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This study explores the relationship between teachers' mathematical knowledge and their implementation of a comparison curriculum using discussion. Two case studies of teachers with high and low mathematical knowledge scores are analyzed.
AERA 2011, New Orleans Contrasting Cases Exploring Relationships between MKT and Teachers’ Implementation of Curricula Kathleen Lynch and Jon Star This work is supported by NSF grant number DRL0814571, to Dr. Jon R. Star, PI, Harvard University Dr. Kristie J. Newton, Co-PI, Temple University Dr. Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Co-PI, Vanderbilt University
AERA 2011, New Orleans Teaching with comparison using discussion • Discussions engaging students in comparison have been described as “high-leverage” practices, yet integrating these discussions into teachers’ routines is not widespread (e.g., Hiebert et al., 2003) • Contrasting Cases curriculum: engaging students in “comparison conversations” • Question: Did differences in teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) play a role in teachers’ implementation of a comparison curriculum with a focus on discussion?
AERA 2011, New Orleans Comparison Curriculum: Discussion Phases • Understand • How did Alex/Morgan solve the problem? • What explanation can you give for Alex’s//Morgan’s approach? • What questions do you have about Alex’s/Morgan’s approach? • Compare • What are the similarities and differences between Alex’s and Morgan’s ways? How similar or different are these strategies? • How would you justify Alex’s/Morgan’s strategy? • Make Connections • Why did Alex and Morgan get the same/different answers? • Why/When can we use both of these methods to solve this problem? • Which strategy is better? More efficient? Less prone to errors? Why? • Can you state a general rule/principle that describes what we learned from comparing these two strategies?
AERA 2011, New Orleans Research question • Did differences in teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) play a role in teachers’ implementation of a new curriculum with a focus on comparison and discussion?
AERA 2011, New Orleans Methods • Case studies of two teachers with highest and lowest MKT scores, Anna and Valerie • Data sources • MKT assessment • Algebra items of a paper-and-pencil assessment of mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), an instrument which has been linked to student achievement gains (Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005) • First activity of summer professional development • Measure of pedagogical content knowledge and subject matter knowledge • Videos • 12 for Anna • 10 for Valerie
AERA 2011, New Orleans Sample MKT item: Knowledge of content and students Students in Mr. Hayes’ class have been working on putting decimals in order. Three students — Andy, Clara, and Keisha — presented 1.1, 12, 48, 102, 31.3, .676 as decimals ordered from least to greatest. What error are these students making? Source: http://lmt.mspnet.org/media/data/MKT_Released_items_2008.pdf?media_000000005770.pdf
AERA 2011, New Orleans Case studies: Anna and Valerie
AERA 2011, New Orleans Results • Differences in Anna’s and Valerie’s enactment of the Contrasting Cases curriculum were observed on three levels: 1. General pedagogical issues 2. Mathematical issues 3. Structural issues of lesson organization
AERA 2011, New Orleans 1. General pedagogical issues
AERA 2011, New Orleans General pedagogical issues: Anna’s Class Anna: Does anyone want to volunteer to go and read Alex and read Morgan? Go ahead, Justin . . . And just talk, say what the problem is. “Alex and Morgan were asked…” Justin: Alex and Morgan were asked to simplify three squared times three cubed times three squared. Anna: Okay. Go ahead. Justin: First Alex said that he multiplied the exponents [points]. And he got three to the twelfth. Anna: So how’d he get that twelve? Justin: He multiplied two times three times two. Anna: And that gives you the twelve? Okay, so you can page down. Justin: Then he worked out, he raised three to the power of twelve. And he got [points]. Anna: Okay, can you read that number out loud? Justin: Uh, five hundred thirty-one thousand four hundred forty-one. Anna: Okay. That’s Alex. That’s our guy Alex. Go ahead with Morgan. Justin: Morgan’s product of powers way. She did, she used the product of powers property. And she added the exponents, instead of multiplying [points to the addition of exponents]. She did two plus three plus two. And she got three to the seventh power. [scrolls]. Uh, she did three to the seventh power [points], and she got two thousand one hundred and eighty seven. Anna: Okay. Are both of these kids right? Students: No. Justin: It’s this one [points to Morgan’s answer]. Anna: How do you know right off the bat that it can’t be, they’re not both right? Student 1: Different answers. Student 2: ‘Cause they have different answers. • Student participation • built into class routines • Frequent questions • Highlighting students’ • justifications
AERA 2011, New Orleans General pedagogical issues: Valerie’s Class Valerie: Does everybody understand this step, like how he gets from here to there? Students: No, no. Valerie: No? He’s saying that if this is an equation, then. All right. So what he’s saying is, I don’t like fractions. Which I think a lot of people in this class were thinking when they saw this, right? So he thought, I want to get rid of this 4 and this 5. So the best way I can get rid of the 4 and the 5 is if I multiply by 20. So I’m gonna multiply this expression by 20. But if I do that to this side. I have to do that to this side. Right? Now let’s take a look at what happens when I multiply by 20. Student 1: Ohh. Student 2: You stumped me. You stumped me. Valerie: Okay? So that’s what he did, in his second step. So his decision was, I don’t like these fractions, I’m going to get rid of them. And he’s completely able to do that because what he did to the left side of the equation he did to the right side of the equation. Kept it balanced. He can do that, right? And once he did that, he has an expression that all of you are very comfortable with evaluating, right? So then you get 5x minus 4x should give you x. x equals -40. Done. Right? Bill, one second. And then when you combine these two expressions, 5x over 20 minus 4x over 20, you get an answer of, this one, x over 20. X over 20 equals negative 2 is something you should be able to do, isn’t it? You multiply both sides by 20 … Bill: When I got the wrong answer, I didn’t look at the subtraction, I looked at it and automatically assumed it was multiplication. So I multiplied, then added. And that’s how I got – Valerie: Okay, but do you see where you went wrong? All right so it’s the same rules for an equation, once you have an equation, as long as what you do on the left side is the same as what you did on the right side, you should be able to solve it, all right? So be careful, for those of you are are thinking, oh I have a proportion. Look at the problem carefully … • Teacher did most of the • talking • Infrequent questions • Ignores or cuts off • student contributions
AERA 2011, New Orleans 2. Mathematical issues
AERA 2011, New Orleans Difference in responses to students’ suggested methods: Anna’s Class Evan: What if we did ten to the 8th power— Anna: Yes— [writes 108 on smartboard] Evan: And ten to the 7th power. Anna: Do you mean that 10 to the 7th power will be in your denominator? Evan: Mm-hmm. Anna: Yeah? Okay [writes /107] . So Evan is asking us about this. He gave us a “what if” problem. Do you want to talk about it, Evan? Evan: Sure. 10, it would be, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3 – It would be 10 to the 8 power minus 7. Anna: Beautiful. [writes 108-7] And that gives us? Evan: 10 to the 1. Anna: [writes =101] What’s another way to write 10 to the 1? Evan: Ten! Anna: [writes =10] Okay. Everyone okay with Evan’s example? Students: Yes. • Presents students’ strategies/work to class for consideration • Affirms correct solutions once reached • Questions and scaffolds students’ thinking about methods
AERA 2011, New Orleans Difference in responses to students’ suggested methods: Valerie’s Class • Polls students about preferences for methods • Skips over student methods and proposes own alternatives • Emphasis on copying methods and writing out all steps Valerie: So how many people were thinking, I have two fractions, I need a common denominator. Raise your hand everybody who was thinking that … What did you find was your lowest common denominator? Were you all saying 20? So what were you doing to get to your common denominator? Student: Multiplying the two denominators and the two numerators by the same? So multiplying four times five and x times five? Valerie: If I were changing this to a common denominator of 20, I’d multiply both of these by five and both of these by four. Is that what you said you did? Student: Uh-huh. Valerie: So what did you get? So you should have had 5x over 20 times 4x over 20? Did you get this expression? (points to Morgan’s second step) Student: No, I got the wrong answer. Valerie: Okay. So if you did not get the answer, I want you to write these down.
AERA 2011, New Orleans Difference in focus of the “Make Connections” phase: Anna’s Class • Emphasis and scaffolding for justification • Multiple student justification strategies • Teacher interprets and displays students’ evidence to support their answers Smartboard: “How do you know? Maybe: Use an example. Maybe: Substitute a value for x. Anna: Which answer is correct? Is it Alex, or Morgan’s? And the most important part of this is, how do you know? How do you know? Do you want to start us off, Jordan? Jordan: Well, first I looked at [Alex’s answer] and I said it was really big. Anna: And you said it’s monstrous. Jordan: Yeah. Anna: Okay. Go ahead. Jordan: Then I looked at Morgan’s and I seen, three to the second power times three to the third power times three to the second power. And then I did nine times twenty-seven times nine, and I got her answer. Anna: You got her answer. Do you guys hear what Jordan did there? Student: No. Anna: You didn’t? What Jordan said was, he said, look, you know, three squared is nine [writes 9 above 3^2]. And he said three to the third power is 27 [writes *27 above 3^3). Right Jordan? … And he doesn’t get this monstrous thing, he gets what Morgan got there. Yes, Chris? Chris: And another way I did it was uh, three squared is three times three-- Anna: Yes – [writes 3*3 under 3^2] Chris: Three cubed is three times three times three – Anna: Good – [writes 3*3*3 under 3^3] Chris: And three squared is 3 times 3, and I mean, that made more sense to me than Alex’s way. Anna: [writes 3*3 under 3^2] Okay good, so this way you count up your three’s, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and get 3 to the seventh. And that’s another way that Chris verified this three to the seventh here.
AERA 2011, New Orleans Comparison Type: Why does it work? Description: Alex and Morgan were given a set of ordered pairs, and asked to determine if the relation is a function. Alex makes a table of values, whereas Morgan graphs the ordered pairs and uses the vertical line test. The goal is for students to consider why the vertical line test works. Difference in focus of the “Make Connections” phase: Valerie’s Class • Polls for student preferences • Proposed reason for preference of different methods is non-mathematical Valerie: Okay. So yeah, that one’s pretty straightforward. Alex is using an input-output table. This is more of looking at the relation in table form versus in graphed form. Which would you say is, maybe. How many people consider themselves, like, a visual learner? Like you usually draw diagrams and stuff? [Several students raise hands] Valerie: All right so if your hand is up, how many of you, of those with your hands up, like Morgan’s way better? [Some students lower hands] Valerie: Okay. So it’s more like a visual sort of a method for looking at, for analyzing the data.
AERA 2011, New Orleans 3. Structural differences
AERA 2011, New Orleans Discussion • Were observed differences between high- and low-MKT teachers related to MKT? • Observed differences: • General pedagogical issues • Direct connection to MKT unclear • May be related to other factors: • Differences in training, different beliefs, etc. 2. Mathematical issues 3. Structural issues of lesson organization
AERA 2011, New Orleans Discussion • Mathematical issues • Differences in Anna’s and Valerie’s implementation: • Mapped closely to differences in MKT scores, particularly in MKT area “responding to students” • MKT test: Valerie scored particularly low on questions that involved 1. Interpreting students’ mathematical statements and alternative approaches, and 2. Identifying and diagnosing the nature of students’ errors • Weaknesses map closely to weaknesses in Valerie’s implementation
AERA 2011, New Orleans Discussion • Structural issues of lesson organization • Content areas for which MKT particularly weak • More likely to skip one or more phases (particularly the “Understand” phase) • More likely to skip questions within each phase
AERA 2011, New Orleans Discussion • Differences in the mathematical focus of the “Make Connections” phase • Focus on Justification vs. Focus on Preferences • Affordances? Higher MKT increased capacity to facilitate conversations about mathematical justification? • Intersection with beliefs
AERA 2011, New Orleans Discussion • Differences in the mathematical focus of the “Make Connections” phase • Intersection with beliefs
AERA 2011, New Orleans Conclusions • Differences in MKT did appear to play a role in high- and low-MKT teachers’ different implementation of a new curriculum involving “comparison conversations” • Future studies: • Analyze data for additional teachers with average as well as high and low MKT
AERA 2011, New Orleans Thanks! Kathleen Lynch and Jon Star Harvard Graduate School of Education