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Welcome to Mrs. Andretta’s Second Grade Class!. Feel free to take a look around the room and find your child’s seat.
Feel free to take a look around the room and find your child’s seat.
The most important piece of information that I need from you today is the dismissal plans for your child. Please fill out the paper located on each student’s desk. If he/she will be riding a bus and you do not know the # just write the name of the stop.At the bottom of the dismissal form please write any additional information that you would like me to know about your child. I am excited about getting to know all of the children!!!
Do I need to buy anything for my child to start school?The school provides everything that your child will need. If you would like to contribute to the classroom supply, a box of tissues would be greatly appreciated!
What should my child bring on the first day of school?Each student may bring a backpack and some of their own pencils if they wish.Remember to wear or bring sneakers because we have Gym on the first day!!!
C23 Special Schedule12:55-1:35Day1-Gym Day 2-No SpecialDay 3-LibraryDay 4-No SpecialDay 5- ArtDay 6-Music
What is BRAINFOOD?“Brainfood” is my attempt at meeting the needs of all my students. Research shows that…Young, elementary school age children have small stomachs. After three to four hours, their stomachs are empty and their blood glucose levels have been reduced. Their brain, to operate at top level, needs a constant supply of glucose (the type of sugar found in your blood), because it can't store any. (This is unlike muscle, which can hold glucose in reserve.) Keeping up mental work requires a large turnover of brain glucose and snacks help to replenish it. Numerous studies have shown that children who attend school hungry score significantly below non-hungry peers on standardized tests. This has implications for other areas of school success as well. A midmorning snack is one way to guarantee that they are not too hungry to learn. By: Sue Gilbert, MShttp://parenting.ivillage.com
Examples of “brainfood” that have been used in the past are…fruit, fruit snacks, Goldfish, pretzels, crackers, cookies, etc.Donations of brainfood are always appreciated! Notices will come home when our supply is getting low. Thank you!!!
Does your child have a food allergy?If so please list that on the bottom of the Dismissal Form.
What is the FISH folder?FISH stands forFamily Involvement Starts Here!The folder will come home everyday containing important information and homework. PLEASE look through the folder with your child and talk to them about what is inside.
If you have any questions or concerns that come up after you leave tonight please don’t hesitate to contact me at school (286-3728), or through email at andrettae@shikbraves.org, or by placing a note in your child’s FISH folder.