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Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies

Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies. ASCLA’S Mission.

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Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies

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  1. Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies

  2. ASCLA’S Mission To enhance the effectiveness of library services by advocating for and providing high quality networking, enrichment and educational opportunities for its diverse membership, who represent state library agencies, libraries serving special populations, library cooperatives, and library consultants

  3. ASCLA’s Vision ASCLA is the premiere destination for ALA members to find information and build capacity to serve populations that are served by state library agencies, specialized libraries, library cooperatives and library consultants

  4. ASCLA’S History In 1977, two ALA Divisions merged to form ASCLA: • The American Association of State Library Agencies (founded in 1957) and • The Health and Rehabilitative Library Services Division (founded in 1956 as the Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries) The Independent Librarians Exchange Round Table (ILERT) merged with ASCLA in 1998.

  5. Exclusive Home to Special Libraries and Library Consultants ASCLA is the premier national association for • State libraries and state library staff • Library consultants and independent librarians • Library cooperatives and staff • Libraries and library staff serving special populations ASCLA is the smallest ALA division, yet the most diverse

  6. Who We Are… • Librarians, library agencies and staff serving populations with special needs, such as those with sensory, physical, health or behavioral conditions or those who are incarcerated or detained

  7. Who We Are… • State libraries, librarians and staff of state library agencies, and state library consultants – state library staff and organizations created or authorized by the state government to promote library services in the state

  8. Who We Are… • Library networks and cooperatives and their staff – organizations of one or more types of libraries: academic, public, special, or school to collaborate to maximize the funds available for provision of library services to all citizens

  9. Who We Are… • Consultants, independent or contract librarians, as well as those who work outside of traditional library settings

  10. ASCLA's Values • Access to library services and information for all • Professional growth • Librarians and staff as educators • Unique contributions by all

  11. ASCLA’s Promise to You • Members First: Members are the most valuable resource of ASCLA • Best national peer network for state library staff, librarians serving special populations, library cooperatives staff, and independent librarians and consultants • Advocacy: speaking up for universal access to information and libraries and serving as the voice for under-represented populations in libraries • Top quality leadership and professional development opportunities • Dissemination of relevant, timely and useful information and knowledge affecting the field

  12. ALA ASCLA, One of 11 Divisions of ALA ASCLA Committees ASCLA Interest Groups Organizational Chart Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies(ASCLA)

  13. ASCLA’s Interest Groups • Plan and present conference programs and preconferences • Present or sponsor webinars and online courses • Write articles for ASCLA’s Interface e-newsletter • Hold discussion forums for members • Publish standards, books or professional codes of ethics • Create new ASCLA products, such as an online tutorial or tip sheets in ASCLA's 4 core interest areas • Hold social gatherings and networking sessions for members to connect with each other and share their ideas, passions and experiences

  14. More than 800 ASCLA members Represents more than 15 countries Represents academic, public, government, school, corporate and special libraries. Close to 100 member volunteers Numerous volunteer committees and opportunities Member Impact

  15. ASCLA Awards ASCLA / COSLA Awards • ASCLA/Keystone Library Automation System (KLAS) • National Organization on Disability (NOD) Award, ($1,000) • Francis Joseph Campbell Award • ASCLA Exceptional Service Award • ASCLA Leadership & Professional Achievement Award • Cathleen Bourdon Service Award

  16. Signature Events Annual Conference • ASCLA /COSLA Awards / Networking Reception • ASCLA 101 at Annual (new at Annual Conference 2014!) • ASCLA President’s Program at Annual Midwinter Meeting • Informal “Get to know the board and interest group leaders” event at Midwinter • ASCLA Leadership Session

  17. ASCLA on the WebGet the latest news in the field: www.ala.org/ASCLA • Awards • Professional Development • Professional Standards • Resources • Interface

  18. Learning with ASCLA • Conference Programming • Discussion Forums • Professional Tools on the ASCLA Website • Webinars and Online Courses

  19. Online Courses Improving Library Services to People With Disabilities Going to Jail: How Juvenile Books Portray the Prison Experience Webinars & Webcasts Being an Effective Facilitator Emotional Intelligence in Your Workplace Creating a Latino Friendly Library Positive Interactions: Making the Library a Welcoming and Empowering Place for People with Disabilities (Part 1 of the AccessAbility Academy Series) Libraries for Detained and Incarcerated Youth 101 How Transmedia Storytelling Can Transform Literacy and Learning Learning with ASCLA

  20. Interface Official Online E-newsletter of ASCLA • Published Quarterly • Submit an Article

  21. Connect with ASCLA members • Serve on a committee • Share your experience: Present at a program or preconference • Submit proposals for online courses, webinars, conference programs and preconferences • Lead an ASCLA Interest Group • Get published: Submit an article for Interface. • Mingle at the annual ASCLA/COSLA Dessert and Awards Reception • Network Opportunities: • Awards Receptions • Consultant Networking Luncheon • Informal Midwinter get -together

  22. Connect with ASCLA members • Discussion Forums • Discuss common interests and exchange ideas via ASCLA’s discussion forums • Email Discussion Lists • Join the conversation: http://lists.ala.org/sympa • Network with members on: • http://connect.ala.org/ascla • Facebook.com • Twitter.com

  23. Attend a discussion forum--online or in person Join an ASCLA committee: Volunteer form: http://www.asclavolunteers Committee list: http://www.ala.org/ascladivisioncommittees Nominate someone (even yourself) for an award: http://www.ala.org/ascla/asclaawards/default Run for office.  Contact nomination committee chair for ASCLA: http://tinyurl.com/n4ajrbe Vote! Your vote is vital in the annual ALA / ASCLA elections Participate in ASCLA

  24. Susan Hornung, Executive Director (312) 280-4395 office shornung@ala.org Responsible for: Budget & policy matters, governance and board relations, administration, grants. Andrea Hill, Manager, Web Services (312) 280-4397 office ahill@ala.org Responsible for: Website & blog updates, content management, communications, online courses, publications. Marianne Braverman, Marketing & Programs Manager (312) 280-4398 office mbraverman@ala.org Responsible for: Meetings, marketing and promotions, conference programs & activities, awards, CE programs and Smart Investing program support. Leighann Wood, Membership and Awards Coordinator (312) 280-5837 office lwood@ala.org Responsible for: Book and Media and Achievement Awards event coordination, conference programs and activities, online learning, membership communications. Meet the ASCLA Staff

  25. Member Testimonials “As a new MLS in the mid-1980s, I was hired to be the librarian at a disability research institute.  Like others, I sought a mentor or colleague who shared my special area; however, there appeared to be no one in my city or state that I could turn to.  In ASCLA, I found a home with like-minded people who advocated for library services and access to accurate information for people with disabilities. I met the leaders in the field just prior to and after the 1990 passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  I was introduced to Dr. Linda Lucas Walling who agreed to let me co-edit a book with her.  I discovered a wealth of disability-related topics waiting to be researched that encouraged me to pursue a Ph.D., and I have taught countless seminars and conducted numerous studies focusing on the needs of people with disabilities. I am proud to stand on the shoulders of the many ASCLA colleagues who helped me along the way.” ~ Marilyn Irwin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Indiana University School of Informatics & Computing “My experiences with ASCLA have all been positive. I was made to feel welcome when I accepted positions on committees as well as when I was elected to board positions. My thoughts and comments were all taken into account respectfully by the other members.” ~ Kathleen Moeller-Peiffer, Deputy State Librarian for Lifelong Learning, New Jersey State Library “ASCLA has allowed me to learn from my peers.  Being a librarian who focuses, almost exclusively, on serving children and teens with disabilities has seemed lonely at times.  For me, ASCLA is a community of colleagues and a place to share ideas.”  ~ Carrie Banks | Supervising Librarian The Child's Place for Children with Special Needs Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, NY "ALA can be overwhelming to the newcomer, but in ASCLA I quickly found a home. Encompassing the majority of my programming interests and desired group affiliations, ASCLA's scope and more intimate size gave me a clear place to fit in. I was encouraged to become involved immediately, an opportunity that has allowed me to pursue leadership roles and develop a network of colleagues deeply engaged with special needs populations, an audience whose voice I am excited to represent." ~ Lily Sacharow, Graduate Student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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