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Pemetaan Rumpun Kajian Manajerial. Togar M. Simatupang Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen Institut Teknologi Bandung.
PemetaanRumpunKajianManajerial Togar M. Simatupang SekolahBisnisdanManajemen InstitutTeknologi Bandung Dipresentasikanpada Seminar Nasional “Implementasi Triple Helix bagiPeningkatanDayaSaing Indonesia dalamPerspektifIlmuAdministrasi”, AsosiasiIlmuAdministrasiBisnis Indonesia (AIABI) KampusInstitutManajemen Telkom 29 November 2012
Overview • Managerial Education in Indonesia • Managerial Discipline • Clustering Managerial Study • Conclusion
Distorted Face of Management Education in Indonesia Faculty of Social and Political Science Faculty of Economics “Management becomes Management Economics and Economics reduces to Development Economics” “Management becomes Business Administration” Faculty of Psychology Faculty of Engineering “Management becomes Engineering Management (EM) and Information Systems Management (ISM)” “Management becomes Human Resources Management”
A new face of management An independent academic discipline! Source: http://www.cbe.wwu.edu/ceme/description.asp
What is management? Management is the act of coordinating decision making and technical processes in a social system including human and institutional behavior and its relations to external parties to accomplish desired goals and objectives of an organization in the most efficient and effective manner.
What is Managerial Discipline? • Managerial discipline is a set of theories, models, practices, the body and knowledge, and the social practice (experience) of management. • Managerial discipline is both art and science: • Managers need knowledge of managerial principles and skills to apply managerial knowledge • Managerial knowledge must be applied in order to solve problems or realize prospects • Managerial art is the experience and history of management in real life situations. • Managerial science is part of social science and concerned with development, design, improvement, evaluation, and estimation of managerial paradigm, theory, system, and model of an organization based on scientific approach.
Managerial Discipline experience and consulting practice Managers: getting things done Managerial ART RESULTS imitation, experimentation, and innovation APPLICATIONS search for better performance Methods Managerial Discipline Theories search for better explanations testing, experimentation, and invention Scholars: developing and testing ideas Managerial SCIENCE RIGORS Education and research practice
Dewey Classification: Class 600s (Technology) 610 Medicine620 Engineering630 Agriculture640 Home Economics650 Management660 Chemical Engineering670 Manufacturing680 Manufacturing for Specific Uses690 Buildings
KajianManajerial Kajian manajerial berkaitan dengan perancangan, koordinasi, dan perbaikan sistem organisasi dengan memanfaatkan metode analisis dan fungsi-fungsi manajerial, pengetahuan sosial, dan matematika untuk memperkirakan dan menilai hasil-hasil dari sistem organisasi tersebut.
Duality of Managerial Responsibility (1) Management in an organization Enterprise Performance Responsibility Lifecycle Performance Responsibility Management System Lifecycle Enterprise System Value Added (better profit) to the economy New venture (new enterprise) to the economy
Duality of Managerial Responsibility (2) Rejuvenate? PERFORMANCE Responsibility for Current Performance You are here! Responsibility for Lifecycle Performance Divest? TIME Ideas Start-up Growth Maturity Decline
Clustering Managerial Discipline • Offering a framework for generating scientific research and its application in the area of managerial discipline, not only to optimize the performance of the enterprise at a given time but also at every stage of its life cycle activities. • Identifying the types of Managerial Studies • Two underlying dimensions of Managerial Discipline • Interpreting Types of Managerial Studies
Two Underlying Dimensions of Managerial Discipline • Mission orientation determines duality of mission achievement of an enterprise either to attain enterprise performance or lifecycle performance • Enterprise Performance • Lifecycle Performance • Managerial focus determines the degree to which an enterprise formulating and structuring the tasks and goals. • Externally Deliberate • Internally Regulate
Four Types of Managerial Studies(Simatupang, 2011) Deliberate Managerial Focus Regulate Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Performance Mission Orientation
Definition • Manajemen adalah proses analitik yang melibatkan analisis lingkungan di mana organisasi beroperasi, dinamika daya saing, penyediaan produk dan jasa, dan perbaikan kinerja. • Administrasi adalah proses formal berisikan kegiatan membuat kebijakan yang terukur dan efektif, pedoman dan prosedur operasi, tanggung-jawab dan tindakan, mekanisme pengendalian dan evaluasi, dan governansi dalam memenuhi tujuan atau tugas yang telah ditentukan. • Kewirausahaan adalah proses konseptual berkaitan dengan kreativitas dan inovasi dalam merancang model bisnis untuk menciptakan nilai melalui pengenalan peluang bisnis, penanganan risiko yang tepat, dan keterampilan komunikasi dan mobilikasi sumber daya yang diperlukan sehingga peluang itu terwujud menjadi suatu usaha yang mampu menghasilkan nilai yang berjangka waktu panjang. • penatalayanan adalah proses ideologis dalam merancang berbagi nilai-nilai untuk menjaga keadilan sosial dan pelestarian lingkungan.
Types of Managerial Studies • Management: • A focus on enterprise performance and external deliberation • Starts from an existing concept and strategic planning • Ensures performance achievement • Provides answers and solutions to managerial problems • Administration: • A focus on enterprise performance and internal regulation • Dedication to apply good corporate governance and accountability • Ensures consistency • Provides answers and solutions to administrative problems • Entrepreneurship: • A focus on lifecycle performance and external deliberation • Starts from a unique idea and orientation for the future • Ensures performance adaptability • Provides answers and solutions to developmental problems • Stewardship: • A focus on lifecycle performance and internal regulation • Willingness and dedication to help people and the community • Ensures sustainability • Provides answers and solutions to sustainable problems
Competencies of Managerial Studies • Management • Strategic planning and optimization • Strong commitment to improve enterprise performance • Enterprise system innovation • Administration • Sense of good governance and accountability • Lives revolve around procedures and process • Procedure and knowledge innovation • Entrepreneurship • Sense and response to opportunity • Autonomy, flexibility, and creativity • Business model innovation • Stewardship • Friendship, commitment, focus on performance, high energy • Intense and determined to achieve equality and sustainability • Eco- and social innovation
Similarities • Basic knowledge: math and social science (law, ethics, economics, and sociology) • Managerial functions: POAC • Functional management: marketing, operations, human capital, and finance
Management versus Administration Management Administration “Administration” is preferred in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Administration is the primary function of ensuring good governance and accountability based on a formal framework of authority that is carefully outlined and precisely followed. Core competencies: good governance, procedures, and knowledge management • “Management” is widely used in Britain, Europe, and Africa, for example, while • Managing is maintaining efficiently and effectively current organizational arrangements and present operations. • Core competencies: analysis, design, and improvement
Body of Knowledge Program StudiKewirausahaan Mengidentifikasi Peluang Usaha dan Merancang Sistem Bisnis Melakukan Penelitian, Prioritas, dan Kelayakan Usaha Mempersiapkan pasar dan meluncurkan produk disertai strategi bernegosiasi untuk mendukung kelancaran usaha Mengembangkan produk dan usaha (merger, akuisisi, dan lain-lain Menganalisis seluruh risiko yang mungkin ketika usaha dikembangkan Usaha Baru Pengembangan Usaha Perancangan Sistem Bisnis Teori Perencanaan Teori Negosiasi Analisis Risiko Teori Inovasi Pengembangan Produk dan Jasa Model Bisnis Pemasaran dan Penjualan Produksi dan Distribusi Sumber dana dan keuangan Ilmu Pendukung (Manajemen) dan Ilmu Dasar (Sosial dan Matematika) Semangat entrepreneurial ITB: berpikir analitis, kritis dan futuristik, berani menghadapi tantangan, berani mengambil risiko
A Proposal of Managerial Education in Indonesia VOCATIONAL ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL Doctorate Degree Doctor Advanced Certification Masterate Degree Master Undergraduate Degree Diploma IV Bachelor Certification Diploma I-III Basic Certification High School
PENYUSUNAN LEARNING OUTCOMES LULUSAN PRODI Profil lulusan prodi Rumpun ilmu/cabang ilmu Lingkup tanggung jawab
Nomenclature of Academic Degree in Managerial Education Doctor of Management (Dr.) Applied Master Degree Master of Science in Management (MSM) Master of Management (MM) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Entrepreneurship (M.Ent.) Bachelor of Management (BM) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (B.Ent.)
Conclusions • This presentation aims to contribute to a better understanding of managerial discipline. • The analysis conducted reveals the underlying factors accounting for the different classes of managerial studies: management, administration, entrepreneurship, and stewardship. • It is suggested that management becomes an academic discipline built around several well-articulated theories, all designed to address a single set of highly related scientific questions and managerial problems. • There similarities and differences between managerial calasses and have implications to educational curriculum. • There is a need for further study to specify qualification of managerial education to provide expected competencies.