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Taking Analyst Cognition Seriously in the Engineering of Slate. Selmer Bringsjord with... Andy Shilliday, Josh Taylor, Jason Wodicka, Marc Destefano Rensselaer AI & Reasoning (RAIR) Laboratory Department of Cognitive Science Department of Computer Science
Taking Analyst Cognition Seriously in the Engineering of Slate Selmer Bringsjord with... Andy Shilliday, Josh Taylor, Jason Wodicka, Marc Destefano Rensselaer AI & Reasoning (RAIR) Laboratory Department of Cognitive Science Department of Computer Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Troy NY 12180 USA NIMD PI Meeting 5.04 selmer@rpi.edu http://www.rpi.edu/~brings
The Rensselaer AI & Reasoning Lab(The RAIR Lab) Wargaming • Cracking Project; “Superteaching” A while back, RPI Strategic Investment hypothesis generation; AI in support of IA Sage/Slate (Intelligence Analysis) Item generation (theorem proving-based generation) synthetic characters/psychological time
Engineering Method for RAIR Lab’sNext-Generation “Weak” Logic-based AI • Isolate and dissect human ingenuity. (psychology of reasoning) • Mathematize a weak correlate to this ingenuity courtesy of advanced logical systems. • Implement this correlate in working programs. • Augment the correlate with machine-specific power.
Key Empirically-Confirmed Facts • “System 2” cognition provides an antidote to bias, irrationality, etc. (“System 1” cognition is the culprit.) • “System 2” cognition can be mathematized, and can be taught. • Human reasoning, poor to Gödelian, is • at once linguistic and pictorial; • astonishingly heterogeneous; • not at all like how standard (e.g., resolution-based) machine reasoners reason.
Slate is... • an intelligent assistant to IAs; • part of virtual IA’s mind in the “Black Box” (reasoning component of system that includes ACT-R) Simulated Human User; • a system for scoring performance of subject in Sage (and related IA simulators); • a system for teaching IA reasoning; and of course... • a plug/unplug part of Sage. • And all along the way: • publications and presentations (many; see our ever-growing list with other members of the Sage team); • empirical investigation of the nature of IA reasoning.
Invaluable Feedback from Analysts v1.1 v1.4
Three Key Features(from among many) • Reflects new formal theories of hypothesis generation. • E.g., retrospective and prospective MMOI-based abduction • Includes a system for sketching out and testing visual arguments • Designed to model not just deduction, but abduction, induction, and “mental model”-based reasoning.