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YOUTH AT RISK Questionnaire. AUSTRIA Potsdam, 11 th – 13 th May 2006. 1. General overview 1.1 situation of the target groups TG A) “SPF” Special Pedagogical need for Support – 2,7 % TG B) 8 – 10 %, in some regions (urban) much higher
YOUTH AT RISKQuestionnaire AUSTRIA Potsdam, 11th – 13th May 2006
1.General overview 1.1 situation of the target groups TG A) “SPF” Special Pedagogical need for Support – 2,7 % TG B) 8 – 10 %, in some regions (urban) much higher TG C) Various approaches PISA social problems drop outs, repeating, not enroled
1.2 policies for the target groups TG A) Integrated education in school TG B) Added offers in school TG C) Options to reach a compulsory certificate, special offers and projects
1.3 legal situation, institutional framework and responsible agencies TG A) School law – integrated education in school, part timer school (Berufsschule) TG B) Einwanderungsgesetz, resources for school TG C) “JASG” youth education “assurance” law
2.Specialised services of guidance for the target groups 2.1 access to and provision of programmes TG A) School psychologists, apprentices department in chamber of commerce TG B) School advisors TG C) Various offers
2.2 transition from school to vocational training TG A) “Three Pillar System” TG B) Special measures, projects, special institutions TG C) Offers at school, projects, labour market service
2.3 service delivery, action programmes TG A) Vocational orientation in school,“polytechnical school”often TG B) Projects and measures, labour market service TG C) Regional activities
2.4 instruments of assessment, profiling and testing TG A) Clearing, potential analysis TG B) - TG C) Voluntary, BIZ
2.5 institutions meet the special needs TG A) - TG B) Mostly by special institutions TG C) Different ways for information
3.Co-operation and networking of different areas 3.1 structures and practices of planned and co- ordinated networking On national level: Steering Group, IBOBB On regional level: Various ways of cooperations Special projects and partnerships
4. Synergy and potential role of a National Forum 4.1 need and opportunity to increase the delivery and quality • To know • to inform • to cooperate • to coordinate • to integrate
4.2 How could the National Guidance Forum improve the activities Developing strategy – SWOT analysis Goal: Improve processes, effective use
5. Evaluation and monitoring according European Reference Tools TG A) Evaluation by the department of schoolpsychology TG B) - TG C)In general “Benchmarks and Indicators” (documentation for CEDEFOP)
6. Any other aspects and examples of good practices 6.1 other aspects for the improvement ÄTo improve basic competences Ä To improve process orientated transition support ÄEarly contact to world of work – work experience
6.2 examples of good practices of trans-national exchange TG A) www.schoolpsychologie.at TG B) - TG C) www.berufsorientierung.at
YOUTH AT RISKQuestionnaire AUSTRIA Potsdam, 11th – 13th May 2006