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CalACT represents rural transportation providers in California, offering training, technical assistance, and coordination services. Key personnel bring extensive experience to support federal program objectives and provide resources for RTAP projects. Subcontractors offer specialized services for scholarships, compliance training, vehicle maintenance workshops, communication, peer mentoring, substance abuse compliance, and rural conference sponsorships.

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  1. CALACT RTAP Proposal

  2. CALACT • Statewide Non-Profit Organization That Represents Small, Rural and Specialized Transportation Providers in California. • CalACT Has Over 252 Transportation Agencies and 73 Transit Suppliers as Members. • The Mission of CalACT is to Promote Professional Excellence, Stimulate Ideas and Advocate for Effective Community Transportation.

  3. Federal Program Objectives • CalACT has over thirty-four years providing training and technical assistance to rural transit agencies (Objective #1) • CalACT collaborates with many national, state and local committees, networks and agencies to assist with training and technical assistance needs for transportation agencies (Objective #2) • CalACT assists transit agencies to coordinate transportation services and promotes coordination for over thirty-five years. (Objective #3) • CalACT has a database and website of technical and program information to assist rural agencies and continues to add material and information. (Objective #4)

  4. CALACT Organizational Structure

  5. Key Personnel • Jacklyn Montgomery, Executive Director Over 25 years of transportation experience, with an emphasis on rural transportation, conference planning and managing federal contracts and nine years administering RTAP Program • Tenley Borchman, Program Manager Nine years of progressive administrative experience, including working with state legislation. Over five years of direct RTAP experience working on roadeos, compliance assistance with federal regulations, conferences, workshops, newsletters, peer to peer mentor program and other activities. • Dan Mundy, Deputy Director Over twenty years administering federal programs for the California Department of Mass Transportation for 5311 and 5310 transportation operators, including oversight of RTAP program. He was the RTAP Project Manager for the last project and has extensive experience with procurement, vehicle inspections, maintenance and conference planning. He has over eight years working on CALACT programs for rural operators.

  6. CALACT Resources for RTAP Project • Overhead Costs for Project Includes Rent, Insurance, Equipment, Staff Time for Tasks 1 & 9 • Experienced Staff • Conference Experience & Infrastructure • Strong Relationship with Rural Transportation Agencies • Established Relationship with Subcontractors including several DBE companies • Knowledge of Federal Regulations, Rural Issues and Agency Needs

  7. Subcontractors

  8. Subcontractors

  9. Task 1: Scholarships • Experience Processing Applications • Application & Reimbursement Forms Developed • Ability to Pay Within Thirty Days or Less • Relationship With 5307, 5310 & 5311Rural Agencies • Established Website for Forms & Marketing

  10. Task 2 & 4: Compliance & Technical Assistance Trainings • Staff with DOT Experience & Understanding of FTA regulations • Relationship with FTA, TSI and NTI staff • Subcontractors with Training Experience • Experience Organizing and Completing Workshop Classes and Training • Marketing Through Newsletters, Website, Emails & Posting Materials On-Line • Combine With Conferences and RTAP Annual Meeting to Save Resources

  11. Task 3: Vehicle Maintenance Workshops • Relationship with Vendors and Maintenance Staff • Successful Experience Developing & Providing Maintenance Training Conferences for Over Eighteen Years • Collaborative Development of Training With Rural Agencies, Caltrans, and Manufacturers • Leverage Workshops with CALACT Conferences

  12. Task 5: Website, Newsletters, Other & Task 12 Communications • Established Library with over 100 Resources • On-line resources, Links to Federal Agencies, Operator Toolbox and Request Form • Established Website, List Serve and Newsletters • Experience Creating and Disseminating printed and electronic newsletters every two weeks • Established Contact List of Rural Agencies • Ability to Facilitate Communication Between Operators and Caltrans

  13. Task 6: Peer to Peer Mentoring Program • Continuation of Successful Peer to Peer Mentor Program • Relationship with National RTAP & California Rural Agencies • Knowledge of Agency Staff to Recruit as Peers • Infrastructure to Advertise and Market Program • Recruit and Connect Peers at Conferences • Track Connections & Outcomes

  14. Task 7: Substance Abuse Compliance Program • RLS & Associates as Subcontractor With Over Twenty-Six Years of Experience Providing Drug and Alcohol Training, Compliance Reviews & Site Visits • Development of Checklist for Agency Self Monitoring and Compliance • Updated Drug and Alcohol Plan Template to Meet FTA Requirements • Desk Reviews & Site Visits of Rural Agencies Drug & Alcohol Programs for Federal Compliance • Update Subrecepients About New Regulations Through Training and Newsletter Articles • Subcontractor will maintain records of reviews and findings

  15. Task 8: Rural Conference Sponsorship & Task 11: MTAP & Out of State Travel • Staff with over twenty-three years of conference planning experience • Successful conferences completed for over 500 attendees • Relationship with vendors participating in the conferences • Knowledge and relationship with industry experts to provide conference training • Ability to pay sponsorships, MTAP Dues and Caltrans out of state travel within thirty days • Established and Audited accounting procedures • Ability to track Invoices, receipts and RTAP expenditures

  16. Task 9: Bus Roadeo • Over Twenty-Five Years of Experience Organizing Roadeo’s • Pre-Trip, Securement, Driver Sensitivity, and Defensive Driver Training for Drivers • Cash Prizes Provided by CalACT • National Roadeo Winners of the last several years • Vendor Support for Roadeos

  17. Task 10: RTAP Advisory Committee Meeting • Over Twenty-Five Years Experience Working With Committees and Advisory Boards • Relationship With Rural Transportation Agency Staff to Serve on the Board • Website and Emails to Provide Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Reports • Work in Collaboration with Caltrans Staff to continue working with the current Advisory Board

  18. Thank You!

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