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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. CSU54_KIT_1. CDO456_KIT_1. RZ390. SB917_KIT_2. RG757. RG574. C424_KIT_1. RG104. RG218. RG556. R2869_KIT_2. SB661_KIT_2. SB360_KIT_2. C1286_KIT_2. R3202_KIT_2. SB138b_KIT_2. C970_KIT_1. CDO590_KIT_1. RG472. RG348. G1184b.

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CSU54_KIT_1 CDO456_KIT_1 RZ390 SB917_KIT_2 RG757 RG574 C424_KIT_1 RG104 RG218 RG556 R2869_KIT_2 SB661_KIT_2 SB360_KIT_2 C1286_KIT_2 R3202_KIT_2 SB138b_KIT_2 C970_KIT_1 CDO590_KIT_1 RG472 RG348 G1184b UMC107b RZ816_KIT_1 SB261a_KIT_2 RZ262 R830_KIT_2 RZ543_KIT_2 G103 Tos17 KASALATH SB757_KIT_2 DHPS_KIT_1 RG190b SB138a_KIT_2 RG773 RZ143_KIT_2 RZ329_KIT_2 UMC68b RZ257 RZ206_KIT_2 CDO1173_KIT_1 Tos17 AZUCENA RZ87_KIT_2 CSU116 G1112b SB734a_KIT_2 RG20 RZ892b_KIT_1 C825 SSCIR60 PSR690_KIT_2 RZ556 SB160_KIT_2 G1125_KIT_1 CDO127 RG91 R1613_KIT_2 RG313 RZ398 RG449 RG246 RG100 R3375 RG191 RZ638 RZ397_KIT_2 PSR598_KIT_1 RG511 G1391 RZ69b_KIT_1 RZ488 R617_KIT_1 CSU109_KIT_1 RZ476_KIT_2 R2174 RG869 CDO1395_KIT_2 R2401_KIT_2 SB106_KIT_2 RG341 RZ599_KIT_2 O10-800 RG788 G1084_KIT_1 Y6854R RG437 RZ400_KIT_2 CSU16_KIT_2 CSU95_KIT_1 R887 RZ678 OpZ11_e UMC8 CSU70_KIT_1 RG213 SB663_KIT_2 SB113_KIT_2 AF6 UMC68a RZ565 Est-2 RG257 G2140 RG403 A5J560 Amp-3 OpZ11_b RG457 SB788b_KIT_2 RZ667 RG477 RZ76 SB134a_KIT_2 RZ144_KIT_2 RZ422 RG118 PSR154_KIT_1 Pgi-2 OpZ11_f RG544 IBF23 IBF64_KIT_2 PGMS0_7 Sdh-1 CSU50 CSU39_KIT_1 UMC55 C496_KIT_1 C449 K5 G1184a UMC14 RZ53b_KIT_2 SB135_KIT_2 RG532 RG171 G104 Amy3ABC RZ675 R2447_KIT_1 U10 SB17_KIT_2 Tos17 AZUCENA, NIPPONBARE PSR8_KIT_1 RG13 C225b RG1094 CDO105 RZ617 RZ228 RZ625 CDO459_KIT_1 RG978 RG241 CDO344_KIT_1 RZ612_KIT_1 OpY5-a PSR102_KIT_2 RZ649b RG901 RZ12 W1 UMC21 RG28 RZ740_KIT_1 RG463 PSR39_KIT_2 UMC32 G1314b OpZ11_d CDO93 CDO98_KIT_1 RZ953_KIT_1 RG167 RG157 RG247 RG667 PRD10b RG1 Npb44 RZ583_KIT_2 SB249_KIT_2 IBF29 RG173 SB225b_KIT_2 m-g14sscp RZ272b_KIT_2 RG648 SB137_KIT_2 BCD127_KIT_1 RG163 R77b_KIT_1 PSR326_KIT_1 PSR901_KIT2 CDO59 SB893_KIT_2 PSR78_KIT_2 RG958 BNL10_13b RG711 RG424 Amy3D_E PSR153_KIT_2 PSR149_KIT_2 SB852_KIT_2 G2155 UMC97 RG451 RZ67 SB886_KIT_2 RZ244b_KIT_1 G1106 SB48b_KIT_2 RZ574_KIT_1 C506_KIT_1 RG181 CSU6b_KIT_1 CSU92 RG134 Amy1b CSU173_KIT_2 OpZ11_a RZ792 RG146 CSU25_KIT_1 CDO1380_KIT_1 RZ404 RZ276 SB734b_KIT_2 RZ500 BCD134_KIT_2 RZ318 csB10sscp RZ70 SB261b_KIT_2 SB48a_KIT_2 Est-9 RZ337b PSR394_KIT_1 SB134b_KIT_2 C1454b_KIT_1 PalI RZ66 SB788a_KIT_2 UMC29 C901_KIT_1 RG214 CDO665a Tos17 AZUCENA RZ590_KIT_2 CDO938_KIT_2 SSCIR101 SB779_KIT_2 SB734C_KIT_2 RG162 BNL5_40 AC5 RG103 CDO497_KIT_1 UMC132 RG172 C223_KIT_1 CDO718_KIT_1 BCD135_KIT_1 RZ225 UMC63 BNL10_13a RG418b RG143 Amp-2 RZ264 Tos17 IR 64, KASALATH RZ284 SB225a_KIT_2 R662_KIT_1 CSU48_KIT_1 PSR371_KIT_2 BCD98_KIT_1 C107_KIT_1 C122_KIT_1 RG620 CDO544 RG1109 RG345 CSU36_KIT_2 RG381 RZ58 C847 RZ682_KIT_1 PP20725 SB201_KIT_2 RZ567_KIT_1 CDO665b S2717 SB825a_KIT_2 R1012 CDO99_KIT_1 SB826_KIT_2 IBF433 CSU21_KIT_1 CSU60b_KIT_1 RG324 RG179 CDO686 Npb186 PRD10a CSU26_KIT_2MPL SSCIR120 RZ403 Tos 17 KASALATH Tos17 IR 64 RZ536 R2071_KIT_2 BNL7_28 RZ242_KIT_2 R1506_KIT_1 SB803_KIT_2 RG653 CDO365b_KIT_1 R1789_KIT_1 SB825b_KIT_2 BNL6_22 BNL16_06 Amy1A_C CDO418 PSR156_KIT_1 Amy2A R2417_KIT_2 RZ19 RG433 RG690 RZ978 C746_KIT_1 BNL8_32 RG95 Cat-1 CDO38 RG256 CDO337 RG654 SB851_KIT_2 RZ337a RZ508_KIT_1 RZ730 RG351 RZ519 RZ123 RZ213 RZ531_KIT_2 PSR754_KIT_1 Tos17 NIPPONBARE RG520 BCD147b_KIT_1 RZ630_KIT_2 CSU19_KIT2 C86_KIT_1 SB736_KIT_2 BCD855_KIT_1 RZ14_KIT_2 C949 Pgi-1 CDO87_KIT_1 NRS : average Number of Regenerated Shoots per callus (number of calli yielding at least one plantlet / number of regenerated calli ) RG810 RZ801 RG910 C742_KIT_1 : Regeneration Rate (number of regenerated calli / total number of calli) RR C225a RG331 Tos17 AZUCENA CI : frequency of Callus Induction (number of anthers yielding at least one callus / total number of cultivated anthers) C112 GPY : frequency of Green Plantlets Yield (number of calli yielding at least one plantlet / total number of cultivated anthers) RG418a Suppl Fig. 1

  2. 12.2 - 12.2 - 12.2 - 7.1- 7.1- 7.1- 5.1- 5.1- 5.1- 3 - 3 - 3 - 1.6 - 1.6 - 1.6 - A B C Supl. Fig. 2

  3. 3’LTR SspI O.sativa 3’LTR EcoRV O.sativa 3’LTR SspI O.rufipogon Suppl. Figure 3

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