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Effective English Teaching

Effective English Teaching. Janneke Geursen Onderwijscentrum VU Amsterdam j.geursen@ond.vu.nl. Nationaal Congres Engels 2011. What works ? . Use of the target language Making use of knowledge about learning - addressing prior knowledge meaningful tasks Repetition Reflection .

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Effective English Teaching

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  1. Effective English Teaching Janneke Geursen Onderwijscentrum VU Amsterdam j.geursen@ond.vu.nl Nationaal Congres Engels 2011

  2. Whatworks? • Use of the target language • Making use of knowledge about learning • - addressingprior knowledge • meaningful tasks • Repetition • Reflection

  3. Use of target languageMonologicvsdialogicdiscourse • Monologic discourse: IRE pattern (Nystrand 1997) • Teacher asks question: initiates • Student responds • Teacher provides evaluation • Dialogic discourse (Dyste 1993) • Teacher asks authentic questions • Teacher realises Uptake: he uses the answers pupils give him to further the discussion • Teacher realises high level evaluation: the feedback the teacher gives leads to deeper learning Laura Hermans, e.a. Engels spreken op school? Waarom gebeurt het zo weinig (LTT, 2004, te downloaden via Ltsite)

  4. Hoger orde Lager orde Bloom’staxonomy vs. Ebbens Leren gericht op wendbaar gebruik: Creatief toepassen Leren gericht op beklijving: Integreren Leren gericht op beheersing Onthouden en begrijpen

  5. Task 1: Little Red RidingHood • Note down three questions you might ask your students about this fairy tale inviting Dialogic Discourse • Try them out on another pair

  6. sight sense Meaning experiences feeling Knowledge long IMMEDIATE MEMORY hearing working memory smell term memory taste gone gone gone needs feelings How the brain learns Source: David Sousa (2002) - How the Brain Learns

  7. The importance of prior knowledge • John was on his way to school last Friday • He was really worried about his maths lesson • Last week he was unable to control the class • It was unfair of the math teacher to leave him in charge • After all, it is not normally part of a janitor’s duties. • (original source unknown)

  8. Task 2: makinggooduse of ourpupil’sbrains? Look at the following task Write a biography for your favourite popstar. You may find the information you need in an encyclopedia, a magazine or on the internet. Adapt the task to • make it more meaningful • Include a prewriting task • Make sure “repetition” takes place (Westhoff’s pinball machine)

  9. Reflection “You cannot change what you cannot acknowledge” Dr Phil Mc Graw Het is belangrijk om… • aan te sluiten bij voorkennis en ervaring; • kennis in grotere gehelen aan te bieden; • lerenden te laten reflecteren How People Learn Brain, Mind, Experience, and School John D. Bransford, Ann L. Brown, and Rodney R. Cocking, editors National Research Council, 1999 Now look at the questionnaire you completed at the beginning. What can you add in the column “Insights gained”?

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