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Summon Sir Newton! Use model-based reasoning to help students develop an understanding of Newton’s first two laws. Developed using the lesson study process by: Sinead Klement, Jackson Junior High Ryan Rudkin, Rolling Hills Middle School
Summon Sir Newton!Use model-based reasoning to help students develop an understanding of Newton’s first two laws. Developed using the lesson study process by: Sinead Klement, Jackson Junior High Ryan Rudkin, Rolling Hills Middle School Kelli Quan and Liz Wollbrink, Toby Johnson Middle School Sponsored by: Innovations in Science Instruction Through Modeling
Model-Based ReasoningWhat is it? Students develop, apply, revise, or extend a scientific model that helps them to explain some natural phenomenon. Model = idea or set of ideas that explain natural phenomenon Model ≠ physical object
Essential components of a model- based reasoning lesson or unit: Observation of natural phenomenon and/ or identifying patterns in data Developing and testing a hypothesis about possible explanations for natural phenomena Collaborative discourse
Model-Based ReasoningWhy use it? Students learn not only science content, but the scientific process. Mirrors what “real” scientists do. Brings to the surface deep-rooted pre-conceptions about content. Supported by research in how people learn. Supports vision of the new Common Core
Bowling Ball Grand Prix • Ideas already developed: • Forces • general idea of a push/pull • different types of forces • force diagrams on stationary objects • NOTHING has been mentioned about Newton’s Laws!
Bowling Ball Grand Prix The activity: Create an obstacle course around the classroom with cones Have students maneuver a bowling ball around the obstacle course using a broom
Bowling Ball Grand Prix Volunteers!!!
Coming to consensus on our observations • How do you get the ball to speed up? What about slowing it down once it’s going? • How was making a circle or turn different? • If you don't begin slowing the ball soon enough for a turn, describe the path the ball "wants" to take.
Developing a Model Idea: In teams, • Discuss a possible explanation for why it is difficult to change the motion of the bowling ball (start it moving from rest, speed it up, turn it, slow it down, stop it.)When satisfied, record it on your share sheet. • Remember this is your best inference based on prior knowledge of how the world works.
Can we come to consensus? Read the model ideas from the other teams. What are the similarities and differences among the different explanations? Can we agree on a working model idea that adequately explains our observations from earlier?
How do we evaluate student generated models? • Ask: • Does the model explain all observations? • Can it be used to predict the behavior of the system if it’s manipulated in a specific way? • Is it consistent with what we already know about how the world works?
Bowling Ball Grand Prix Part 2 New Volunteers!!!
Coming to consensus on our observations (part 2) • How was getting the ball to speed up different for the 2lb ball? What about slowing down? • What happens to the motion of something when you apply the same amount of force to an object with a lesser mass? • What are some real life examples you can think of where you may have seen or experienced this phenomena?
Applying Our Model Idea Does our model idea from earlier explain our observations of the second bowling ball? Do we need to add an additional inference to our model in order to better explain why it was easier to change the motion of the second bowling ball? If so, what should that statement be?
Bowling Ball Grand Prix http://slapt.org/resources/labs/bowlingprix_ student.html
Model Ideas (we hope students will develop in this unit): • An object changes its motion if it is acted upon by unbalanced forces. • An object with more mass requires more force to change its motion. An object with less mass requires less mass to change its motion. • If the mass does not change and the force increases, there will be a greater change in motion. If the mass does not change and the force decreases, there is a smaller change in motion.
It seems so easy, but...Common misconceptions in this unit: • Force is required to keep an object in motion. • Velocity is a force. • Acceleration and velocity are always in the same direction. • Inertia is the force that keeps objects in motion.
How do we guide kids towards the “right” model? Highly-structured Inquiry Make student thinking-visible/ frequent formative assessments Choose phenomenon to observe carefully (interesting but not too complex) Craft questions that guide student thinking beforehand (It helps to know what common misconceptions people have about the topic ahead of time.) Be flexible! Sometimes students will need to observe a specific phenomenon to challenge an “incorrect” model idea
Formative assessments from Uncovering Students’ Ideas in Physical Science (Keeley and Harrington:
THANK YOU!! • We hope you have enjoyed our presentation!! • Feel free to email us with feedback and/or ideas!! • All handouts will be posted to the CSTA conference website. • Please let us know how the lessons went in your class!!
Summon Sir Newton!Use model-based reasoning to help students develop an understanding of Newton’s first two laws. Sinead Klement, Jackson Junior High sklement@amadorcoe.k12.ca.us Ryan Rudkin, Rolling Hills Middle School rrudkin@buckeyeusd.org Sponsored by: Innovations in Science Instruction Through Modeling
Falling Filters Before beginning, record a few factors that may influence a falling object’s motion. Thought experiment: When an object is first dropped from any given height, does it initially speed up, slow down, or fall at a constant speed?
Falling Filters Drop filter from a height of about 2 meters. Observe its motion until it hits the ground.
Falling Filters • Motion Graph Sample from Motion Detector • Velocity • Time
Falling Filters • Draw an appropriate free-body diagram to match the filter’s motion at that point in time. Indicate if the forces are balanced or unbalanced. • What must happen for your filters to fall at a constant speed? • Filter Speeding up Constant Speed Constant Speed Constant Speed
Falling Filters Continued… How come the coffee filter didn’t stop moving as the push of air on the filter became equal to the pull of the earth on the filter?