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Bone grafting is a safe and exceptionally effective method that includes the working up or adding unresolved issue jaw by utilizing your own particular characteristic bone from another area and/or by utilizing benefactor, handled or engineered bone materials. Regularly the new bone can be acquired from inside the mouth.
Bone Graft for Dental Implants What are Bone Grafts? Bone grafts are bone that is transplanted from one area of the skeleton to another to aid in healing, strengthening or improving function. Bone or bone-like materials used in bone grafts may come from you, from a donor or from a man-made source. In many cases they are used to fill in an empty space that may have been created in or between the bones of the spine by disease, injury, deformity or during a surgical procedure such as spinal fusion. Bone Grafting Fundamentals • Bone grafting refers to a wide variety of surgical methods augmenting or stimulating the formation of new bone where it is needed. There are four broad clinical situations in which bone grafting is performed: To stimulate healing of fractures -- either fresh fractures or fractures that have failed to heal after an initial treatment attempt. To stimulate healing between two bones across a diseased joint. This situation is called “arthrodesis” or “fusion”. To regenerate bone which is lost or missing as a result of trauma, infection, or disease. To improve the bone healing response and regeneration of bone tissue around surgically implanted devices, such as artificial joints replacements • • • • •
What are treatment options? Common options for bone grafting include: • Autograft—tissue transferred from one site to another in the same individual. • Allograft—tissue transferred from one individual to another individual. • Synthetic—synthetically produced materials and ceramics that extend the supply of available bone in an individual. • Bone morphogenetic protein—naturally occurring proteins found in the human body that help individuals form their own bone. Categorization of Bone Grafts All methods of bone grafting involve adding some material to the specific site where bone is needed as a means of stimulating a new or more effective bone healing response. Now, minimally invasive bone grafting is available, meaning that the grafting can be performed with a needle, without a surgical incision. • Osteogenic Stimulation • Osteoconductive Stimulation • Osteoinductive Stimulation Osteogenic Stimulation: Since only living cells can make new bone, the success of any bone grafting procedure is dependent on having enough bone forming “osteogenic” cells in the area. Areas of scarring, previous surgery or infection, bone gaps, and areas previously treated with radiation therapy are all likely to be deficient in bone forming cells.
Osteoconductive Stimulation: “Osteo” means “bone”. Osteoconduction refers to the ability of some materials to serve as a scaffold on which bone cells can attach, migrate (meaning move or “crawl”), and grow and divide. Osteoconductive materials make it more likely for bone cells to fill the entire gap between two bone ends. They also serve as a spacer, which reduces the ability of fibrous tissue around the graft site from growing into the site. Osteoinductive Stimulation: Induction of bone formation refers to the capacity of a number of growth factors in the body to stimulate primitive bone cells to grow and mature, forming healthy bone tissue. Many of these growth factors are present in normal human bone. For this reason, methods have been developed to process human bone and prepare bone matrix which retains the normal growth factors, but limit, if not eliminate, the risk of transmitting diseases or viruses. Benefits of Bone Grafting • The process is much easier on the patient, requiring less surgical time and reducing post-operative pain to a minimum. bone graft now offers us the chance to preserve the shape and strength of the bony ridge long after the tooth is gone. This is important not only for the health and strength of the teeth surrounding the extraction site. The bony ridges of our jaws get their shape from actively holding the roots of our teeth in place. When a tooth root is extracted and not replaced with an implant or a bone graft, the ridge begins to resorb and reshape itself. Bone grafting may also be needed for other purposes and cases, too, like trauma, misalignmet, bacterial infection of the jawbone, tumors and sinus deficiencies. • • •
Who Needs Bone Grafting? Your surgeon may want to use bone grafting for a number of reasons. Possible reasons include situations where healing may be difficult due to the use of nicotine (which has been shown in medical studies to limit healing of the spine) or the presence of diseases such as diabetes or autoimmune deficiencies. Other possible reasons include a large amount of bone or disc material that is removed during surgery, or spinal procedures that span many levels of vertebrae. Which Type of Bone Graft is Right? Different surgical situations may call for different types of bone grafting and unique bone graft materials. If your surgeon says that he or she would like to use a bone graft on your spine, you should discuss this decision with him or her to determine which bone graft material they feel is best suited for your situation. How to prepare for bone grafting surgery? Complete any pre-operative tests or lab work prescribed by your doctor. Arrange to have someone drive you home from the hospital. Refrain from taking aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications one week prior to surgery. Call the appropriate surgery center to verify your appointment time. Refrain from eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before surgery. • • • • •
What do need to do the day of surgery? If you currently take any medications, take them the day of your surgery with just a sip of water. Do not wear any jewelry, body piercing, makeup, nail polish, hairpins or contacts. Leave valuables and money at home. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. • • • • What happens after surgery? Elevate your upper body while you sleep and take acetaminophen for pain. If wearing a cast, apply heat to the injured area to improve blood circulation and promote healing. After the cast is removed, massage the injured area with ice. Finally, follow a nutritious diet and exercise the non-affected muscle groups to maintain your overall health during the recovery process. How long is the recovery period after bone grafting surgery? Individual bodies are different, so allow some room for your own unique healing ability. Otherwise, normal healing after an implant generally occurs. Success rate of Bone Grafting The success rate for bone grafts in the jaws for the purpose of placing dental implants is very high. However, there is always a chance that the bone graft will fail, even if your own bone was used. Bone grafts are not rejected like organ transplants. Dentists don't know why some bone grafts fail. They do know that certain people such as those who smoke and those with certain medical conditions have higher risks of graft failure than others do. • •
If you want to know more details about Bone Graft for Dental Implants, contact us: Dr Motiwala 2nd Floor, Park View Building, Road No. 1, Near KBR Park, Beside CVR Health & News Building, Jubilee Hills Navanirman Nagar Colony, Jubilee Hills Hyderabad, Telangana 500033. Email : info@drmotiwala.com Mobile: +91 73374 49900 http://full-mouth-dental-implants.com/dental-bone-graft-cost.php