62%OfWomen SayTheyWouldLiketoReceiveTHIS GiftItemAnyTimeoftheYear! Findingtheperfect giftfor all the womenin your lifemayseemdifficult— especiallyiftheyare the kind ofwomen that alreadyhave everythingtheycould everwant or need. Here’s the good news. 62% ofwomen,saythey would like toreceive agiftcertificatefor the holidaysor anytime ofthe year!Thatmakes gift shoppingabreeze, doesn’t it? Sowith somanygift givingopportunitiesalways approachingallyear long, finding giftsthat the womenin your life actually want,used tobeadaunting project—but notanymore. You caneasily giveamazongiftcertificatestoevery woman on your list,. Amazon gift cardsNEVER expire andtheycarryno fees! Or… you can choosefromthe listofgiftsfor women below. The gift itemslisted belowhave been hand-picked by womenfor women. That way, you canfind somethingforthe women in your life,without losingtheelement of surprise. 1. TreadmillDesk–Forthe workingwoman who alwayswants tostayfit! Whether she worksfromhome or just alwayshas extra taskstogetdone once she’s homefromthe office,the desk allows her to complete any task, andthetreadmillallows her to get inherworkout. This is perfectfor the woman who loves to multitask, whofindsher everyday workout too boring, and who would love to makeher workoutdodouble dutysoshe hasmoretimewith her family. Regardless of theoccasion, you reallycan’t go wrongwith this gift.
ClothesSteamer–Have you ever noticed howlongit takes toiron something? Even somethingsimple like apencilskirt? To get those perfectlycrisp lines and tobanish allwrinkles, even asimpleironingjob can takea halfhour.Whether she’s abusymother ora busyprofessional (or both),most womenjust don’thave time toiron everythingthat needs to be ironedandactuallyget placesontime.Theyhave to get up early just to makesureeverythingfor thedayis ironed, orelse go out in wrinkly clothes.Thereis analternative, however, that you can give to the busy women in your life—aclothes steamer.It seriouslycuts down onironing timeandactuallyrefreshes clothes (in case she didn’t geta chancetodo laundry). Juicer–Juicers weren’t just a90’s craze. Forthebusy woman who maybe doesn’t alwayshave timetoeatherdaily valueof fruitand vegetables, ajuicer can bethe perfect gift,especiallysincesheneeds to avoid theprocessed sugars and chemicals incommercial juice brands in order tostayhealthyand stress-resilient. She’ll be ableto squeeze afew more servings ofthe good stuff intoherdiet,without havingto put up with the crap thatfood companiessneak into theirjuice.The nutrients infruits and vegetables can help thebodyfight stress, promotes ahealthyimmune system, and can evenboostthe mood,makingthema perfectpresentfor any woman in your life. Mixers–Isthereawomanin your lifewho likes tobake? Or who would like to bake if shehad the right tools? Untilyou have amixer, you might not realize howfun and relaxingbakingcanbe. Amixer does alot ofthe heavylifting, andtheyare easyto cleanandextremelydurable. Ifyou pick fromthemost popular brands of mixers, theycan lastfor decades without needinganykind ofmaintenance or repairs.Best of all, theycome in a vast range ofsizes and colors, so you canfind amodel that will match her kitchenandherneeds. Ifshe doesn’tneeda giant mixer, shedoesn’t have tohave one! Blenders–Blendersare another kitchentoolthatare often overlooked as giftsfor womenandeven asuseful kitchenappliances.The right blender, however, can makeanythingfrom cold smoothies in the summertohot soups in the winter, and justaboutanythingin between. Havingapowerful blender meansyou can make sauces, and salsas, and saladdressing, and somuchmore—quicklyand easily. A blender is agreat giftfor the woman who likes makingher own meals, butneeds atoolthatwill speed up theprocess while also broadeningtherange ofmeals thatshe can make. Thefive giftsmentioned above ANDtheAmazon gift certificatesare woman- approvedandhave been hand-pickedby womenfor women!Anybusy woman willlove anyofthese gifts,designed to makeher lifeeasier, happier,andmore stress-resilient! Happygifting!