelerator technologies as well as detectors. • Spain is ready from the industrial and technological point of view to take a important position on the future ILC • CDTI will support the Spanish companies to be involved in future lineal accelerator, throughR&D projects (R&D funding is available for companies in collaboration with scientific groups) • New studies and developments are in progress: industrial research on radiofrequency, micro-accelerators o medical image • CDTI is ready to support the GDE management as well as Spanish Institutes analyzing/ negotiating the potential industrial and technological participation of Spanish companies in the ILC project. • We propose to do a future meeting at CDTI with industries as one of the next step on the Spanish participation on ILC

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