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www.offordcentre.com. The First “R”: Relationships How Love Builds Brains. Jean M Clinton B.Mus MD FRCP(C) McMaster University and Children’s Hospital Offord Centre for Child Studies Council for Early Child Development. The Wisdom of the Elders.
www.offordcentre.com Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
The First “R”: RelationshipsHow Love Builds Brains Jean M Clinton B.Mus MD FRCP(C) McMaster University and Children’s Hospital Offord Centre for Child Studies Council for Early Child Development Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
The Wisdom of the Elders • “Consider the interest of the next 7 generations when decisions are being made .” FNCFCSC Iroquois Nation Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
What is our View of The Child? “To the doctor, the child is a typhoid patient; to the playground supervisor, a first baseman; to the teacher, a learner of arithmetic. At times, he may be different things to each of these specialists, but too rarely is he a whole child to any of them.” From the 1930 report of The White House Conference on Children and Youth Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
What is the world we want to see? • What we believe about children informs our view…and our language. • Child as empty vessel? Or • Child as Powerful ,resourceful, creative co-learner and creator • Develop normally or function to the best of ability? • Fix the problem…..or promote activity and what can be? • WHAT IS OUR IMAGE OF THE CHILD? Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Adapted from Loris Malaguzzi
Guiding Principles • Development of the whole child—many competencies • The importance of belonging. • Relationships as central. Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Ryan and Powelson 1991
Time Magazine from the MEHRI Neuroscience lab Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Why do we care about the brain? You are your brain. BUT Your brain is not just produced by your genes. Your brain is sculpted by a lifetime of experiences . The most important time in brain development is the first few years of life. Dr R Gibb UofLethbridge Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Genes: Environment? • “Scientists used to say that intelligence was 80% genetic and 20% environmental. • Now we tend to say that it’s 20% genetic and 80% environmental” Martin Westwell Flinders University Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Brain Growth Brain Plasticity Massive growth In first three years But, not done until at least …. Age 20+ years… (Later in Males) Dr R Gibb UofLethbridge Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Alcohol Causes Damage in: • Profliferation- how cells grow • Migration- where cells go • Subtle changes in the neurotransmitters- how the cells communicate • Many parts of the brain are affected Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families The Hamilton Task Force on FASD 905 527-3823 x267 12
KEY MESSAGES NO Amount at NO TIME of alcohol is safe in pregnancy 75-80% of Women Drink----50% of pregnancies unplanned Estimated incidence FASD 1:100(PHAC) Relatively Few have the facial features Preventable, yet the leading cause of disability Think of this as you would BRAIN DAMAGED The estimated cost per case of FAS is between $2.5 million and $3 million. Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
PLASTICITY • Babies highly attuned to their environment • Massive synaptic growth in first two years • Pruning starts at 8months • Pruning regulated by emotional interactions with caregivers • From “The First Idea” Greenspan and Shanker Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
04-212 SERVE AND RETURN Sound Vision Smell Touch Proprioception Taste Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Neal Halfon From Aitken and Trevarthen
A Citizen and Competent from Birth Amazing Talents of the Newborn ; Johnson & Johnson Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
04-039 Founder's Network Two Neurons RECIPIENT NEURON Axon Synapse SIGNAL-SENDING NEURON Dendrite Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Cortical Neuron Brain Plasticity: Connections are formed and altered by experience THE ARCHITECTURE IS SCULPTED BYEXPERIENCE Dr R Gibb UofLethbridge Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Vision and Hearing Critical Period 03-079 Eye cataracts at birth prevent normal development of vision neurons in the occipital cortex (Hubel and Wiesel) Cochlear defects at birth impair hearing development (Rauschecker and O’Donoghue) Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Brain Cells develop connections over the first 2 years Then they are sculpted actively for the rest of your life! Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
TODDLERS CREED • If I want it ,it’s mine • If I give it to you, and change my mind later, it’s mine • If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine • If it’s mine it will never belong to anyone else, no matter what. • If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine. • If it looks like mine, it is mine • If it breaks, it’s yours Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Burton White
Estimated Cumulative Difference in Language Exposure by 3 Years of Age Million 50 40 High SES 30 Words Medium SES 20 10 Low SES 0 0 12 24 36 Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Age of child in months Source: Hart & Risley (1995)
Disparities in Early Vocabulary Growth College Educated Parents 1200 Working Class Parents 600 Cumulative Vocabulary (Words) Welfare Parents 200 16 mos. 24 mos. 36 mos. Child’s Age (Months) Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Source: Hart & Risley (1995) Slide by The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child
Canada: % Vulnerable by SES Percentage Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Source: NLSCY/UEY 1999-2000; EDI 1999-2000
USE IT OR LOSE IT ! The more a system, or set of brain cells is activated, the more that system changes in response. The stronger the repetitions the stronger the memory. Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Sensitive Periods in Brain Development Pre-school years School years High Numbers Peer social skills Sensitivity Symbol Language Habitual ways of responding Emotional control Vision Hearing Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 Years Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Graph developed by Council for Early Child Development (ref: Nash, 1997; Early Years Study, 1999; Shonkoff, 2000.)
What we hope for in parent-childrelationships This is my favorite place - inside your hug.” Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Stress is NUTS • Novelty, • Unpredictability, • Threat to the ego, • Sense of loss of control • Dr Sonia Lupien Centre for Studies on Human Stress Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
The Fear Response 02-066 Visual Thalamus Visual Cortex Amygdala Scientific American Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families The Hidden Mind, 2002, Volume 12, Number 1
03-002 Emotional Stimulus Amygdala Hippocampus - + - + Hypothalamus PVN Cortisol Cortisol CRF PIT ACTH Adrenal Cortex Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families LeDoux, Synaptic Self
Amygdala and Hippocampus Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
00-058 Founder’s Network Cortisol can be bad for the brain Hippocampus high sterol levels cause loss of dendrites and cell death Frontal brain attention deficits Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Shonkoff on the brain Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Maternal Stress • Affects HPA axis in offspring • Can alter susceptibilty to later disease/ drug taking • Affects males more than females Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Dr Robbin Gibb
Parents change us too… Dr Robin Gibb U of Lethbridge Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
05-046 The Founders’ Network Secure Attachment Buffers Cortisol Response to Threatening Events Secure Attachment Insecure Attachment Change in Salivary Cortisol HIGH LOW Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families Fearful Responses to Stimuli Gunnar (1996).
Self Regulation The ability to recognize and manage our attention, emotion thinking and behaviour. Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Has self –regulation changed over the years? • Studies on Standing Still • Kindergarten teachers survey • Referals?? Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Self Regulation and Marshmallows • ..\Desktop\enfants marshmallow test.flv Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Emotional Regulation • Managing ones emotions is one of the key skills of being an effective learner: self regulation is one of the most important behavioural and emotional skills. • Emotions direct (or disrupt) psychological processes, such as the ability to focus attention, solve problems and support relationships. Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
What is Social and Emotional Development and Learning ? The process of acquiring the competencies to: • recognize and manage emotions • develop caring and concern for others • make responsible decisions • establish and maintain positive relationships • handle challenging situations effectively CASEL Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, U. Illinois Chicago Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
SCENARIOS What we THINK…. Affects what we FEEL… Affects how we ACT…. Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
The Impact of Toxic Stress Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Poverty (and early adversity) is associated with lower cognitive readiness for school • Attention skills-sustaining attention and following instructions • Language skills (vocabulary and grammatical understanding) • Memory skills, (Working memory and memory) Karen Bierman, Ph.D. Penn State University Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families
Executive Function • Inhibitory Control (self control)- resist doing one thing and do appropriate instead, stay on task even when pulled away, don’t give up-pay attention despite distraction-DISCIPLINE • Working memory-holding information in mind while mentally working on- follow a conversation while keeping in mid what you want to say-allows you to take different perspective • Cognitive flexibility-adjust to changes elements-what are other ways I can react Igniting our Spirit:Empowering our Families