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Explore the challenges faced by Vanuatu in ICT development, workforce, institutional capacities, and solutions to improve basic services. Learn about the Vanuatu ICT Strategy and Policy, barriers to accessibility and usage, and necessary assistance for capacity building.
Luganville Port-Vila
Vanuatu ICT issues in regards to its ICT Development Activities towards providing its basic services delivery to the community & the implementation Vanuatu ICT Strategy and Policy
Brief information on demographic Population : 200 000 • 20 % live on urban areas • 80 % live on rural areas Workforce in urban areas • 15 000 jobs representing 37% • 25 000 without jobs, representing 63%
Workforce by sectors : • 30 % in Public Sector – 4 000 Government Employees • 70 % in Private Sector – 11 000 Non Government Employees
ICT Users – Public & Private • 20 % of 4 000 Government Employee have access to this new Financial Package • 18 % of 4 000 Government Employee have email access
3 % of 4 000 Government Employee have internet access. • 5 % of 11 000 non-government employees – Email & Internet • Limited Community access from villages (No telephone lines, No Electricity, No Source of income to pay for generator fuel)
Vanuatu Institute of Technology – VIT, has yet to include the ICT Training modules as part of their curriculum development. • Few Computer Resource Centres. • No National ICT training curriculum
The limited Network Availability and use, the Human Resources, the Institutional capacities and the ICT commitment from the National Government, are perceived as part of the main factors for its ICT Development, to improve the provision of basic services
On the Network availability and use, the following constraints limit greater accessibility usage: • High cost for access on domestic & international lines, cellular & internet services • No community tele-centres
Lack of ICT knowledge amongst members of Parliament and the directors in terms how ICT can be used to help service delivery.
High cost of hardware & software • Custom duty is high. • Lack of equipment • Limited knowledge of use • Hard to troubleshoot computers in the rural areas and costly. • Question: What hardware is suitable for rural remote areas where there is no electricity, no telephone line, and no source of income to keep on paying fuel for the generator???
On the Human Resources & Institutional capacity, the following constraints affect the introduction of ICT into educational institutions and the workplace :
Cost of equipment • Limited / No Financial Support • Cost of Technical Support • Teachers & Workers knowledge of equipment • Teachers & Workers understanding of the value of ICT usage
Availability of online resource material • Backup support once equipment is in use • ICT Subject not part of curriculum
Reliable power supply (Rural) • Access to telephone network • Telecommunication costs
The following constraints have also been identified as being major obstacles to the supply and availability of human resource, the development of institutional capacity and the workforce within the Government and private sector:
Lack of qualified ICT Personnel • No National ICT Policy • Limited budget for training and development • Limited supply of hardware / software • Internet cost is very high for the average Ni-Van IT professional to find out stuff to try at home or on their personal network..
The forms of the ICT required assistance that would need to assist with the capacity building of human resources, the institutional capacity and the workplace are:
National Government commitments towards its ICT Development priorities • Technical assistance • Staff training and development • National ICT Committee establishment/Vanuatu IT Users Society
Organisational Policy Reviews • Government wide ICT Applications • Computer Resource centers establishement in the rural areas. • Provide ICT Curriculum in Education
ICT Assistance is needed to assist the Vanuatu Government, in defining its Government ICT Strategic Framework in terms of Policies, Sustainability, Human Resources and Technology, and its implementation process, and encouraging organisations to reduce poverty by improving the delivery of basic services through the use of ICT.
Vanuatu Internet Users Group Network Mailing List (VIGNET) and Vanuatu IT Users Society • Formed after PacInet 2004 conference • Aimed at grouping the IT professionals in Vanuatu to share skills and knowledge. Anyone can joint the mailing list. (Thanks to SPC for hosting VIGNET) http://lists.spc.int/mailman/listinfo/vignet_lists.spc.int • To help provide support the development of ICT to the rural areas and the grassroots.
Replica of People First Network (PFnet) of the Solomon Islands to be implemented in Vanuatu under VRDTCA. • Still awaiting UNDP to release the fund. It has taken so long. • The rural population of Vanuatu look forward to the implementation of PFnet. (Hope anyone from UNDP can say something about Vanuatu PFnet)
END Thank you very much for your attention. Questions ???