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Discover the connection between medicine and humanities, enhancing healthcare through a holistic approach. Learn about the roots, impact, and benefits of integrating arts and humanities in the medical field for a more humane healthcare system.

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  1. INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL HUMANITIES by Dr. YatiSoenarto, Ph.D, Pediatrician, Consultant for Gastrohepatology Center for Bioethics & Humanities

  2. Various understanding of Humanities

  3. The New Fowler’s Modern English Usageby Elizabeth Austen Burchfield, 1996 Humanities Study of the humanities, in Oxford called Literae Humaniores, i.e. classical language and literature, is a regular feature of courses offered at many Universities in Britain and elsewhere. The term of Humanities is also used more broadly of art subjects in general, as and opposed to science technology

  4. American Haritage Dictionary, IIIrd Ed.Houghton Mifflin Co. 1996. Boston - New York Humanities: The languages and literatures of ancient Greece and Rome; the classic. Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts. Middle English come from Old French of humanite Latin: - humanitas - humanus - human

  5. Kamus Bahasa Inggris - Indonesia, 1986(Peter Salim) Humanity • Umat manusia – man kind • Sifat-sifat manusia – human nature • Humanity treatment (Perlakuan yang berperikemanusiaan), penuh belas kasihan • a. Bahasa dan Kesusastraan latin dan Yunani b. Filsafat Kesusastraan dan Kesenian yang berhubungan dengan manusia dan budayanya, yang dibedakan dari ilmu pengetahuan

  6. Kamus Inggris - Indonesia, 1975(John M Echoles dan Hassan Shadily) Humane : - Peramah - Orang yang penyayang Humanism : perikemanusiaanatashumanisme Humanist : - penganutpahamhumanisme - budayawan Humanitarian : berperikemanusiaan Humanitarianism : kemanusiaan Humanity : perikemanusiaan Humanities : ilmusastra Humanize : memperlakukansebagaimanusia

  7. Oxford Dictionary, 1995 - Humane:- kind and caring toward others - causing as little pain as possible (exmple: humane killing of animals, humanly) - Humanity: - Human being in general - Quality of being human

  8. The Marriam - Webster Dictionary, 1997 Humane : - marked by compassion - sympathy or consideration of others Humanity : • The quality or state of being human or humane • The branches of learning dealing with human concerns (as philosophy) as opposed to natural processes (as physics) • The Human race

  9. Medical Sociology • The complex relationship between social factors and level of health characteristic of various groups and societies • Social causes: consequences of ^ human behavior ^ health and illness (Cockerham & Richey, 1997) • Medical practices- Sociological perspectives, theories, method of study of health

  10. Humanitas, atis, f (humanus) 1. a. kodrat manusia; kemanusiaan; perasaan manusia b. idea “manusia” (ad quam homo effingitur) c. manusia itu; umat manusia 2. a. peradaban tinggi; ketinggian budi b. martabat; gengsi; kesopanan; sopan santun; budi bahasa (ab -te deducere) c. kedjenakaan d. keramahan; peri-kemanusiaan; tjinta kepada manusia; perlakuan baik e. amal; derma; kemurahan hati

  11. MEDICAL HUMANITIES • Britain: - ‘60 & ’70: emergence of med.sociology, soc history of medicine & med ethics as Academically respectable subdisciplines • 2000s: reemerged; response to shortcomigs of a med culture dominated by scientific, technical & managerial approaches • 1970th: USA • Indonesia?

  12. 2 Main formula of Med Humanities Complementing med scientech through the contrasting perspective of the Arts & Humanities • Refocuse the whole of Medicine in relation to an understanding of what it is to be fully human; the reuniting of technical & humanistic knowledge & practice is sentral to this enterprise. & Integrated respectively (Greaves & Evans, 2007) aiming to shape the “Nature, goals, & knowledge base” of medicine itself es; Smith, Medicine can be softened by exposing its practitioners to the humanity; the integrated view is >ambious, aiming to shape the the ‘nature, goals, & knowledge base’ of medicine itself.

  13. SCIENCE ARTS & HUMANITIES -Scientific understnding -Ethics -Scientific methods -Interpretation -Educatedness -Evidence(Scientfic & techncl) insight (adaptbility devlpmnt broad prospctve) Technical Judgment Humane Judgment Clinical judgment Macnaughto2007n

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