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This study presents boxplots of estimated user contribution in different arm movements for both disabled and nondisabled subjects. Outliers indicated with * have been scaled for better visualization. The findings provide insights into the patient's involvement during therapy sessions using robotics.
Figure 6. Boxplot of estimated user contribution under given instructions. Resistive conditions indicated with * have been scaled to better fit into plot.(a) Arm elevation of nondisabled subjects. (b) Horizontal shoulder movement of nondisabled subjects. (c) Arm elevation of patients with neurological problems. (d) Horizontal shoulder movement of patients with neurological problems. + = outliers of statistical analysis. Guidali M, Keller U, Klamroth-Marganska V, Nef T, Riener R. Estimating the patient’s contribution during robot-assisted therapy. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2013;50(3):379–94.http://dx.doi.org/10.1682/JRRD.2011.09.0172